Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/2/2024 1:01:00 AM (view original):
The left is scared of Trump
Think about it this way. Democrats and anti authoritarian republicans want to protect and save democracy ( you do not understand what it is )
in a way similar to how many fundamentalist Christian’s want to protect the name of Jesus and their religious beliefs which they think is under attack.
Trumpler is attacking democracy in obvious ways that your intellect simply does not understand.
I would be afraid or deeply dread going to a service at a religious house of worship that supported Trump and wrapped him and the flag and the constitution together.
You are not alone in the way that you think. You are not an anomaly. That is why I do take you seriously.
You stand for something that is very very dangerous to about half of the country.
The other half thinks I am a traitor.
7/2/2024 9:19 AM (edited)