Things we’ve learned in Aaron/Ruth Topic

just from reading through the threads and taking advice, it seems that if you are going to make a big splash into the FA pool, it wouldn't make that much sense to max out your HS and College recruiting. I say this because you lose draft picks for signing the big time FA's. That money might be better spent on payroll or International scouting. Just a thought.
6/6/2006 11:14 PM
This thread was a good idea. There, I've complimented MikeT23 about something!
6/6/2006 11:32 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By zlionsfan on 6/02/2006
Quote: Originally posted by bigyunit on 6/02/2006 if you designate a player for assignment, he goes on the waiver wire, and won't play for three days (roughly 9 games) but it will clear the roster spot, so you can promote someone to fill the gap
Yeah, but if he doesn't clear waivers, you've really cleared the roster spot - he's gone.

In general, if the player is of any value to you, you should not do anything that requires him to clear waivers
so what's the difference between designating a player for assigment and just sending him to clear the waive wire?
6/7/2006 1:14 AM
Designating a player for assignment = you want to immediately clear a roster spot - he is still your player (unless claimed) and once he clears waivers you can put him in the minor leagues
Straight to the Waiver Wire = you don't want him back - he becomes a free agent if not claimed. (note: this should only be used for really bad players)
6/7/2006 1:41 AM
Quote: Originally Posted By Mark17Grace on 6/06/2006
just from reading through the threads and taking advice, it seems that if you are going to make a big splash into the FA pool, it wouldn't make that much sense to max out your HS and College recruiting. I say this because you lose draft picks for signing the big time FA's. That money might be better spent on payroll or International scouting. Just a thought.

Almost exactly what I did. Except I only went slack on one. I have 32nd pick so I decided to jump into the FA pool.
6/7/2006 5:44 AM
Have tons of players arbitration eligible. What are my options if I don't want the player ?
Can I simply not offer him a contract ? Or would it be best that I sign him to a 1 year (or go to arbitration) and trade him ?
6/7/2006 6:37 AM
You have tons of options. But if you don't want him, release him before arbitration.
6/7/2006 7:04 AM
what player payroll would you suggest for a "win now" team? would $110 mil leave you too strapped elsewhere and not be worth it?
also, would a high coaching budget be for developing teams or teams trying to win now?
thanks for all your help, guys
6/7/2006 7:52 AM
You have to look at your team and see who you have. If you have a young team, but they are very good, you won't need as high of a player salary, but you'll still be able to make the playoffs.

I'd suggest a high coaching budget if you want to sign the coaches you want. the better coaches supposedly helps keep your team young as well as develop young talent.

A high player salary doesn't garauntee success. You'll have to find the people who are willing to let go of their high salary players, and they'll probably want a good prospect in return.

6/7/2006 8:07 AM
Aaron ranged from 70-109. Average of 93.
I think strategy/baserunning are more win now attributes(you'll want good base coaches and bench coaches). The others are development attributes.
6/7/2006 8:08 AM
couple of FA related questions:
1. This may sound stupid, but does the BONUS come out of player payroll in the first year of the contract or is it divded among all of the contract's years? If I offer a player a 3 yr deal with 3mil in bonus, will that come off my payroll at 1mil per year or all 3mil during year 1?
2. One of my arb-eligible guys is trying to get a ridiculous amount of money. Is there any penalty to releasing him right now (before ARB hearings)? Is this what I should do if I don't want him?
6/7/2006 9:08 AM
1. it comes out of the first year that the contract takes effect. for FAs, that means the current year. for extentions that you make during the season, it means the first year, although i know kyle was considering making that part flexible.
2. no penalty. it may be nice to get something for him, though, so see if you can work a sign + trade with someone.
6/7/2006 9:18 AM
1. the bonus comes out of the prospect payroll....the players salary for the year will come out of the reg payroll budget...the cost depends on which level you place him in..

2. release will not be penalized.
6/7/2006 9:18 AM
good timing ;)
6/7/2006 9:19 AM
well, you bring up an additional point, which is that for amateur draftees, there's a separate fund for bonuses.
6/7/2006 9:20 AM
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