Posted by rsp777 on 3/9/2022 10:20:00 AM (view original):
“Bottom line is Trump got things done in a positive way and was a MUCH better President than Biden will ever be.”

So the carnage across the country from what one pathetic conman and liar did in 4 years is what you call “positive?”

Most sane people that aren’t in a cult see…

The destruction of sane discourse across party lines.

Tax breaks for billionaires.

Rollbacks of myriad environmental programs.

A pathetic pandemic response.

Fawning over dictators.

Cheating on and hiding his taxes.

Flushing and stealing documents.

The Big Lie.

You wanna know the only “positive” involved with Trump, his crime family and his pathetic sycophants such as yourself???

We’re positive you’re all garbage in the process of getting a ride to the dump of history.

Say hi to Rush Windbag when you get there.
Environmental programs NEED to be rolled back.

Want to see pollution? Take a look at Bejing, where you cannot see 500 yards. Prove Trump cheated on his taxes. PROVE he fawned over DICTATORS. He HATES dictatorship. Now you are about to fall to it .. The guy you have now is doing his LEVEL BEST to kill the Goose that lays the Golden Eggs. That's what Marxism does.. Marxism has NEVER lifted a country out of poverty..and it never will

Governments try to fix a problem (and often one is not even there) and they create 5 more problems instead. DO YOU EVEN GET THIS??

Think Russia would be this bold if Trump was still in?? (Putin has no clue what Trump would do) That bastard uttering threats against the West and Biden craps his pants and says NOTHING.. (every time he speaks) Good luck with him.. you need it.. and quite possibly, your luck has run out

When the US collapses, it is ALL OVER.. Next will be 7 years of real hell on Earth. I mean a hell like this world has never seen, and then Armageddon.. which won't quite get started.. but that's for another day. Here is a hint: The last one standing will be Israel. Gone will be Iran and Russia.. and I feel for them who are there just trying to live their lives. US and Canada? I have no idea, but I am not able to see them making it much longer. The enemy is within, and he is US

THINK: Russia unites with China.. and gets alliance from the 'Stani' nations, to form a coalition to control the world. Oh yes, the Vatican will be in this too. Instead of thinking of some childish retort, think of the possibilities if this happens, and it very easily could. World control is the goal of many of the aforementioned, If you disagree, then fine, but you have not been paying attention to the big picture

Oh,, and the Crime family?? That.. was the
3/18/2022 8:35 AM (edited)
Posted by lostnfound74 on 3/18/2022 8:14:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 3/10/2022 4:25:00 PM (view original):
I have a few nicknames for the old gang.
There is Butt Sniffing Boob
and Little Big Man
and Retread Randy
and Holy Roller Judas Priest
and Transdate
and One Sentence Sam
and Hikuku
also Autocrapper Canine
but what do we call you??
Gone. A wisp. Anasazi.
3/18/2022 9:01 AM
Dude! Try a different book. That one's got YOU all wigged out. You sound like a paranoid lunatic................oh wait.
Maybe that's the answer.
3/18/2022 9:04 AM
It took NINE days for the Moronic Canadian Paranoid Lunatic Zealot to come up with that answer.

NINE days to come up with "Prove Trump cheated on his taxes. PROVE he fawned over DICTATORS"
3/18/2022 10:31 AM (edited)
gimme tax shelter

lookie here now

barack oblama the blue streak nigerian hawaiian whatever he is alleged to be

payed his taxes all them other rich white ***** didna

also i really enjoyed mid pic on the left

a unholy seance is what it looks like

but hey i'm just a guy
3/18/2022 10:30 AM
3/18/2022 10:32 AM
it sure is funny how the W-2 sends my data straight to the IRS

whereas the suits get to lawyer up and deny deny deny any o that money ever belonged to them

3/18/2022 10:40 AM
Environmental programs NEED to be rolled back.

How about some evidence to support this claim....or any one of your other claims?
3/18/2022 2:25 PM
3/19/2022 8:35 PM
3/19/2022 8:35 PM
3/19/2022 9:04 PM
3/19/2022 9:14 PM
This goes nowhere.
3/20/2022 6:37 AM
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Posted by wylie715 on 3/18/2022 2:25:00 PM (view original):
Environmental programs NEED to be rolled back.

How about some evidence to support this claim....or any one of your other claims?
No Wylie. The Enviro so called CRISIS has been made into a religion.

Perhaps you cannot see this. If so, then I am not going to fight w you.
3/23/2022 8:27 AM
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