Posted by antoncresten on 9/4/2012 4:05:00 PM (view original):
This one is great. A whole list of liberal lies....
A. Give me any example of ANYTHING that Republicans have ever done to restrict womens healthcare.
B. The left redefined rape. They are furious when rape statistics drop because they assume that it isnt because of less rapes, but it must be less reports.
C. By reproductive rights they mean abortion. It hurts them politically if they say we want more abortions so they have to speak in code.
D. It is illegal to pay a woman less than a man for the same job, and the Republicans support that. What the left wants is women to be able to sue for getting paid less for different jobs that pay less.
They want to streamline funding. They also want to actually fix the problems with education, instead of just tossing more money at it.
Working Americns:
A. The Americans jobs act is a lie. It is just more agenda spending to promote their extreme positions. Like Obama's first disasterous stimulus plan this is bad for America.
B. Republicans, Like FDR oppose government employees having collective bargaining rights. Private unions are failing because of the free market.
A. Americans have voted time and again to restrice marriage to traditional definitions. The Dems want to have the Feds take away their rights.
B. Hate crimes are rare for gays. There isnt outright attacks against gays like blacks in the 60s.
C. Gays on the average earn more than non-gays.
A. The laws were to prevent illegal voters and not one of them says "Blacks cannot vote"!
B. Heritage?? When my people came to America we were proud to speak English, and we still kept out culture. This is just a way to help illegals!
A So babies and murderes are the same to you?
B. So Foreign aggressors and babies are the same to you?
C. I cannot even explain this one. Obamacare didnt really accomplish anything but creating a socilized medicine framework and costing a couple of trillion
These lies are getting deep!