What the world needs are more genius’s with humility.
There are so few of us left.
7/7/2022 2:34 PM
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Trump and Intent

Maybe it is possible he believed he won and still thought so after the first few losses.
But when the losses pile up and the AG and many experts tell him that there was no fraud and his theories had no facts and were bullshit - actual word used by Barr,
he has intent through willful denial.

And should not a president be held to a standard of normal judgement and intelligence and not someone relying on crackpot theories and facebook posts by total strangers.

And the fact that even while the court cases failed he was already working on having states send unelected electors shows criminal intent for everything and zero respect for the constitution and the rule of law.

Keep in mind that Trump refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he lost 3 weeks before the election.
In a somber tone he said - we will see what happens.
7/10/2022 6:03 PM
New hearing tomorrow.
Be there. It is going to be wild.
All hell is going to break loose.
7/11/2022 8:44 AM
Republicans say that an unborn fetus has more right to live then the woman who has it in her.
It isn’t even a Sophie’s choice.

Republicans care more about expanding AR15 ownership in every city and state then the safety of police officers and every decent law abiding citizen and children and pregnant woman.

And they still protect Trump and want to stop an investigation of the attempt to overthrow the republic led by the president

But they want more Benghazi investigations and Hunter Biden investigations.

It all is disorienting and loudly dissonant to actual patriotic normal people.

But it is touch and go as to whether the garbage people are outnumbering the normal people.

My mantra continues to be that this is a really dumb country.
7/11/2022 9:22 AM
Republicans say that an unborn fetus has more right to live then the woman who has it in her.
It isn’t even a Sophie’s choice.

Republicans care more about expanding AR15 ownership in every city and state then the safety of police officers and every decent law abiding citizen and children and pregnant woman.

And they still protect Trump and want to stop an investigation of the attempt to overthrow the republic led by the president

But they want more Benghazi investigations and Hunter Biden investigations.

It all is disorienting and loudly dissonant to actual patriotic normal people.

But it is touch and go as to whether the garbage people are outnumbering the normal people.

My mantra continues to be that this is a really dumb country.
7/11/2022 9:22 AM
How can the United States survive as a democratic republic if at least 40% do not care about democracy
nor recognize a political and violent coup and just don’t give a F@&$. So many know there was an attempted coup but don’t have a care in the world about it.

Obama’s presidency definitely increased the ranks of domestic hate and terror groups.

But in 2016 one of them became president.
And as far as our values and rule of law and checks and balances it has all gone down hill.

Thanks Trumpers and moron voters for starting the decline of America and putting it into hyper drive.
Sons of goats.

7/11/2022 4:33 PM
Major Hearing this morning at 10 am.
Be there. It is going to be wild.
There is going to be some real stem-winder testimony.
7/12/2022 9:16 AM (edited)
Posted by Jetson21 on 7/7/2022 2:34:00 PM (view original):
What the world needs are more genius’s with humility.
There are so few of us left.
I'm sorry, this needs to be saved.

It is hilarious.

I'd hate for you to grow some self-awareness and take it down and have it be lost in the ether.
7/12/2022 1:28 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 7/12/2022 1:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 7/7/2022 2:34:00 PM (view original):
What the world needs are more genius’s with humility.
There are so few of us left.
I'm sorry, this needs to be saved.

It is hilarious.

I'd hate for you to grow some self-awareness and take it down and have it be lost in the ether.
You are also hilarious.

BTW - schmoe, I’m guessing you think I was talking about myself.
I was doing nothing more then posting something that that I found that I thought was witty.

you are a strange dude still telling people that they should not post things that bruise your ego or something.
I just think that you are nutz. And I made up mind on that one. You are a lot like that other moron - Matt.
7/12/2022 5:18 PM (edited)
Once I make up my mind, I’m full of indecision.
7/12/2022 4:15 PM
___________ was thrown out of a mental hospital.
He was making everybody depressed.
7/12/2022 6:10 PM
Hey Mr Doug Genius,

the story about the 10 yr old Ohio girl having to go from Ohio to Indiana has been substantiated.
The girl was impregnated while she was 9 years old.
The rapist is now in jail and he confessed.
The GOP describes it as a legitimate rape.
7/14/2022 12:22 PM
On Monday the jury selection begins for Steve Bannon’s contempt of congress.
The chances for Bannon winning is probably 5%
at best.
If the jury follows the law he loses.

And verdict comes with 2 years in jail and hefty fine.
7/15/2022 10:27 AM
Today the overstock guy testifies in a deposition.
This could leave some very big bombshells.
7/15/2022 12:17 PM
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