Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic

Don't call everyone a bunch of idiots and then contradict yourself.   Make you look a bit stupid(not that anyone is surprised as "It don't matter" is just inexcusable).

Jon Huntsman would of been a good middle-of-the-road guy. Ron Paul would of really of had them shaking in their boots."

Which is it?  It don't matter or Huntsman/Paul would have been good choices?
4/16/2012 11:22 AM
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I can't think of any government entity that is efficient.   Privatize everything but the military.
4/16/2012 1:30 PM
Posted by tecwrg on 4/16/2012 11:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by micki on 4/16/2012 10:54:00 AM (view original):
ah well I think you are all a bunch of idiots. Griping about the current state of affairs and our President.  Thats what they want and thats how they stay in power - keep you simple minded Americans argueing  amoungst yourselves so that no one goes and looks behind the curtain as to who is really pulling the strings.

I said it 3 years a go and I'll say it again IT DON'T MATTER WHO GETS TO BE PRESIDENT, NOTHING WILL CHANGE.
Fine.  Then no problem with voting Obama out of office in November, right?
Vote for MikeT/Tec in 2012!
4/17/2012 1:52 PM
If nominated, I will not run.  If elected, I will not serve.
4/17/2012 2:20 PM
Posted by moy23 on 4/16/2012 11:26:00 AM (view original):
Posted by micki on 4/16/2012 10:59:00 AM (view original):
Cut government spending ?  Are you kidding me ? No president has the courage to do that - never happen. First thing you have to cut is the size of the military - who is going to do that ?
Why is military the first thing? We spend way more in healthcare and pensions. And if military was indeed the first cut.... Why specifically would size be the part to cut? Why not reduce wasteful spending within the military rather than the size of the military? You sound like a total lib throwing a tamper tantrum in this post.

Bottom line... our military is effective (not necessarily efficient). I can't think of any other government entity I can say that about.... post office, social security, medicare, medicaid, welfare, Congress, etc.

You want to cut spending ? hmmmm, you go after the biggest prize first to show you are serious thats why military first.  We do not need this huge Army we have. Who are our 'enemies" ? terrorists and maybe China if the future. China does not want to go to war with us, we owe to much money. So that leaves this hugely unprepared Army to go after targets that are murkily defined at best.

 Cut the waste first HA HA HA they have been trying to do that for years. Didn't work then won't work now.

What if we just pulled out of Afganistan tomorrow ? What if we closed all of our bases over seas and boarded up 10 here at home ?  Big impact on the economy no doubt, but we need to get our government spending in line.

I am the farthest thing from a lib that you can find my friend. I'm a registered republican (have been for 33 years) but I see things through a Liberterian Eye (which is the correct way to see things) ex-Army officer, mormon and frequent letter-to-the-editor writer decrying libs spending habits.

I read forums like this at lunch and am shocked at the 50/50 split of each side. 

You all need to put me in charge of things for about 4 years and I'll have this country straightened out.


4/17/2012 2:27 PM
My observation, over the years: Libertarians generally come across as arrogant kooks.
4/17/2012 2:53 PM
maybe we are. is that a bad thing ? enjoy life under obamaromney. on a day to day level, nothing will change.
4/17/2012 2:57 PM
My observation, over the years, is that people who define themselves as Libertarians have no idea what it means.
4/17/2012 4:38 PM
Can we add "Lack of institutional control" to Obama's list of accomplishments?  

GSA parties and Secret Service fighting with prostitutes.   Nice.
4/18/2012 7:02 AM
Posted by micki on 4/17/2012 2:57:00 PM (view original):
maybe we are. is that a bad thing ? enjoy life under obamaromney. on a day to day level, nothing will change.
Where will you be?
4/18/2012 8:31 AM
4/18/2012 9:07 AM
Obama borrowing January 2008- March 2011 - $5,000,000,000,000
Tard II borrowing January 2001-January 2008 - $4,900,000,000,000

Obama is just like GWB, except he does everything twice as much.

4/18/2012 10:57 PM
Posted by micki on 4/16/2012 10:54:00 AM (view original):
ah well I think you are all a bunch of idiots. Griping about the current state of affairs and our President.  Thats what they want and thats how they stay in power - keep you simple minded Americans argueing  amoungst yourselves so that no one goes and looks behind the curtain as to who is really pulling the strings.

I said it 3 years a go and I'll say it again IT DON'T MATTER WHO GETS TO BE PRESIDENT, NOTHING WILL CHANGE.
This is why you always vote the incumbent out.  I hope Hillary runs in 2016 vs Romney.  I would be thrilled to kick his *** out too (as of today).
4/18/2012 10:59 PM

Economy's Biggest Drag Right Now Is Government

Published: Friday, 27 Apr 2012 | 1:12 PM ET
By: Jeff Cox
CNBC.com Senior Writer

Government has become its own worst enemy when it comes to the economy, with public spending putting a damper on growth that otherwise continues at a steady if unspectacular pace.

Friday's gross domestic product report confirmed what a drag government can be: While consumer spending grew at a 2.9 percent clip, state and local governments cut back spending by 1.2 percent on an annualized basis and the federal government pulled back by 5.6 percent.

As a result, the GDP number showed just a 2.2 percent improvement. The report disappointed economists, some of whom had the number as high as 3 percent and beyond, and cast an uncertain future on a stock market dependent on Federal Reserve stimulus for growth.

"None of this is all that surprising, so where is the miss?" wondered Brown Brothers Harriman global currency strategist Marc Chandler, after noting some fairly pedestrian and in-line quarterly growth results. "Contrary to what passes as conventional wisdom, the main drag is coming from the government itself."


Before anyone starts thinking that Washington suddenly has gotten religion on spending, the bulk of the federal government cuts came from defense spending, which plunged 8.1 percent.

State and local governments, facing the necessity to balance their budgets against declining revenue (not to mention the specter of Meredith Whitney's muni bond default forecast) likely will continue to cut, though that's not as certain with their federal counterpart. Washington's drop in spending came after a 19.1 percent decrease in the fourth quarter of 2011.

"The government spending plunge is unlikely to repeat for a third quarter (in 2012 at least) and an inventory drag in 2Q only masks moderate demand gains," Citigroup economist Steven C. Wieting said. "But the 1Q GDP data should limit remaining optimism that U.S. economic growth will accelerate significantly this year."

So what does this all mean?

Investors are watching the Federal Reserve closely for signs that the U.S. central bank might step in and provide more stimulus once Operation Twist ends in June.

The Fed currently is buying long-dated bonds and selling shorter-dated notes in an effort to stimulate risk and drive down lending costs. At the same time, it is rolling over the $2.8 trillion already on its balance sheet in the form of Treasurys as well as mortgage and other debt.

Some are hoping that Chairman Ben Bernanke and Co. will be willing to step in with a third round of balance sheet expansion — quantitative easing — to keep goosing the market through the economic trudge. But the GDP progress, halting as it is, likely will forestall if not completely derail QE3 prospects.

It's all part of "Bad Goldilocks" phenomenon, in which the economy doesn't grow quickly enough to inspire confidence but moves just enough to keep the Fed at bay. Central bank critics worry that all the liquidity efforts will spur inflation, not to mention uncertainty over what happens once the Fed has to start unwinding all that debt it is holding.

Also remember: Out there not so far in the future is the "fiscal cliff" of which Bernanke has warned will appear if Congress cannot agree on deficit reduction and thus face an automatic round of steep spending cuts and tax increases at the end of 2012.

"Enthusiasm for equities is likely to be curbed by a turn in the US profit cycle, an absence of additional unconventional monetary stimulus from the Fed and a renewed flare-up of the crisis in the euro-zone," John Higgins, senior market economist at Capital Economics, said in a note.

"The latter should weigh particularly heavily on stock markets in the region, even though valuations are now low from a historical perspective and relative to the US," he added.

Indeed, there's a lot not to like about an economy that relies on government spending as its primary growth engine. Just ask anyone in Europe.

Ostensibly, the U.S. economy is consumer-driven, with private spending amounting to 70 percent of GDP. But several economists doubted that the robust 2.9 percent spending increase in the first quarter could last, raising further questions about where we go from here.

"We assumed that growth would be driven primarily by final demand, but, inventories contributed 0.6 (percentage points) to GDP, putting real final sales at a weak 1.6 percent annualized growth rate," said Neil Dutta, U.S. economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. "Moreover, the strength in consumer spending and contribution from motor vehicle output look unlikely to repeat in future quarters."

Government policymakers, then, face a dicey dilemma: Continue spending and risk falling further into the fiscal abyss, or cut back and deal with a prolonged future of uninspiring GDP numbers.

"The dagger (from the GDP letdown) came from a second straight steep drop in federal government spending due to plunging defense outlays," observed Pierpont economist Stephen Stanley. "Boy, wait until these budget cuts start to kick in."


4/29/2012 8:01 AM
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Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic

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