Posted by RCBracco on 5/2/2017 7:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 5/2/2017 5:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by RCBracco on 5/2/2017 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 5/2/2017 9:26:00 AM (view original):
Still waiting Bracco. You gonna answer or just keep avoiding?
Posted by RCBracco on 5/1/2017 2:23:00 PM (view original):
Hey all3, I did not twist Dumps words about the constitution, I quoted them verbatim. You are an ignorant piece of **** and not capable of any thought that is not part of the party line.
If you really did fight so hard for this Country (which we have to doubt, given your own past admission that everything you post may or may not be true), why are you so willing to give it away to people who have done nothing to deserve it, including those who have committed a crime against it by entering illegally?
I had no idea you were asking a question. Now explain that question if you will or show me where I said I was willing to do what you appear to be accusing me of
I know English is difficult for you to understand, so I'll try to simplify - oops, I mean make the question as easy as I can, for you.
If you really spent a part of your life defending this Country and it's values, why are you so willing to let people from other Countries illegally enter, or give those here but too lazy to work assistance - oops, I mean help, that they don't deserve? I would think someone who so vigorously defends this Country would have more respect for the laws and values that so many have held dear for so long.
Again, where did I ever say that I was in favor of that? I know it is hard for a high school drop out to understand but do give it a try or else shut up
WTF are you saying moron?
You support the Liberals and try to bash the Conservatives every chance you get (even when there's nothing to bash).
HTH can you support those Liberals but hate their position on things?
You know they want to let illegals stay in the Country and allow more immigrants from known terrorist Countries, right?
I know you're slow, but come'on man. You're making as much sense as b_l. Maybe trying some b_l double-talk because you're now caught in your own stupidity?