A) This is a public forum. You don't have ownership of threads.
B) I have all3 blocked, that's how to handle "harassment", but if he's telling you excessive redlining(or redlining on-topic posts) will get you suspended, he's right. There's an Ask MikeT thread in the HBD forum. I didn't create it and we started doing a quirky thing. If it wasn't a question, I'd say "That is not a question." The thread creator would redline the non-question. I got suspended until, after many exchanges, ADMIN admitted they didn't realize I wasn't doing the redlining. Much like this thread, the topics weren't always about HBD(or, in this case, non-sports). Keep redlining all3 is you want but it's likely you'll get a vacation.
Redline this one is you want. Only adds to your potential problems.