There are some people that I wish would just get lost or have the courage of their convictions and create their own thread instead of trying to censor people because the posts scare him.

Have at it in your own thread where you can talk about hell and end of days and non believers and blasphemy and exploding heads and whatever gives you joy and a reason to live.

No one would stop you.
Go for it.

Like minded people can join you for scintillating conversation.
8/19/2022 12:11 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/19/2022 7:23:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/18/2022 11:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 8/16/2022 11:47:00 PM (view original):
he knows how to **** you off
nope..he doesn't **** me off. I don't think he believes very much of what he posts, and all he is trying to do is get a reaction. Now, LNF ****** me off because I think he honestly believes what he posts.
You are a vulgar pervert, and are permanently blocked. Congrat's, nobody else has that honor
who gives a crap? Block me, don't block me. I don't care. Your actions mean nothing to me. Also what did I say that was vulgar or perverted? Al I said was I think you honestly believe what you post. I didn't ask if God knows what it is like to take a dick up the ***.
8/19/2022 12:19 PM
Posted by Mwett on 8/19/2022 12:49:00 PM (view original):
wylie715, I could be wrong, but I'd hope lnf's reply to you was in fact meant for tang instead, although you also did have something to say about lnf around the same time.

As I've told admin, I'm never in this thread. Ever; at least not to my recollection the past year. It's the biggest waste of space and time in all of WIS. It's this thread's author who shows up any and everywhere else with foul things to say about my Jesus and/or God. I have no doubts he's done so here as well.

But the post in question when brought to my attention, I'll save its evidence wherever it's found till such a time it and it's author are dealt with. Some have gotten too comfortable imagining they or extreme overstepping of boundaries are all in a day's work. Who wants to bet this went too far ? You who coddle its inclusion and flip the script by instead attacking me do yourself no favor.
You do not respect free speech. You are literally terrified of people who think that jesus was just an itinerant rabbi who was a troublemaker to the Romans.

That really scares you and I am sick and tired of your threats about administration.

I have informed administration maybe 3 weeks ago that you are constantly telling posters who are non believers that they are going to hell.
8/19/2022 1:27 PM
Obviously no post other than a threat of physical harm ( like that is even possible ) then telling people that they are going to hell.
Nothing is as low as that and it paints a picture of an angry insecure obsessed self appointed minister that likes to speak for his God.
8/19/2022 1:33 PM
If you take any action against a poster here then I will have to set the record straight and recommend that anyone who dislikes being told by you that they are going to hell to do the same.
8/19/2022 1:35 PM
Posted by Mwett on 8/19/2022 1:52:00 PM (view original):
Wait for it, . . . and there it is. Sorry folks for the brief but necessary public service announcement. 3 weeks ago, you say ? I made it happen in 3 minutes. Probly tells you all you need to know about the pull you don't have around here. And here I still am. Why ? Probly due in no small part that with one well deserved notable exception, nobody else has ever been told by me they're going to hell. Enjoy your talkalot know-it-allitis it's your world we're just in it day !

Back to our regularly scheduled programming :

You are blocking the author of this post, Jetson21.
Please stop reading my posts which you say you don’t read. And maybe some portions of the good news or a few proverbs can help with the anger issue.

Everytime you have said it in general you say it to all of us.
8/19/2022 2:27 PM
Posted by Mwett on 8/19/2022 1:57:00 PM (view original):
Oh, and while we're setting records straight, if it was all about free speech and anything goes gets a pass, then I'm sure your multiple timeouts were just simple misunderstandings and everyone else has it wrong and people just don't get you.
why are you still reading me.
The last time I had a timeout it was because you snitched on me for something I said about someone else and it was confirmed to me that it was you.

I really don’t care why you hate me because I don’t respect you but to this day I do not know why you hate me so much.

One thing that is absolute fact is that it started in my music thread and i did criticize what you like but I also did not give you praise and ever since that day you have had an obsession about me.

I swear on a stack of bibles from every religion on earth that the above is literally true.

If you say that block me I think we all know that you hang on my every word.
8/19/2022 2:36 PM
Admin must love having to constantly stop what they're doing to pacify this group of toddlers.
8/19/2022 2:37 PM
Btw - i am not saying this about anyone - I am truly NOT - but what I wrote was that what someone said proved that apes can evolve from man.
I did not put up a fight about my time out
but in this place of trash talk I thought it was funny.
Thats all. Even the person I humorously said it about did not take great offense to it. Good for him.

Bottom line you are obsessed with me. I’m not sure on what level but don’t you have better things to think about like puff the magic dragon or watching reruns of Hee Haw?
8/19/2022 2:51 PM (edited)
Posted by bruceleefan on 8/19/2022 2:37:00 PM (view original):
Admin must love having to constantly stop what they're doing to pacify this group of toddlers.
So you think that someone responding to someone else who always initiates it and that someone does not like being told they are going to hell is a toddler?
8/19/2022 2:45 PM
Posted by bruceleefan on 8/19/2022 2:37:00 PM (view original):
Admin must love having to constantly stop what they're doing to pacify this group of toddlers.
When I start telling people who do not believe in my religion that they are going to hell then you can call me a toddler and a horrible person and I would own that.
8/19/2022 2:49 PM
Anyone constantly "running and telling" is acting like a toddler.

If you're guilty of that then yes you're included.
8/19/2022 2:58 PM
Posted by bruceleefan on 8/19/2022 2:58:00 PM (view original):
Anyone constantly "running and telling" is acting like a toddler.

If you're guilty of that then yes you're included.
How am I guilty of that. This is the context.
And this is true. Mutt was being more nasty then ever and I returned fire. Knowing how he tries to get people banned or suspended and I was gun shy I wrote to administration saying that if he reports on me that anything I said was because he kept saying that I am going to hell. And if I said anything that J. thought might have been over the line to not suspend me but please tell me what it was and discuss it with me.
I also said in very clear terms that Preacher should not be suspended for what he was saying; and I was not writing for that and that I only wrote because I was concerned about what he might try to do.

That really is the whole thing.
If that makes Me a toddler then so be it for you.
8/19/2022 3:19 PM (edited)
Posted by Mwett on 8/19/2022 3:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bruceleefan on 8/19/2022 2:58:00 PM (view original):
Anyone constantly "running and telling" is acting like a toddler.

If you're guilty of that then yes you're included.
Constantly ? Until now it's been only 1 well deserved. And this wasn't one of them. But anyone asinine enough to say the most disturbing thing ever about my Jesus and/or God outloud deserves what they get, and not necessarily limited to a chat timeout.
asinine - Very funny.
Are you accusing me of saying something blasphemous? What did I say.

And how could it be worse then telling people that they - deserve - to go to hell.
I thought that for those that believe in denial of heaven for non believers is in God’s hands and it is not for man to decide but that the Christian way is to leave it all in God’s hands.

When people decided that non believers deserved to go to hell that was how people were murders during crusades and inquisitions and pogroms by people who called themselves Christians but hardly were.

Whether nazis or kkk it always starts with angry if not hateful people telling others they deserved hell for not believing in their Jesus.

I know those facts to be self evident.
8/19/2022 3:18 PM
Posted by Mwett on 8/19/2022 3:24:00 PM (view original):
Lol. Who got dealt with just now ? You ? No. Guilty conscience much, which is why you also felt need for an admin preemptive strike if I had said something about you ?

I'm done at least until the next nasty post needs to be dealt with. And if admin or any other reasonable person hadn't felt similarly, then nothing would've come of it. Like when you tried.

Blf and others, im done. Seeya somewhere else.
your reading comprehension is not too great.
I was concerned that you would report me as you have done before that. That is far from a guilty conscience. It shows what kind of a person I think you are but I also made a point that even if you were being spiteful was not suggesting a suspension for you and said you should not be suspended.

You can interpret something the way in which you choose but what i did and said is about me and certainly not you.
8/19/2022 3:34 PM
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