Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic

As long as the Govt does not force me to me nice to you or Mike then it's OK.
2/24/2013 4:58 PM
Of course, we are humans and the left views humans as evil and animals as pure and good.
2/24/2013 5:19 PM
Posted by AlCheez on 2/24/2013 2:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bheid408 on 2/24/2013 1:32:00 PM (view original):
2 reasons why free-range chickens are higher priced than a regular chicken.

1. There are less of them, simple supply and demand economics can make a huge difference in price. Increase the supply of the free-range chickens and price would come down.

2. Some people believe that free-range chickens taste better and are a healtier option. To the best of my knowledge all meat is inspected. If it isn't healthy it wouldn't/shouldn't be on the shelves. So the healthy part of this reason is a total misconception by the consumer. As for the taste part, that is in the mouth of the beholder.
I think you're confusing healthy with safe on #2.  There's lots of food that's approved for sale that isn't exactly healthy.
Safe is healthier. What I meant is that people believe that the free-range chicken is more free of disease (in better health) than one that is raised in large broiler houses. That is a misconception as well. Chickens raised outdoors can get sick and die from just as many diseases as those raised indoors, probably more so. Most companies like Tyson that raise birds (chickens and turkeys) in large broiler houses do everything in their power to keep other birds (starlings, pigeons, crows, sparrows etc.) from entering the buildings because they carry disease that can infect the chickens or turkeys. Now if you are raising them free-range, which means they get to run around outside wherever they want within a fenced off area then they have a better chance to get sick from the disease carrying birds.
2/24/2013 5:28 PM
Posted by swamphawk22 on 2/24/2013 4:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/24/2013 2:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by swamphawk22 on 2/22/2013 8:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/22/2013 6:51:00 PM (view original):
bheid, the biggest problem is the rate that they grow. 20% of broilers have chronic leg pain/deformities/etc. Many can't walk or reach the water and die of thirst. That's a pretty awful and inhumane way to die. As they grow their hearts and lungs give out, another ****** way to die. The chicken industry accepts the high mortality rate because it's more profitable to grow big chickens fast and still lose a **** ton to thirst and lung failure.

Also, there's usually 10,000 packed into one grow house. So the air is pretty horrible to breathe. Not sure how much that really affects chickens, though.
So are you going to tell my single mother of 2 that she has to pay $3.89 a pound for chicken instead of $.89  becuase you feel bad about the Chickens?
No one is telling anyone they have to buy anything.
If you create a series of oppressive regulations that force Tyson to treat Chickens "Nice" you will force the prices up.

You will create a nation where you cannot produce $.98 chicken.

You may not be telling them to do it, but you will be forcing them to do it.

I assume you want to have someone else tell the people of America that you are in essence "Taxing" them to be nice to chickens.
If you can't afford the food you want, eat something else.   That's how the world should work.  I thought you were on the same side as me wrt "Do what you can afford.  Don't wait for the handout."

2/24/2013 6:00 PM
I dont want handouts, I also dont want food to be regulated out of the price range of people.
2/24/2013 8:25 PM
If you can't afford the food you want, eat something else.

Isn't that the way it works now?
2/24/2013 8:30 PM
If free market forces set the price and you cannot afford it eat something else.

If narrow special interests regulate food to the point you cannot afford it get another government.

And if I cannot get frois gras in California because people are using the Disney version of animal issues then we need to change.
2/24/2013 9:43 PM
2/26/2013 3:19 PM
The "sequester" budget cuts, which are supposedly so onerous that nobody would allow them to occur, are due to kick in today.

Our fearless leader has been sitting on his *** in the Oval Office, doing nothing to try to head this off.

Zero leadership.


Worst President ever.
3/1/2013 8:50 AM (edited)
He exhausted from his whirlwind trip explaining how the world as we know it is ending and placing all the blame on the Republicans.

That's hard work.   He deserves some rest. 
3/1/2013 8:56 AM
It is so funny watching Obama's people tap dancing around this issue.

The Republicans have been front and center in presenting solutions to this.

Obama and the Democrats have done nothing.

And when asked they try to make it look like the Republicans plans were nothing, and their doing nothing is something!
3/1/2013 1:11 PM
3/2/2013 4:43 AM
3/2/2013 6:08 AM
Posted by rcrusso on 3/2/2013 4:43:00 AM (view original):
To quote a common phrase...OPPOSITE...

It is in fact the Conservatives who have fought to return the America education system to its former standing.

The left just wants to toss more money at it, and make sure everyones self esteem is ok.
3/2/2013 1:14 PM
The Republicans and the Democrats in Congress (House and Senate) are like two five years olds, fighting over a toy that neither wants to share.

Rather than stepping in as a parent might, trying to work out a way that both children can share and get along, President Obama instead steps in and acts like a third five year old child, also fighting and crying over the toy.

That's why he's a disgrace to the office of the President.  There is no leadership.  He just exacerbates the problem.

So far, his second term is off to a much worse start than his first.  God help us for the next 47 months.

3/2/2013 2:53 PM
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Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic

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