Posted by contrarian23 on 8/21/2022 12:45:00 PM (view original):
I think the two seminal characteristics that describe most modern conservatives are an irrational sense of entitlement and deep emotional insecurity. The rabid hatred for others who don't look like them or think like them is an outcome of those two things rather than a root cause, in my opinion.
I would add to irrational, criminal in Trump World and to such a huge segment of the dangerous base. Kind of like the Confederate view of entitlement to own slaves.
I think the racism comes from who they are way before Trump. Trump gave them empowerment and acknowledgment and approval so that they came together in small groups and big groups with worship to the golden calf as the unifying element.

The whole election fraud is probably more of aggrieved entitlement then half a brain actual belief in the criminal conspiracies. But the criminal entitlement steers the sub species moronic and mob along in the direction that they want.

If and I do say IF the democratic republic does not sink this era of Trump and his support staff and the 30-40% of the electorate that is part of his base and has proven that not only are we not an intellectually superior country but we have become the laughing stock; will be studied the way that Nazi Germany was analyzed by William Shirer.

8/21/2022 2:16 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/21/2022 11:21:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/20/2022 10:10:00 PM (view original):
First it isn't my information. You should really work on your reading comprehension. Second, my mom has been dead for 5 years, and before she died I paid some of her bills. She never paid any of mine once I was an adult. Third, your living expenses are not the same as everyone else's.

The Consumer Price Index for Canada is 153.1 for the month of July 2022. The inflation rate year over year is 7.6% (compared to 8.1% for the previous month). Inflation from June 2022 to July 2022 was 0.1%.

Not quite the 30% you claim.
Do I need to list some prices for you? My Math is just fine

One more time:

Tank of gas 2020 $60 bux
Today is $105. That's about 75%

Loaf of Euro Rye Bread 2020 $2.60

Today $4.20 That;s about 60% Wakey wakey

Prices are in Canadian dollars. Our dollar is about 75 cents US

Don't get me started on cars.. new or used

I think you just like to argue for argument's sake
whatever you say, dude. You must be right. Jesus would not let you be wrong. He doesn't care about a sinner like me. Do you like to make idiotic statements for idiotic sake?
8/21/2022 2:18 PM
I have learned never argue with a blind man about the color of your car.
8/21/2022 2:21 PM
If you have not read about it, a few days ago a car bomb in Moscow killed the daughter of one of Putin’s top ideological advisors; called Putin’s guru. It was attempted to kill him but got the daughter because they switched cars.
The daughter was also a major hawk and a public figure and a kremlin patriot of the motherland.

Although the immediate reaction is whether Ukraine did it the answer is probably no.
It would require a very deep mole with daily information.

It is most likely a resistance group from within who does not like the war, at least.

Hopefully this will be the beginning of a bloody campaign against influential and high members of Putin’s inner circle and other important loyal Putin people.

Time will tell.

8/22/2022 12:15 PM
I have never seen a post by our right wing warriors talking in a positive way about any policy or current event or progress coming from anything or anywhere.
Merely an observation.

Even when Trump was occupying the oval office.
8/22/2022 12:32 PM (edited)
Trump and Those Damned Documents

It sure does seem whether intentional or not that the machine like investigation is making Trump look like a degenerate danger to the United States and a childish gambeeno to some independents who never get involved until and election nears.

As the exiting begins
The looting begins
8/22/2022 12:43 PM
From columnist Jennifer Rubin -
Election deniers Should be called Election Liars.
8/22/2022 12:51 PM
What About Bobb

Bobb is Trump lawyer, kind of. She was a host on OAN.
She is in a real pickle that could have serious ramifications for her and Trump.

In June when the FBI came to Trump Castle they took about 26 boxes. They asked if that was everything. Trump was hanging around that day btw and watched for a short while.

So the FBI wanted to know if they had received all of it and a document saying it was after they were told that was the case.

One of the Trump’s lawyers prepared a document attesting that they did get all of it and to the best of knowledge there were no other presidential documents.

For some reason the lawyer who prepared it did not sign it. Instead of both signing it only Bobb signed it. That was June and we all know that the FBI took away about 150 classified documents from the August search pursuant to a warrant.

Now Bobb and the lawyer who prepared the document that Bobb signed are in severe jeopardy and could at the very least lose their license like a slew of other Trump lawyers.

Bobb falsely signed the document. I believe but not certain that it was notarized.
The other lawyer aided and abetted.
They can both be charged with lying to the FBI and obstruction and a bunch of other laws.

So it is unbelievable that they still represent Trump. It is a giant conflict of interest.

In order for those 2 attorneys to survive they have to say that they did believe that there were no other documents and they knew this BECAUSE their client DJ Trump told them so.

So it implicated Trump even more if they say that making them a witness for the DOJ.

They join Trump if they admit that they knowingly were aware of more classified Trump and they decimate Trump if they defend themselves by saying Trump lied to them.

So it begs the question - how in the hell are they still representing him. That in itself is a violation of canon law.

They are in a pickle and better withdraw their representation post haste.

8/23/2022 8:26 AM (edited)
The above scenario is going to be absolutely fascinating.
Trump had over 300 classified documents at Maro - lago.
Obviously the FBI came with the August search despite receiving a signed document by Bobb that they were given all of it.

When she does withdraw what will Trump say. Bobb and the other one will be called to testify at the grand jury and they will have to answer because there will not be client privilege. They will have to take the 5th or defend themselves by blaming Trump for being assured by him that there were no more boxes AND they were NOT aware of any more boxes.

Crazy Crazy stuff.
It doesn’t get any juicier than this unfolding story.
8/23/2022 8:36 AM
Meanwhile, yesterday we had an extremely rare example of a Republican acting with a shred of integrity, as Colorado State Sen. Kevin Priole defected from the GOP to the Democrats, for a number of reasons, including his disagreements with those in the party who continue to push the big lie.

Priola joins a very small number of Republicans, like Liz Cheney, who are willing to put principles and patriotism ahead of their allegiance to Der Fuhrer.
8/23/2022 9:16 AM
He was a moderate to begin with and unfortunately there aren’t a lot of moderates left.
8/23/2022 10:23 AM (edited)
There have been a few cases of high ups taking classified documents. Richardson was preparing for a hearing and stuffed a document in his shoe to study it at home.
He was caught and then completely cooperated. He got a very lenient sentence and no jail.

Petreus allowed a girl friend to see some classified material and he got a 2 year probation sentence and relatively small fine.
He also came clean immediately and cooperated fully.

In neither case were any of the documents top secret or so top secret that they were not allowed to ever be declassified.

Trump is a different case. He has 300 plus classified - way way way more the the other 2 combined he had documents of the very highest classification that there is AND he over a period of 1 and a 1/2 years played a game of lies and obstruction which did not happen with the other two AND he insisted the the documents were owned by him and even now in filings he is still saying that.

He has literally stolen top secret documents.
He is going to be indicted and might go to jail.
At the very least he will get a plea bargain for felonies and a very large fine and would not be entitled to run for President or any federal office again.
8/23/2022 1:03 PM
There were the very most secret documents found each time the FBI brought back boxes -
In January 22 and June 22 and August 22.
Apparently there were somewhere in the vicinity of 2-3000 pages of classified documents.m

Starting in May 2021 NARA was asking for the documents but the Trump Team stonewalled and eventually gave NARA some documents in Jan 22. It was so alarming that it was then that NARA asked the Justice Department to investigate and this was known by Trump. Still he persisted.
8/23/2022 1:20 PM (edited)
Where is General Flynn when you need him.
He can start yelling Lock Him Up.
I think MSNBC and CNN would give him airtime.
Whenever you are ready General Flynn you bat **** commie traitor lap dog of Putin and Trump.
8/23/2022 4:58 PM
Pleasant Valley Sunday
8/24/2022 12:13 PM
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