Is Mississippi State Elite? Topic

The only 2 I see that can match is Air Force in Camp, and Texas Tech in Rockne. Because of the recruiting difficult. The rest I see are either in smaller worlds or a normal school
11/26/2023 1:39 PM
I don't see anything from Air Force in Rockne. The impressive one is Texas Tech in Rockne. Realist is a good coach, i despise playing him.
11/26/2023 1:43 PM
Posted by AlekTX2020 on 11/26/2023 1:37:00 PM (view original):
1. Only count the toughest schedules, who beat 5 elites?
2. Only count the ones with the strongest conference in the division
3. Only count the ones with historically low wins as a program
4. Stagg, Dobie, Hays have 35ish coaches to Leahy and Wilkinsons 50. Those worlds is easier.
5. G5 Schools don't count. Most go sim until the CC bc lack of coaches. Plus easier schedules!

6. I dont care, I'm not comparing others success. I'm hyping up MSU to my HATERS
1. Doesn't matter how many elites you beat. Not all 'elites' are elite wins in any given year. Some 'non-elite' wins are better.
2. Very subjective here. You didn't have Tennessee and Florida in your division. Didn't play either of them in your cross-division games. You can make a case that your division was tougher, but they look pretty comparable this season.
3.Laughable. Doesn't matter what teams have had sim coaches longer than others in the past, the present is the present and most schools can succeed with a good human coach after a couple seasons of roster building.
4. Maybe easier to win 9 games instead of 7, but when it comes to winning championships, not at all easier.
5. I think there were 2 Gof5 schools on his whole list. Pretty weak point from you here.
6. You most certainly are. You can't make any point about being an 'elite' without comparing to other schools' success.
11/26/2023 1:51 PM
When tf did I say I AM elite? I said MSU job is! Get it through your thick head. Maybe you’re making the assumption that I’m elite bc I took MSU to elite status which I’ll take that compliment. And boy I played Florida this year in the CC and played Miami. I took out the best in the region and had to play LSU TWICE! Gtfo out of here already you don’t even have a team. You’re a sore loser always checking my post to make a point. I went 15-1 with MSU. None of those teams have taken Purdue, MSU. Air Force and Texas tech would be the only thing remotely close to my journey with MSU. I played TENN and UF 4 seasons in a row and beat UF 4 in a row. MSU
had a tough gauntlet for the past 5 seasons. “Doesn’t matter if you beat elites” uh yeah it does bc they’re always having the easier roads and the ones I’ve beat aren’t slap sticks. If you want to say Bama, LSU, UF and Miami are slap sticks programs be my guest. It’s also not like I haven’t had winning records against them too except Tennessee and LSU.

#3 isn’t laughable. Some programs have a better chance because of prestige AND location/conference. That’s why Air Force, Purdue and MSU are always at the bottom in every world. Throw in Indiana.

#4 it’s not just scheduling and coaches in your conference. It’s a geographical map by recruiting that gives you more access to better signings. Better signings = faster prestige = less money wasted = better team = better team and easier route to the championship. Dumb f*

#6 wtf you talking about I’ve been making comparisons and list. Throwing out facts while you throw out theoretical bs along with real life football. This isn’t real life. This is a game with points added by a computer for prestige. I’ve learned it. You obviously haven’t.

I already thrown out a list that MSU would be around #13 in prestige which is equivalent to elite status in recruiting. And with the next 3 seasons coming ahead we can bump our avg up.
11/26/2023 3:25 PM (edited)
Oh and throw in Georgia Tech since that’s sports douches team. According to him that’s a signature matchup. Didn’t schedule me this time.
11/26/2023 3:29 PM
You put that MSU is 13th best job currently in Leahy (It isnt even by what YOU THINK prestige calculation is in the game) - Most of those teams up there have a National Title/Multiple Final 4s/5x the playoff wins as you

What youbhave done at Miss St is impressive but there are 3-4 coaches in every world who would be in Top 15 current programs.

11/26/2023 3:49 PM
Posted by AlekTX2020 on 11/26/2023 3:25:00 PM (view original):
When tf did I say I AM elite? I said MSU job is! Get it through your thick head. Maybe you’re making the assumption that I’m elite bc I took MSU to elite status which I’ll take that compliment. And boy I played Florida this year in the CC and played Miami. I took out the best in the region and had to play LSU TWICE! Gtfo out of here already you don’t even have a team. You’re a sore loser always checking my post to make a point. I went 15-1 with MSU. None of those teams have taken Purdue, MSU. Air Force and Texas tech would be the only thing remotely close to my journey with MSU. I played TENN and UF 4 seasons in a row and beat UF 4 in a row. MSU
had a tough gauntlet for the past 5 seasons. “Doesn’t matter if you beat elites” uh yeah it does bc they’re always having the easier roads and the ones I’ve beat aren’t slap sticks. If you want to say Bama, LSU, UF and Miami are slap sticks programs be my guest. It’s also not like I haven’t had winning records against them too except Tennessee and LSU.

#3 isn’t laughable. Some programs have a better chance because of prestige AND location/conference. That’s why Air Force, Purdue and MSU are always at the bottom in every world. Throw in Indiana.

#4 it’s not just scheduling and coaches in your conference. It’s a geographical map by recruiting that gives you more access to better signings. Better signings = faster prestige = less money wasted = better team = better team and easier route to the championship. Dumb f*

#6 wtf you talking about I’ve been making comparisons and list. Throwing out facts while you throw out theoretical bs along with real life football. This isn’t real life. This is a game with points added by a computer for prestige. I’ve learned it. You obviously haven’t.

I already thrown out a list that MSU would be around #13 in prestige which is equivalent to elite status in recruiting. And with the next 3 seasons coming ahead we can bump our avg up.
I don't have a team? Who are you even talking to here? And you're putting your own accomplishments down saying your non-elite (according to the game) school is an elite job. You're actually proving my point if you claim your school is an easier job than it actually is yet you aren't producing results to match. Rd 2 is a nice job at MSU, but when you start bragging about being elite you're raising your own bar. Deal with it. MSU is a top 13 job? Well you should be making Rd 2 every year and at least a couple Rd 3s over a 5 year stretch. Back up your talk.

And you've learned the game but I haven't? Alright, if that's your opinion.
11/26/2023 4:33 PM
You’re mixing up two things here. It’s an elite job currently because I brought the prestige up to that status. It’s not a built in elite job. It’s one of the worst statistically jobs in the game in front of Purdue. I’m saying currently it’s #13 bc I have overcome the other elites and have the same advantage. If I left, another coach could have the same success if they wanted to try. That’s been my whole topic of discussion. Is MSU elite? Now it is. It was a joke, because everyone knows it’s built to be one of the worst programs. But now they’re not a joke.

and I am backing it up, I had won 15 straight. If I wasn’t scheduled to play LSU I would be another round or two deep. I certainly wouldn’t have lose to Texas that badly compared to what Rutgers just did. If I stay at MSU it’ll continue.
11/26/2023 5:28 PM (edited)
Posted by johnalanharr on 11/26/2023 3:49:00 PM (view original):
You put that MSU is 13th best job currently in Leahy (It isnt even by what YOU THINK prestige calculation is in the game) - Most of those teams up there have a National Title/Multiple Final 4s/5x the playoff wins as you

What youbhave done at Miss St is impressive but there are 3-4 coaches in every world who would be in Top 15 current programs.

If you look to the right pws is my short for playoff wins. I calculated everything. Except playoff money. What I have done is impressive for this season only. I guarantee nobody in those 3-4 coaches would be 15-1 this season. Only bc I know MSU’s recipe and the little room for error. Or otherwise someone would have. Realist would be able to. Some others but not many. Nobody has the stomach to play Bama, LSU, Tenn, UF routinely.
11/26/2023 5:35 PM (edited)

This is a list of minimal wins Vs toughest schedule possible in conference. Granted you go 5-0 in OOC.

USC: 13-0

Rutgers: 12-1

Texas: 11-2

Nebraska: 11-2

OU: 11-2

BC: 10-3

Bama: 10-3

LSU: 10-3

Florida: 10-3

Minn: 10-3

OSU: 10-3

UNC: 10-3

ND: 10-3

UM: 10-3

Penn: 10-3

TENN: 10-3

MSU: 9-4

11/26/2023 5:38 PM
You don't know what advantage you have or not - You have made assumptions on Prestige and how it's calculated and how it factors.

I understand exaptly what you're saying. But every world has a couple Elites that have either fallen slightly behind, being mis-managed, or on their way back up the ladder. That allows teams like your Miss St to be one of 14 best in a world like the list I provided. The only difference in the list I provided is that those coaches have had sustained playoff success that you are still building towards.

You still don't get the crux of what everyone is objecting about you - You think your way is the knly way to win in this game and your way has had no sustainable verifiable success in this game (yet). These other coaches are winning or competing for titles and you denigrate them when their success is tenfold+ yours.
11/26/2023 6:04 PM
I'll tell you this about teams like MSU becoming 'elites'. I won 6 national titles at WVU in a 24 season span. 5 Runner ups. 20 CCs. Level 5 Bowl every season I think. Penn St didn't win one during that stretch. Not one runner up either. 4 CCs and a nice number of Level 5 bowls. I never once had a recruiting edge on them. Never. This "point system" you talk about, I have no clue where you come up with that. Doesn't mean you can't figure out how to recruit classes on par with the elites. It's just tougher and I often sacrificed battling for top individual players over completing a well-rounded class, picking my spots on certain players based on location, position, and other factors.

Now I'm not saying that in terms of RESULTS, a "non-elite" can be viewed as an elite. People can judge if I was an 'elite' at WVU for themselves. All I'm saying is no amount of achievement at a 'non-elite' totally bridges the recruiting gap with an 'elite' from my experience. And recruiting prestige seems to be your big argument on why MSU is an 'elite'. Just not the case. Results are the only thing that can make a 'non-elite' be seen as 'elite', but the recruiting difference will always remain.

And this is priceless. "If I hadn't lost I would be another round or two deep."
11/26/2023 8:41 PM
Posted by johnalanharr on 11/26/2023 6:05:00 PM (view original):
You don't know what advantage you have or not - You have made assumptions on Prestige and how it's calculated and how it factors.

I understand exaptly what you're saying. But every world has a couple Elites that have either fallen slightly behind, being mis-managed, or on their way back up the ladder. That allows teams like your Miss St to be one of 14 best in a world like the list I provided. The only difference in the list I provided is that those coaches have had sustained playoff success that you are still building towards.

You still don't get the crux of what everyone is objecting about you - You think your way is the knly way to win in this game and your way has had no sustainable verifiable success in this game (yet). These other coaches are winning or competing for titles and you denigrate them when their success is tenfold+ yours.
Now you're just making assumptions tough guy. I said you cant compare whatever list you made with the season I had because every circumstance is different. I didn't say anything about other coaches pedigree and history performance. My assumptions on prestige is actually calculations from previous coaches who made a forum about it. I didn't create it but over time it looks to be pretty accurate, if you want to do calculations yourself go beat yourself up. You're trying to pin my words, just shut up if you dont understand. This topic isn't about what you think it is.
11/27/2023 12:23 AM
Posted by ddollison on 11/26/2023 8:43:00 PM (view original):
I'll tell you this about teams like MSU becoming 'elites'. I won 6 national titles at WVU in a 24 season span. 5 Runner ups. 20 CCs. Level 5 Bowl every season I think. Penn St didn't win one during that stretch. Not one runner up either. 4 CCs and a nice number of Level 5 bowls. I never once had a recruiting edge on them. Never. This "point system" you talk about, I have no clue where you come up with that. Doesn't mean you can't figure out how to recruit classes on par with the elites. It's just tougher and I often sacrificed battling for top individual players over completing a well-rounded class, picking my spots on certain players based on location, position, and other factors.

Now I'm not saying that in terms of RESULTS, a "non-elite" can be viewed as an elite. People can judge if I was an 'elite' at WVU for themselves. All I'm saying is no amount of achievement at a 'non-elite' totally bridges the recruiting gap with an 'elite' from my experience. And recruiting prestige seems to be your big argument on why MSU is an 'elite'. Just not the case. Results are the only thing that can make a 'non-elite' be seen as 'elite', but the recruiting difference will always remain.

And this is priceless. "If I hadn't lost I would be another round or two deep."
You're comparing West Virginia with Penn Sate bro, you're lost in this subject. If you look at my chart, you can see that the West Virginia's max out at 110. And the best elites max out at 120. Maybe Penn State had enough to be 115 or so that gave them the edge still. That's what Im talking about. You probably had a 5-10 point edge over the worst elite status teams. In my scenario for MSU I'm saying maybe I'm 108, FSU and the worst elites are at 100 or 102. But MSU, UNC, BC Max out at 110 like I said. It will never match the top elite schools. But you can still consider them ELITE status at 110. That's enough points. But also recruiting money is a different value only to be determined how you feel. In my opinion MSU with $100k is elite. I've already said my point, its not just prestige but money that comes with MSU. I also know recruiting money is becoming more of a factor on how you want to base as elite. In Wilkinson my WV team has $150k to some elites that have only $50k. Thats bridging the gap to me. Ohio State has UC, Pitt and WV all with $150k. All have to spend "***
UMING" 5% more money if they battled OSU but with $100k more in the bank, who cares what OSU is now?
11/27/2023 12:39 AM (edited)
Posted by AlekTX2020 on 11/27/2023 12:39:00 AM (view original):
Posted by ddollison on 11/26/2023 8:43:00 PM (view original):
I'll tell you this about teams like MSU becoming 'elites'. I won 6 national titles at WVU in a 24 season span. 5 Runner ups. 20 CCs. Level 5 Bowl every season I think. Penn St didn't win one during that stretch. Not one runner up either. 4 CCs and a nice number of Level 5 bowls. I never once had a recruiting edge on them. Never. This "point system" you talk about, I have no clue where you come up with that. Doesn't mean you can't figure out how to recruit classes on par with the elites. It's just tougher and I often sacrificed battling for top individual players over completing a well-rounded class, picking my spots on certain players based on location, position, and other factors.

Now I'm not saying that in terms of RESULTS, a "non-elite" can be viewed as an elite. People can judge if I was an 'elite' at WVU for themselves. All I'm saying is no amount of achievement at a 'non-elite' totally bridges the recruiting gap with an 'elite' from my experience. And recruiting prestige seems to be your big argument on why MSU is an 'elite'. Just not the case. Results are the only thing that can make a 'non-elite' be seen as 'elite', but the recruiting difference will always remain.

And this is priceless. "If I hadn't lost I would be another round or two deep."
You're comparing West Virginia with Penn Sate bro, you're lost in this subject. If you look at my chart, you can see that the West Virginia's max out at 110. And the best elites max out at 120. Maybe Penn State had enough to be 115 or so that gave them the edge still. That's what Im talking about. You probably had a 5-10 point edge over the worst elite status teams. In my scenario for MSU I'm saying maybe I'm 108, FSU and the worst elites are at 100 or 102. But MSU, UNC, BC Max out at 110 like I said. It will never match the top elite schools. But you can still consider them ELITE status at 110. That's enough points. But also recruiting money is a different value only to be determined how you feel. In my opinion MSU with $100k is elite. I've already said my point, its not just prestige but money that comes with MSU. I also know recruiting money is becoming more of a factor on how you want to base as elite. In Wilkinson my WV team has $150k to some elites that have only $50k. Thats bridging the gap to me. Ohio State has UC, Pitt and WV all with $150k. All have to spend "***
UMING" 5% more money if they battled OSU but with $100k more in the bank, who cares what OSU is now?
Not just comparing WVU to Penn St, I'm also comparing my ability to knock of SIMs, even G5 sims, at WVU with even my first season at Alabama when I had no recruiting money. There's a noticeable difference.
11/27/2023 5:37 AM
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Is Mississippi State Elite? Topic

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