Posted by The Taint on 11/4/2018 9:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bagchucker on 11/4/2018 9:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 11/4/2018 9:46:00 AM (view original):
Thanks for being yet another example of why this Country's political process is going down the sheiter, bagchucker.
Voting straight-Party is the laziest, most juvenile, vindictive thing you can do in an election. Act like a 2-year old because you don't like a certain individuals (or individuals). Ballot's like that show exactly who the narrow-minded, hatred-filled bigots in this Country are, and anyone, on either side, who votes that way should have their ballot ignored.
i used a #2 pencil and i worked each box like a rembrandt
you want my work redacted
you don think i deserve to be heard
Let's hear how you think CCCP and Doug are narrow minded hate filled bigots.
Where have I been anything less than clear in saying it applies both ways?
Why is every single Liberal (or Liberal-leaning since some take offense) on this site so anxious to argue instead of comprehend what is actually posted?
They just keep showing their lies and hate, yet keep arguing they are not liars and haters. Guess that makes them hypocrites too.