Posted by all3 on 4/25/2017 3:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/25/2017 3:04:00 PM (view original):
I mean, he's only completed like 7% of his Presidency. After a year, about 15% of his supporters wouldn't vote for him at this rate. That's terrible.
Given the number of people who didn't vote at all in November and the number of people who voted for others, I'd say it's a pretty good bet Trump would win again if the election was today. Most Americans are tired of Political games and want to see action. It's clear one Party is playing games while the other is trying to be proactive. Those efforts are not going to go unnoticed come November, when Dems will lose another thousand + elections Country-wide.
I usually avoid responding to you because you're just
SUCH a ******* idiot, but you realize that the GOP has the presidency and both houses of congress and still can't get anything done, right? I think when you mention the "one Party" playing games, you must be referring to the GOP.