TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 1:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:31:00 PM (view original):
"Right, like Jews, but worse"

You said it.
I think you know what I meant.
I actually don't. How is what black people endured worse than what Jews endured?
5/16/2018 1:39 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/16/2018 1:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/16/2018 11:59:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/16/2018 8:55:00 AM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 5/15/2018 7:39:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/15/2018 7:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/15/2018 8:55:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/15/2018 12:42:00 AM (view original):
cccp said "#1) You know zippo about finance so your opinion is irrelevant."

well, dude, you know nothing about being black so your opinion on what its like to be black is irrelevant.
I have never had an opinion what it is like to be black. I actually said I have never walked in their shoes so I cannot opine. Do you only read posts to criticize me? What I did say was that my parents came here with nothing and did not speak the language and still made a life for themselves. No excuses. I also said that I have been discriminated against because of my cultural heritage of being a Jew. I never let any of that stand in my way.

I NEVER once opined on being black. I actually said everyone should be treated equally regardless of race, color or gender.

What the hell is wrong with you, wylie?
nothing is wrong with me. I think you have said that blacks do not face any disadvantages compared to white people. How the hell would you know, never having been black?
You know...his 2 black friends that tell him so.
F U Taint. I now see why the universe did not allow you to reproduce. You are an A Hole. What I said was to take every case on its own merit and not broad brush everything. In reality I told Tangidiot that he is not preaching white privilege but instead is preaching black disadvantage and that he has no idea what he is talking about.
and you do? You have no more experience being black than tangplay does. Why is your view any more realistic than his?
Why is it less realistic? Neither of us truly know.
right, but when tangplay voices his opinion, you call him an idiot and a dumbass. Your opinion in no more or less informed than his. he has no idea what it like to be black in America and neither do you. Or me.
5/16/2018 1:45 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 12:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 12:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 11:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 10:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 10:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 9:22:00 AM (view original):
I'm going to speak for CCCP. It would be where you judge each individual based on their own accomplishments. Instead of saying that guy is poor because he is black, which whether you realize it or not is what you do, you start to look at his qualifications and achievements? Do he have a HS diploma? Does he have a college degree? Does he spend his money wisely? Was he the most qualified candidate for the job that he was turned down for? Race should never even be considered.
I agree that that should be the way it is, but it simply isn't in this world right now. And I am not saying that race is the only factor. So how do we get to your proposed world?
We will get that way when people like you quit judging people based on race and start judging accomplishments and failures based on merit.

You are right though. It will be a long time before the left stops lumping everyone person in a certain ethnicity, gender, etc into groups and starts judging each person individually. It's a shame.
??? No, Because we cannot live in an imaginary world where no one is racist
Some people are racist. Some blacks are racist, some whites are racist, some Asians are racist, some hispanics are racist. You get the point.

But, it is racist to say people fail because of their race, which is what you do everyday on here. Until you start judging each for person individually, you are just as racist as the people that you complain about.
Exactly. So not everyone believes that way. Stop trying to say that we live in a perfect world. We don't.

Race is NOT a factor in failure. STOP being racist, Tang.

Factors of failure:

1. Poor choices
2. Lack of an education
3. Lack of ambition
You just said that discrimination exists.
It does, but it is not a factor in whether a person succeeds or not. We are not defined by our surroundings. This is why you Jews don't have the issues that other races do. They did not allow themselves to be defined by their circumstances.

You liberals have forced the other groups to be such victims and have held them back so far by living in the past that they haven't been able to overcome like Jews have.

It's pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself.
how can you say its not a factor? If a white guy gets a job over a black guy solely because he is white, that the black's guy's disadvantages do play a part in whether or not he succeeds. It is not the only factor, and it is not a factor all the time,but it can be a factor
5/16/2018 1:48 PM
So what exactly is wrong with me saying stop looking at stats and look at it on a case by case basis? Do tell.
5/16/2018 1:49 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/16/2018 1:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 12:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 12:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 11:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 10:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 10:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 9:22:00 AM (view original):
I'm going to speak for CCCP. It would be where you judge each individual based on their own accomplishments. Instead of saying that guy is poor because he is black, which whether you realize it or not is what you do, you start to look at his qualifications and achievements? Do he have a HS diploma? Does he have a college degree? Does he spend his money wisely? Was he the most qualified candidate for the job that he was turned down for? Race should never even be considered.
I agree that that should be the way it is, but it simply isn't in this world right now. And I am not saying that race is the only factor. So how do we get to your proposed world?
We will get that way when people like you quit judging people based on race and start judging accomplishments and failures based on merit.

You are right though. It will be a long time before the left stops lumping everyone person in a certain ethnicity, gender, etc into groups and starts judging each person individually. It's a shame.
??? No, Because we cannot live in an imaginary world where no one is racist
Some people are racist. Some blacks are racist, some whites are racist, some Asians are racist, some hispanics are racist. You get the point.

But, it is racist to say people fail because of their race, which is what you do everyday on here. Until you start judging each for person individually, you are just as racist as the people that you complain about.
Exactly. So not everyone believes that way. Stop trying to say that we live in a perfect world. We don't.

Race is NOT a factor in failure. STOP being racist, Tang.

Factors of failure:

1. Poor choices
2. Lack of an education
3. Lack of ambition
You just said that discrimination exists.
It does, but it is not a factor in whether a person succeeds or not. We are not defined by our surroundings. This is why you Jews don't have the issues that other races do. They did not allow themselves to be defined by their circumstances.

You liberals have forced the other groups to be such victims and have held them back so far by living in the past that they haven't been able to overcome like Jews have.

It's pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself.
how can you say its not a factor? If a white guy gets a job over a black guy solely because he is white, that the black's guy's disadvantages do play a part in whether or not he succeeds. It is not the only factor, and it is not a factor all the time,but it can be a factor
That is a specific case that you mentioned in a generality and if a guy gets a job over a women because he is a guy then he has an advantage there too? Maybe the company prefers a guy? Its a free country and a private company why can't they hire who they please? If this same company keeps misfiring and not hiring the best candidates then the company will not maximize profits and karma prevails. I totally don't see your point here, wylie.
5/16/2018 1:51 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/16/2018 1:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 11:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 10:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 10:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 9:22:00 AM (view original):
I'm going to speak for CCCP. It would be where you judge each individual based on their own accomplishments. Instead of saying that guy is poor because he is black, which whether you realize it or not is what you do, you start to look at his qualifications and achievements? Do he have a HS diploma? Does he have a college degree? Does he spend his money wisely? Was he the most qualified candidate for the job that he was turned down for? Race should never even be considered.
I agree that that should be the way it is, but it simply isn't in this world right now. And I am not saying that race is the only factor. So how do we get to your proposed world?
We will get that way when people like you quit judging people based on race and start judging accomplishments and failures based on merit.

You are right though. It will be a long time before the left stops lumping everyone person in a certain ethnicity, gender, etc into groups and starts judging each person individually. It's a shame.
??? No, Because we cannot live in an imaginary world where no one is racist
Who said no one was racist you moron? There are racist black people and racist white people. And? They are few and far between.
That is your opinion. Unfortunately, I don't think they are "as few and far between" as you think they are.
5/16/2018 1:51 PM
BHO won the election and re-election. So that means nothing to you? Out of all your friends and family, roughly what % would you guesstimate are racist?

5/16/2018 1:52 PM
out of my friends and family? very little. I try not to be friends with racists. But my friends and family are a very small portion of the population.
5/16/2018 1:55 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/16/2018 1:49:00 PM (view original):
So what exactly is wrong with me saying stop looking at stats and look at it on a case by case basis? Do tell.
show me where I said that was wrong.
5/16/2018 1:55 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/16/2018 1:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/16/2018 1:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 12:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 12:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 11:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 10:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 10:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 9:22:00 AM (view original):
I'm going to speak for CCCP. It would be where you judge each individual based on their own accomplishments. Instead of saying that guy is poor because he is black, which whether you realize it or not is what you do, you start to look at his qualifications and achievements? Do he have a HS diploma? Does he have a college degree? Does he spend his money wisely? Was he the most qualified candidate for the job that he was turned down for? Race should never even be considered.
I agree that that should be the way it is, but it simply isn't in this world right now. And I am not saying that race is the only factor. So how do we get to your proposed world?
We will get that way when people like you quit judging people based on race and start judging accomplishments and failures based on merit.

You are right though. It will be a long time before the left stops lumping everyone person in a certain ethnicity, gender, etc into groups and starts judging each person individually. It's a shame.
??? No, Because we cannot live in an imaginary world where no one is racist
Some people are racist. Some blacks are racist, some whites are racist, some Asians are racist, some hispanics are racist. You get the point.

But, it is racist to say people fail because of their race, which is what you do everyday on here. Until you start judging each for person individually, you are just as racist as the people that you complain about.
Exactly. So not everyone believes that way. Stop trying to say that we live in a perfect world. We don't.

Race is NOT a factor in failure. STOP being racist, Tang.

Factors of failure:

1. Poor choices
2. Lack of an education
3. Lack of ambition
You just said that discrimination exists.
It does, but it is not a factor in whether a person succeeds or not. We are not defined by our surroundings. This is why you Jews don't have the issues that other races do. They did not allow themselves to be defined by their circumstances.

You liberals have forced the other groups to be such victims and have held them back so far by living in the past that they haven't been able to overcome like Jews have.

It's pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself.
how can you say its not a factor? If a white guy gets a job over a black guy solely because he is white, that the black's guy's disadvantages do play a part in whether or not he succeeds. It is not the only factor, and it is not a factor all the time,but it can be a factor
That is a specific case that you mentioned in a generality and if a guy gets a job over a women because he is a guy then he has an advantage there too? Maybe the company prefers a guy? Its a free country and a private company why can't they hire who they please? If this same company keeps misfiring and not hiring the best candidates then the company will not maximize profits and karma prevails. I totally don't see your point here, wylie.
I don't see how you can not see my point. You are a smart guy. If a Black person or an Hispanic person or a woman does not get a job, even though they may be fully qualified for that job because they are Black, or Hispanic or a woman, they are being discriminated against. It affects their ability to succeed. Whether or not the company has the right to hire who they want.
5/16/2018 1:59 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/16/2018 1:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/16/2018 1:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 12:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 12:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 11:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 10:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 10:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 9:22:00 AM (view original):
I'm going to speak for CCCP. It would be where you judge each individual based on their own accomplishments. Instead of saying that guy is poor because he is black, which whether you realize it or not is what you do, you start to look at his qualifications and achievements? Do he have a HS diploma? Does he have a college degree? Does he spend his money wisely? Was he the most qualified candidate for the job that he was turned down for? Race should never even be considered.
I agree that that should be the way it is, but it simply isn't in this world right now. And I am not saying that race is the only factor. So how do we get to your proposed world?
We will get that way when people like you quit judging people based on race and start judging accomplishments and failures based on merit.

You are right though. It will be a long time before the left stops lumping everyone person in a certain ethnicity, gender, etc into groups and starts judging each person individually. It's a shame.
??? No, Because we cannot live in an imaginary world where no one is racist
Some people are racist. Some blacks are racist, some whites are racist, some Asians are racist, some hispanics are racist. You get the point.

But, it is racist to say people fail because of their race, which is what you do everyday on here. Until you start judging each for person individually, you are just as racist as the people that you complain about.
Exactly. So not everyone believes that way. Stop trying to say that we live in a perfect world. We don't.

Race is NOT a factor in failure. STOP being racist, Tang.

Factors of failure:

1. Poor choices
2. Lack of an education
3. Lack of ambition
You just said that discrimination exists.
It does, but it is not a factor in whether a person succeeds or not. We are not defined by our surroundings. This is why you Jews don't have the issues that other races do. They did not allow themselves to be defined by their circumstances.

You liberals have forced the other groups to be such victims and have held them back so far by living in the past that they haven't been able to overcome like Jews have.

It's pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself.
how can you say its not a factor? If a white guy gets a job over a black guy solely because he is white, that the black's guy's disadvantages do play a part in whether or not he succeeds. It is not the only factor, and it is not a factor all the time,but it can be a factor
That is a specific case that you mentioned in a generality and if a guy gets a job over a women because he is a guy then he has an advantage there too? Maybe the company prefers a guy? Its a free country and a private company why can't they hire who they please? If this same company keeps misfiring and not hiring the best candidates then the company will not maximize profits and karma prevails. I totally don't see your point here, wylie.
Yes, women are also at a disadvantage.

Having to face discrimination, whether is racial or gender based, make life more difficult and is a factor in whether or not someone succeeds.
5/16/2018 2:12 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/16/2018 1:55:00 PM (view original):
out of my friends and family? very little. I try not to be friends with racists. But my friends and family are a very small portion of the population.
Same for me as well as my co workers and acquaintances. So if neither you nor I see very many if any and we are typical middle class families I would gauge, why may I not extrapolate that racists are few and far between?
5/16/2018 2:13 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/16/2018 1:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/16/2018 1:49:00 PM (view original):
So what exactly is wrong with me saying stop looking at stats and look at it on a case by case basis? Do tell.
show me where I said that was wrong.
When you said I should not be opining because I am not black?
5/16/2018 2:14 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/16/2018 1:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/16/2018 1:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/16/2018 1:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 12:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 12:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 11:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 10:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 10:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 9:22:00 AM (view original):
I'm going to speak for CCCP. It would be where you judge each individual based on their own accomplishments. Instead of saying that guy is poor because he is black, which whether you realize it or not is what you do, you start to look at his qualifications and achievements? Do he have a HS diploma? Does he have a college degree? Does he spend his money wisely? Was he the most qualified candidate for the job that he was turned down for? Race should never even be considered.
I agree that that should be the way it is, but it simply isn't in this world right now. And I am not saying that race is the only factor. So how do we get to your proposed world?
We will get that way when people like you quit judging people based on race and start judging accomplishments and failures based on merit.

You are right though. It will be a long time before the left stops lumping everyone person in a certain ethnicity, gender, etc into groups and starts judging each person individually. It's a shame.
??? No, Because we cannot live in an imaginary world where no one is racist
Some people are racist. Some blacks are racist, some whites are racist, some Asians are racist, some hispanics are racist. You get the point.

But, it is racist to say people fail because of their race, which is what you do everyday on here. Until you start judging each for person individually, you are just as racist as the people that you complain about.
Exactly. So not everyone believes that way. Stop trying to say that we live in a perfect world. We don't.

Race is NOT a factor in failure. STOP being racist, Tang.

Factors of failure:

1. Poor choices
2. Lack of an education
3. Lack of ambition
You just said that discrimination exists.
It does, but it is not a factor in whether a person succeeds or not. We are not defined by our surroundings. This is why you Jews don't have the issues that other races do. They did not allow themselves to be defined by their circumstances.

You liberals have forced the other groups to be such victims and have held them back so far by living in the past that they haven't been able to overcome like Jews have.

It's pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself.
how can you say its not a factor? If a white guy gets a job over a black guy solely because he is white, that the black's guy's disadvantages do play a part in whether or not he succeeds. It is not the only factor, and it is not a factor all the time,but it can be a factor
That is a specific case that you mentioned in a generality and if a guy gets a job over a women because he is a guy then he has an advantage there too? Maybe the company prefers a guy? Its a free country and a private company why can't they hire who they please? If this same company keeps misfiring and not hiring the best candidates then the company will not maximize profits and karma prevails. I totally don't see your point here, wylie.
I don't see how you can not see my point. You are a smart guy. If a Black person or an Hispanic person or a woman does not get a job, even though they may be fully qualified for that job because they are Black, or Hispanic or a woman, they are being discriminated against. It affects their ability to succeed. Whether or not the company has the right to hire who they want.
And companies do not have a right to discriminate on the basis or race or sex.
5/16/2018 2:14 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/16/2018 1:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/16/2018 1:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/16/2018 1:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 12:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 12:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 12:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 11:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 10:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/16/2018 10:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/16/2018 9:22:00 AM (view original):
I'm going to speak for CCCP. It would be where you judge each individual based on their own accomplishments. Instead of saying that guy is poor because he is black, which whether you realize it or not is what you do, you start to look at his qualifications and achievements? Do he have a HS diploma? Does he have a college degree? Does he spend his money wisely? Was he the most qualified candidate for the job that he was turned down for? Race should never even be considered.
I agree that that should be the way it is, but it simply isn't in this world right now. And I am not saying that race is the only factor. So how do we get to your proposed world?
We will get that way when people like you quit judging people based on race and start judging accomplishments and failures based on merit.

You are right though. It will be a long time before the left stops lumping everyone person in a certain ethnicity, gender, etc into groups and starts judging each person individually. It's a shame.
??? No, Because we cannot live in an imaginary world where no one is racist
Some people are racist. Some blacks are racist, some whites are racist, some Asians are racist, some hispanics are racist. You get the point.

But, it is racist to say people fail because of their race, which is what you do everyday on here. Until you start judging each for person individually, you are just as racist as the people that you complain about.
Exactly. So not everyone believes that way. Stop trying to say that we live in a perfect world. We don't.

Race is NOT a factor in failure. STOP being racist, Tang.

Factors of failure:

1. Poor choices
2. Lack of an education
3. Lack of ambition
You just said that discrimination exists.
It does, but it is not a factor in whether a person succeeds or not. We are not defined by our surroundings. This is why you Jews don't have the issues that other races do. They did not allow themselves to be defined by their circumstances.

You liberals have forced the other groups to be such victims and have held them back so far by living in the past that they haven't been able to overcome like Jews have.

It's pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself.
how can you say its not a factor? If a white guy gets a job over a black guy solely because he is white, that the black's guy's disadvantages do play a part in whether or not he succeeds. It is not the only factor, and it is not a factor all the time,but it can be a factor
That is a specific case that you mentioned in a generality and if a guy gets a job over a women because he is a guy then he has an advantage there too? Maybe the company prefers a guy? Its a free country and a private company why can't they hire who they please? If this same company keeps misfiring and not hiring the best candidates then the company will not maximize profits and karma prevails. I totally don't see your point here, wylie.
I don't see how you can not see my point. You are a smart guy. If a Black person or an Hispanic person or a woman does not get a job, even though they may be fully qualified for that job because they are Black, or Hispanic or a woman, they are being discriminated against. It affects their ability to succeed. Whether or not the company has the right to hire who they want.
Succeed with that particular company. Now if all companies had collusion and that was the case I would agree. But most only see one color, green. And will hire the best candidate.
5/16/2018 2:15 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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