Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

Posted by wylie715 on 6/1/2022 12:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Mwett on 5/31/2022 8:32:00 PM (view original):
This is part of what I meant. I'm not going down a rabbit hole with this. Cherry picking verses to justify it all must be hogwash. I don't know why what happened happened. Apples. I'll give some slack to your offering of 'doubting' demon possession exists rather than definitively stomping your foot about it. Oranges.
I'm not gonna say demonic possession doesn't exist because I don't know. Just because I've never seen something, that does not mean it doesn't exist. I've never seen a live dinosaur, but I'm pretty sure they existed. I'm also not going to say Abraham didn't live to 175. I wasn't around at the time (I may be old but not that old). I also won't say the Bible is not true. I don't know. It may be true, but I do know there are parts of it I find hard to believe.
Some parts are hard to believe. We have never seen anyone walk on water. or live to be 969 years old. However, the things of the Lord are spiritually discerned and are like stories to the common man, and yet the wisdom of man is nonsense to God and to them who believe. Kind of cute, don'tcha think?

But evidence of demon possession is in front of us every time we turn on the News. I have seen a crowd influenced by demons, and it was sudden. . . and there was no other explanation for it.. however, I understand the doubt.. Ouija boards and tarot cards = both open the door to the demonic.. so do sceances.. That aint your grand ma, but is a spirit that cam imitate her.. from such things, please turn away
6/1/2022 9:07 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 8:30:00 PM (view original):
Nah, that’s fairly accurate. Trump is for sure a scumbag. Although you do give him more credit than he deserves.
I believe this" re Trump... most of the opinions are created by media hype and media is very good at manipulating public opinion. Media is almost exclusively left wing marxist - Communist mindset.. because that group has infiltrated, sown division, divided and is currently conquering the nation(s) Honest politician? It is now an oxymoron

Unlike most who were in the white house, He actually says a lot of stuff that makes sense. FInd his clip on the Mass shooting in our schools, and listen to his talk.. and FORGET what the media a$$holes are selling us.

Man when I was a kid, mass shootings in schools was unheard of.. 60 years later, here we are..having one every week

It is demonic. If you listen to the wrong kind of music (eg" anything by Meatloaf), play the dungeons and dragons types of games, your brain will be influenced and you are open to demonic influence. Those things tend to re program your mind... and.. I understand that this is gibberish to some of you, just as man's vain philosophies and mindsets are nonsense to me, and my fellow believers. They are opposed to God's principles, and should be trashed.. and none of them have worked. Start with Darwin then arrive at today's astrologers. They failed. So have the Head meds and .. ok nuff said

6/1/2022 9:23 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 5/27/2022 8:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 8:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 5/27/2022 8:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 8:03:00 PM (view original):
So in other words, you don’t have an argument for anything so you resort to attacks. Gotcha.
Damned right I am on the attack on Republican congress and their base.
Yes on the attack and proud of it.
You don’t think you would be better off actually posting something of substance that maybe uses some reasoning and logic? You might find that people would take you a bit more serious and not make fun of you so much. You come on here and just ramble nonsensically. I know it’s just a sports forum and you’re under no obligation, but it’s kind of hard to make fun of people who only post memes and articles when your posts are pretty much the equivalent. Heck, at least the links to the articles provide someone else’s reasoning.
sorry but there is nothing to debate on guns.
Anyone in Congress in lock step with the NRA Is a scumbag
and anyone disagreeing with the common sense proposals and supported by 85% of people is nutz. There are some issues where debate just stops life saving progress and a first step to change the kind of sick gun culture we have in this country.
Anyone in Congress in lock step with the NRA Is a scumbag

So say all the Democrats. Everyone not on their list is a scumbag. Trump has tons of character, but the devil hates him and his workers are on his case 24 - 7 .. to destroy. America is in trouble.

and the diff between left and right? I don't call Biden a scumbag.. I think he is the wrong man for the job, as his mind could be a bit unstable but I cannot judge the man's heart. Only God can do that

I do have nasty things to say about Pelosi, AOC, Lizard Warren, Hilary et al.. but to me that is a waste of time. That said, I do not like them one bit

So we are not on a mission, and are seeking to be objective, right? Left? right

and if most of us talked to people in real life, like we do in here, we would have no friends.. only the ones we have never seen, as in on line..
6/1/2022 9:32 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/1/2022 9:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 8:30:00 PM (view original):
Nah, that’s fairly accurate. Trump is for sure a scumbag. Although you do give him more credit than he deserves.
I believe this" re Trump... most of the opinions are created by media hype and media is very good at manipulating public opinion. Media is almost exclusively left wing marxist - Communist mindset.. because that group has infiltrated, sown division, divided and is currently conquering the nation(s) Honest politician? It is now an oxymoron

Unlike most who were in the white house, He actually says a lot of stuff that makes sense. FInd his clip on the Mass shooting in our schools, and listen to his talk.. and FORGET what the media a$$holes are selling us.

Man when I was a kid, mass shootings in schools was unheard of.. 60 years later, here we are..having one every week

It is demonic. If you listen to the wrong kind of music (eg" anything by Meatloaf), play the dungeons and dragons types of games, your brain will be influenced and you are open to demonic influence. Those things tend to re program your mind... and.. I understand that this is gibberish to some of you, just as man's vain philosophies and mindsets are nonsense to me, and my fellow believers. They are opposed to God's principles, and should be trashed.. and none of them have worked. Start with Darwin then arrive at today's astrologers. They failed. So have the Head meds and .. ok nuff said

Meatloaf?? Really? I could almost understand if you said death metal, but Meatloaf? As far as the media creating opinions on Trump, sure they did create some, but he did a lot to help create the opinions himself. He is a pathological liar, cheat, a conman, a narcissist and an adulterer. The fact that you think the media created this view of him makes me less likely to believe anything else you post.

My sons both play the "dungeons and dragons type of games" but they are also both polite intelligent young men.

6/2/2022 12:08 AM
So say all the Democrats. Everyone not on their list is a scumbag. Trump has tons of character, but the devil hates him and his workers are on his case 24 - 7 .. to destroy. America is in trouble.

And anyone who disagrees with your viewpoints is "evil". How is that any different?
Trump has lots of character? In my opinion that may be the dumbest thing I've seen posted in here.
6/2/2022 12:11 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 6/2/2022 12:11:00 AM (view original):
So say all the Democrats. Everyone not on their list is a scumbag. Trump has tons of character, but the devil hates him and his workers are on his case 24 - 7 .. to destroy. America is in trouble.

And anyone who disagrees with your viewpoints is "evil". How is that any different?
Trump has lots of character? In my opinion that may be the dumbest thing I've seen posted in here.
wait for his next post.
6/2/2022 1:14 AM
Oh.......Trump has "character" all right. The character of an evil lying windbag!
How someone so evil can be admired by so many folks professing love for Jesus Christ and HIS teachings is beyond comprehension for this thinking mature adult male Citizen.

However, I could care less about LNF's opinions, particular political.
He has NO vote, thus NO power at all.

Besides his comments over the many months He's been around reveal him to be an absolutist who BELIEVES HE is the only human with enough discernment to know the REAL worth of the characters that he makes his faulty judgments about.

The ironic thing is that HE blames the media for manipulating everybody he disagrees with, all while using the very same MEDIA to make his insane conclusions!!

Simply put. He's a religious lunatic.
And not worth the time to respond to.

He should turn OFF his TV, and START learning to think critically.
I suspect it's way way too late for HIM to learn anything new (to him).
It's termed fanaticism and ignorance.
And together, those traits are dangerous!!
6/2/2022 9:04 AM
Nah. It's not hard to understand why the church got behind Trump. People are inherently irrational. They always have been. They are comfortable around people that say things they agree with and I'm not talking about Christians agreeing with Trump. Jerry Falwell Jr. came out in support of Trump. When that happened, the Christian community felt more comfortable with the idea of supporting Trump. Remember, Trump was trailing by a pretty large margin in the primaries before Falwell's endorsement. People never stopped to think, "hey, there's something wrong with this picture." The guy cheated on his pregnant wife. He refused to pay contracted workers and then would file bankruptcy. And when asked about it, his response would be "I'm taking advantage of the laws as written." He has always been a scumbag.

The irony of it all was that Clinton was considered the worst man to ever enter the office by the Christian community because he got a consensual BJ, but yet they were able to justify in their mind voting for Trump. It's also ironic that since Falwell's fall, it has come out that he was a cuck and never supported his father's church despite being the head of the school for years. His wife also would sleep with Liberty students in their house with her kids in another room. Weird!

While I am a Christian, I have zero respect for the church. Because most people choose not to think for themselves, the church exploits this for power. They have for atleast the past 1800 years.

You see the denial of reality from both sides of the political spectrum. The LGBTQIA+ issue is a great example on the left. Approximately 20% of Americans now consider themselves part of this community. I would wager that the number is close to 0% of conservatives identify with this. So, that means 2 out of every 5 liberals now do. Really? I'm not buying it. Social issues have become the left's religion and the people in power use it to control the masses. With traditional religion, you are not allowed to question the teachings. You see the same thing with the religion of social justice.
6/2/2022 11:29 AM (edited)
I gotta ponder that last paragraph for awhile. Brain limitations, etc.

However the rest of it ????????
Coach I couldn't agree more and I salud you for stating it so clearly.
6/2/2022 11:20 AM
Let me know after you’ve done your pondering and I will clear up any confusion I may have caused.
6/2/2022 11:28 AM
I also fixed a typo in it. I said 3 out of 5 liberals identify as LGBTQ+. I meant 2 out of 5.
6/2/2022 11:30 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 6/2/2022 11:30:00 AM (view original):
I also fixed a typo in it. I said 3 out of 5 liberals identify as LGBTQ+. I meant 2 out of 5.
4 out of 5 republicans identify as a holes
6/2/2022 12:04 PM
So glad I blocked him! Life is much more peaceful when I don't have to read what he types!!! It was a big red flag when I noticed I was the only one responding to his posts. I guess everyone else had already learned that he was pointless while I was away.
6/2/2022 12:37 PM

I would wager that the number is close to 0% of conservatives identify with this.

Just letting you know that the closeted gay conservative who is ashamed about their sexuality is a very, very common stereotype in gay communities. A LOT of homophobes turn out to be gay. Gay prostitutes usually make a killing during the RNC (seriously).

There are also a lot of openly gay conservatives. Dave Rubin, Blaire White, Hershel Walker's son are some prominent examples.

The reason for the disparity is pretty clearly because of LGBT people being accepted broadly on the left and not accepted on the right.

The graph of people identifying as left-handed over time is another example of a trend going up because it becomes less stigmatized.

6/2/2022 1:04 PM
With that being said, I don't actually necessarily disagree with your claim that social issues are somewhat of a religion in that views on them are rarely challenged! I just would apply that to both sides. Christopher Rufo just openly admits that he's been able to bait conservatives into a bunch of random culture war talking points out of nowhere, change definitions, and essentially do anything to keep the conservative base angry and irrational.

How often do conservatives bring up some new made up culture war issue that's gonna destroy society, talk about it to fearmonger with their base, and then drop it in 2 months when the next talking point gets brought up?

Many criticisms that conservatives give to the left are accurate in certain ways, but also apply to their side.
6/2/2022 1:09 PM
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Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

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