Btw I have autographs of almost every boxer you spoke about including Marciano and Louis.
1/5/2021 6:13 PM
Just 42% in but the Dems are blowing out the robber barons.
long live democracy
and blue peach Georgia.
sweet Georgia brown.
1/5/2021 8:38 PM
Posted by Aldershot on 1/5/2021 5:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 1/5/2021 12:05:00 PM (view original):
360 hours and the trash gets taken out.
If so, then 360 more days, and the US could lose it's sovereignty. The Dem's will give more power to the UN and bow to them. That just could happen; in which case the good times are over.. Forever.. and God help you if Liz Warren and her Pelosi buddies get their fingers in the pie.

For 4 long years, I watched the hate mongering left systematically and relentlessly attack the person and character of the POTUS, with a hatred I never thought I would see in America. The Dem's are a very cruel narcissistic mob of thugs, for a large part. I believe they are spellbound, and do not know good from evil, or right from wrong. The Republicans? They are not much better.

Here is what the US appears to endorse, collectively:
  • men marrying men
  • children being told that they can change their gender (that's child abuse)
  • pot smoking
  • Forcing the students to buy into the evolution scam (talk creation and you get an 'F')
  • Abortion
  • Suspending of students who wear MAGA Hats.
  • Suspending students who pray in public
  • Trying to outlaw the name of Jesus Christ from our culture
  • Using social media to demonize the police
  • Forcing the schools to remove the ten commandments from their walls (40 years later, no big ten, just mass shootings)
  • Mobs being allowed to burn down buildings in the cities.. and loot the stores
  • Mayors who handcuff the police from doing their jobs
  • Political correctness .. and it is a huge p.i.t.a. and will not work.
  • USSCT is wicked and corrupt, and overrules the will of the people. This is a judicial dictatorship
  • We now call evil as though it were good, and good as though it were evil.. cuz in a lot of cases, we don't know the difference

okay, what is wrong with men marrying men? you don't like it, don't marry a man. I notice you didn't say anything about women marrying women.
If someone identifies as some other gender, why does that bother you? How does it even effect you at all?
pot smoking is no worse (in some ways it is better) than drinking alcohol
'Evolution scam? where is your evidence that it is a scam? Just because you don't believe it, that doesn't make it a scam.
See above about abortion. You don't like it, don't get one.
I haven't heard of anyone being suspended for having bad fashion sense.
I haven't heard of anyone being suspended for praying in public.
who, exactly is trying to outlaw the name of Jesus Christ? I know you're not an American, but here in the U.S we have freedom of religion. If someone chooses not to believe in J.C, or to believe in him, that is their own business.
Some police don't need any help from social media to be demonized. There are some bad policemen. There are more good one, but the bad ones should be kicked out.
Public Schools should not force any religion on any child.You want your kid to get a religion at school, send 'em to a private school.
I agree with you on this one. If you burn something down or loot a store, you are a criminal and should face the consequences.
Political correctness does sometime go a bit too far.
Why are they corrupt? Because they wouldn't hear trump's baseless lawsuit. Talk about someone who is trying to override the will of the people, your boy Trump is at the top of the list.

You talk about hatred in America. trump has done nothing to resolve that. In fact, he has dome much to fan the flames of that hatred.

Why don't you worry about stuff in Canada?
1/5/2021 10:59 PM
I read his stuff and laugh at the silliness even though many of his views are dangerous.
He makes all3 look like an effete radical lefty.
just read it and consider it slapstick like vintage buster keaton.
1/6/2021 1:41 AM
Now that Biden has the senate he can nominate anyone he wants for his cabinet.
I think now he might choose an African American for attorney general which will be a big thank you for movement by heaven and earth in November and Georgia.
I think that Doug Jones could then shift to FBI.
1/6/2021 9:07 AM
Warnock is the first black senator ever in Georgia.
Ossoff is the first Jewish senator ever in Georgia.
most people are unaware of the history of antisemitism in the southern states.
2 giant historical firsts.
Ossoff gets 6 years.
Warnock is in for 2 years as a beats an appointee. He has to run again in 2 years for a new 6 year term. As an incumbent his chances will only increase and Georgia will be bluer.

in 2 years the Dems have a healthy chance of picking up at least 2 more in the senate.
in the 2020 election the democrats picked up a net gain of 3 in the senate.
a tidy sum.
1/6/2021 9:16 AM
Now that the senate is blue expect another 2000 stimulus check to go out.
take that son of a Mitch....
1/6/2021 9:21 AM
It should be interesting to see how the market reacts to the Dems controlling all congress and presidency.

1/6/2021 9:33 AM
338 more hours.
1/6/2021 10:08 AM
330 more hours.
overlooked today is that Ossoff was officially called the winner.
1/6/2021 7:29 PM
No other then William Barr called Trump’s conduct - “a betrayal of his office and his supporters”

Facebook and Instagram have suspended trump’s accounts indefinitely but no less then the remainder of trump’s term.
no word from Ashley Madison.

312 hours left
1/7/2021 11:50 AM
I think it is far far less likely we will see pence issuing any pardons for Trump now in light of recent events and statements trump has made about trump to aides and allies.
trump will then have to rely on a self pardon that is universally considered invalid by experts.
1/7/2021 11:57 AM
Pence doesn't have any pardon powers. Nor should he (shudder).
The spineless shouldn't be allowed pardon powers (or any other power).
1/7/2021 12:39 PM
Pence could only pardon someone if trump resigns and pence assumes office like when Nixon resigned and then Ford took over and pardoned Nixon.
1/7/2021 12:55 PM
Trump ain't gonna resign. Bet the farm on it!!
1/7/2021 1:02 PM
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