Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

Two Crazy Stories Out of San Francisco

Jul 25, 2018

RUSH: I want to move on to one of the craziest stories of the day. There are two of them here. They are out of San Francisco. And the first one has to do with eating. There’s a new law in the works in San Francisco that is taking aim at tech companies. The proposed law would ban businesses from having employee cafeterias.

Now, this is not just San Francisco. This is gonna extend down the bay into Silicon Valley eventually. You go to places like Google and Apple in buildings with 10 to 14,000 employees, it just doesn’t make any sense for all those people to leave the building for a half hour or an hour, go out and grab lunch whenever their lunch hour is and then come back. So they have cafeterias. They have had for the longest time. And they’re subsidized. It actually is an employee perk. Many of these places you eat lunch for free, and if you’re there overnight, you eat dinner.

They’re full-fledged restaurant operations that these companies maintain and run. The fear is that neighborhood restaurants and restaurants in towns and nearby cities are losing money and in danger of going out of business because so many tech employees are not stopping in. The law is intended to force employee companies like Twitter, Facebook, Uber, Google, Apple, to go out for lunch in order to help local restaurants. They’re complaining they can’t compete with the cafeterias in these businesses.

Now, keep in mind, we live in a free country. And just like the story we had yesterday about how difficult it is to leave a high-income-tax state for a no-income-tax state, the same thing is happening here. The problem is the tech companies don’t charge their employees for meals. Food is a perk.

The proposed law here has the backing of the Golden Gate restaurant association. The executive director says they can’t compete with free. Really? Somebody in the Bay Area is seeing the light! They can’t compete with free! This has been a major problem the Republican Party has had over the years. It can’t compete with free, either.

And that’s what the Democrat Party is. They’re Santa Claus. They promise to give everything away to anybody who wants it, including now income! The Democrat Party is advocating guaranteed universal income! We don’t have the money for any of this! But they’re talking about it, and guess who supposedly is signing on to this and loving it.

Yes. That’s right. Your Millennial kids think that guaranteed universal income is one of the greatest ideas they have ever heard. So if these liberal lawmakers get their way in San Francisco, thousands of their liberal voters, employees of liberal tech companies, will have to step over piles of human poop on San Francisco streets or step over piles of used syringes and needles, they have to run the risk of getting mugged or worse, and then dig into their own pockets to pay for food that they used to get for free. This may be the first time in recorded history liberal politicians have gone on record against the concept of a free lunch. And it’s happening in San Francisco!

Now, the second thing happening in San Francisco. Up to six months in jail for giving people straws. It’s no longer a felony in California or San Francisco to knowingly pass on HIV, but it is now punishable up to six months in jail for a waiter to give a patron in a restaurant a straw.

“The city of Santa Barbara has passed an ordinance that will allow restaurant employees to be punished with up to six months of jail time or a $1,000 fine for giving plastic straws to their customers. The bill was passed unanimously last Tuesday, and covers bars, restaurants, and other food-service businesses. Establishments will still be allowed to hand out plastic stirrers, but only if customers request them.”

Oh. And there’s this. Each individual straw counts as a separate infraction, which means that if somebody got busted handing out straws to a table of four people, he or she could end up facing years behind bars. Now, straws represent, best calculation 0.02% of the amount of plastic waste estimated to go into the ocean every year. Stop and think of the thinking that goes behind this, the banning of plastic straws. It’s an environmental thing.

In the meantime, as I said earlier, you will continue to find piles of human feces all over San Francisco streets. You will continue to find used hypodermic needles all over San Francisco streets. You will trip over the homeless responsible for the filth and the debris, but soon you will not find plastic straws or coffee stirrers on the streets of San Francisco. And this is called progress. It’s people drinking coffee with plastic stirrers and straws on their way to work that are the problem.

Now, I have so many questions about this. If the illegal plastic straw is then used for a sugary drink, like iced tea, could that earn an even bigger fine? For example, let’s say an illegal immigrant in a sanctuary city uses a plastic straw to fire spitballs at an ICE agent, what happens? Is there an exemption?

Is there an exemption from the law if an illegal grabs a plastic straw and fires a spitball at an ICE agent? Would that be applauded? Would that grant you exemption from this law? There are gonna have to be modifications going forward because clearly you and I can come up with legitimate uses for plastic straws that people in San Francisco would applaud.

What if the illegal immigrant uses a plastic straw to fire a spitball at a Trump supporter? I mean, they would want to give that person the key to the city, but the law says it could be a thousand-dollar fine and maybe even jail time. So before it’s all over, it may end up being a question of how straws are used and who is using them before it’s all said and done.

So, once again the liberals have crafted a stupid, dumb law that is gonna have to be revised with exceptions made. And they are dead serious. I’m not kidding. There are maps that show you where piles of human feces are so that you can avoid them, but don’t you dare be caught accepting a plastic straw from a waiter anywhere.


RUSH: I can’t wait for the first protests against the straw ban out in California. “Equal protection under the straw!” I can just see the signs now and the slogans. Let me get started on the phones. David in San Francisco. Great to have you with us. You’re up first today. Hello.

CALLER: (garbled cell) Hi, Rush. Just a quick comment that I think everybody will find laughable about this law of the cafes and the companies. There are actually more seats in restaurants in San Francisco than there are citizens, than there are residents of San Francisco.

RUSH: Is that right?

CALLER: Yes. (laughing)

RUSH: There are more seats in restaurants in San Francisco than the population of the city?

CALLER: Yeah. Our restaurants are in no danger of going under. It’s ludicrous. It’s people wanting to make laws, thinking that laws make a society civil. It’s nuts.

RUSH: No, that’s not… Well, yeah, okay. But it’s worse than that. Look, we’re talking about liberals. Let’s be honest. San Francisco. I mean, there are conservatives that he live there. We have actually a very large audience in San Francisco. We have all the conservatives; it’s a sizable number of people. But the vast majority of people there are liberals. What is this? What is this really? And look at this straw business too. Look at what liberals think power is for. It is to tell people how to live.

It is to be able to punish people who don’t live the way you want them to. Who are these people to even suggest that the problem is these cafeterias at all of these major firms, tech firms and otherwise? So the solution here is not competition, because they think they can’t compete with free. No, the solution here is to make these businesses shut down the cafeterias, to actually get the power of the state — in this case, probably a city government, and maybe even county — to start dictating to these businesses how they must run.

“In order to protect the investments of people in the restaurant business, you must shut down the company cafeteria, the company mess.” Now, I think this is a great illustration of the liberal mind at work and how it seeks to use power, and it also is a great illustration of the hypocrisy here. This is all supposed to be utopia. This isn’t supposed to happen, right? Nobody is supposed to be engaging in things for self-interest. No! Everybody’s supposed to be doing everything for the common good.

I mean, that’s what utopia is.

So these tech companies… You know, this is not the only transgression. You know what else the tech companies do? They actually have buses, they have buses that go pick up their employees and take them to work and then take them home. And these are big, luxurious, coach kinds of buses. This is ticking off the neighborhoods where these employees live, ’cause they got these buses coming in there to pick ’em up. And this is enabling people to buy and rent more expensive properties since they don’t have to pay for their transportation, and the neighborhoods are upset that the companies are finding efficient ways to get their employees to and from work.

There just isn’t any love or happiness out there, and it’s amazing.

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7/25/2018 7:50 PM

Former Clinton War Room Lawyer and Defense Hack Provides CNN with Secret Tape of Trump and His Lawyer

Jul 25, 2018

RUSH: In the first place, CNN did not obtain anything. Lanny Davis gave it to them. So why doesn’t their headline say, “Former Clinton war room lawyer and defense hack provides CNN with secret tape of Trump and his lawyer”? Because that’s the headline.

I know we have to talk about this stuff today, but, frankly, you know, Snerdley said he was getting bored with all this FISA stuff. This stuff is all about Trump’s private life. This has nothing to do with Donald Trump even as a candidate. You know, is it just me? I have to ask, folks. Did I dream this?

It seems like it was just a couple weeks ago that the Democrats and the media literally went crazy when Louie Gohmert asked Peter Strzok Smirk about his private life, i.e., having an affair with another FBI lawyer while investigating Trump and trying to sabotage the Trump presidency and campaign, and everybody went nuts. And everybody said that Louie Gohmert should be ashamed. The Democrats in unison on that committee, they turned around, they started pointing fingers at Louie. But Louie of course of course was not intimidated and kept probing on this.

But you remember that? Well, now all this is is the creation of noise. This is really the creation of noise. The Democrats have tried this before. This doesn’t even get close to the NBC Access Hollywood video. There isn’t any crime in anything that supposedly is on that tape that’s been released. We discussed this tape being released yesterday and why they might have waived attorney-client privilege for it because there’s nothing really incriminating on the tape in terms of a criminal sense.


7/25/2018 7:56 PM

We haven’t seen… There’s nothing new in here. Everything in it we have seen reported over the weekend and in the past. There isn’t any crime. There isn’t even the implication of a crime, other than the way Lanny Davis and some people have tried to edit the thing. It’s not a crime to pay off a blackmailer, for example, and Rudy is making it clear that Trump wanted the payoff “memorialized,” meaning he wanted there to be a record of it, which means that Rudy is saying Trump did not want to make this payment in cash.

But this is nothing compared to Access Hollywood, and here’s why I’m really not all that hot to talking about it, because I know that it isn’t gonna separate a single one of you from Trump. You look at this, and the fact that it’s on CNN is step one in making sure that you are not affected by it. The fact that they won’t let it go. The fact that Trump’s lawyer has turned on him, many people say, “Wow! Mueller really must have something on Cohen. Wow! Mueller really must have something to cause Cohen to betray Trump like that.”

This is not Mueller’s case anymore. This case has been handed off (like every other Mueller case) to the U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan, the now famous SDNY. It would be great if some of this noise could be eliminated. It won’t be because the media’s not going to let it evaporate or dissipate in any way. This is all they’ve got in their ongoing quest to win the House in November and to defeat Trump in 2020 — and, if they can, still realize their dream of having Trump thrown out of office or forced to resign as quickly as is possible.

7/25/2018 7:59 PM
Good lord Doug. Some original thought would be nice.
7/25/2018 8:12 PM
TRUMP gets standing O at VFW speech. Meanwhile, TRUMP APPROVAL RATING RISES under brutal attacks from fake news and corrupt liberals hiding under the skirt of the formal great Democrat Party.

Like quicksand, the more lies and hatred the ugly American libs heap upon Donald Trump and his family, the more support he gets from the silent majority.
7/25/2018 8:16 PM
Posted by moy23 on 7/25/2018 8:12:00 PM (view original):
Good lord Doug. Some original thought would be nice.'re on your own then.

7/25/2018 8:18 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 7/25/2018 2:50:00 PM (view original):
Wonder what moy thinks now that there is concrete proof that Trump knew of the pay-offs to benefit the campaign?
7/25/2018 9:25 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 7/25/2018 9:25:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/25/2018 2:50:00 PM (view original):
Wonder what moy thinks now that there is concrete proof that Trump knew of the pay-offs to benefit the campaign?
Don't care what he knew..... Was it illegal?
7/25/2018 9:26 PM
CNN's Jim Acosta on Wednesday called the White House's decision to ban a CNN reporter from a press event "a new low for the White House."

^^^wanna know how I know Trump is winning? Watch acosta wig out!!
7/25/2018 9:27 PM
Posted by moy23 on 7/25/2018 9:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/25/2018 9:25:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/25/2018 2:50:00 PM (view original):
Wonder what moy thinks now that there is concrete proof that Trump knew of the pay-offs to benefit the campaign?
Don't care what he knew..... Was it illegal?
7/25/2018 10:17 PM
Posted by moy23 on 7/25/2018 7:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 7/25/2018 9:53:00 AM (view original):
Hey Moy, tell us again how the trade war with China, isn't going to effect the American farmer relying on soy beans.

BREAKING: Trump secures concessions from EU to avoid trade war; EU agrees to import more soybeans, lower industrial tariffs, work more on LNG exports - Dow Jones

Dow spikes to session high after the DJ report.

^^^^lol.... Time to remove your foot from your mouth
Didn't realize that China was part of the EU.
7/25/2018 11:02 PM
Whatever happened to those poor Coal Miners?

Were they only used as a campaign prop?
7/26/2018 3:56 AM
Posted by The Taint on 7/25/2018 11:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 7/25/2018 7:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 7/25/2018 9:53:00 AM (view original):
Hey Moy, tell us again how the trade war with China, isn't going to effect the American farmer relying on soy beans.

BREAKING: Trump secures concessions from EU to avoid trade war; EU agrees to import more soybeans, lower industrial tariffs, work more on LNG exports - Dow Jones

Dow spikes to session high after the DJ report.

^^^^lol.... Time to remove your foot from your mouth
Didn't realize that China was part of the EU.
You must have missed the part where it says the EU will import more soybeans... Basically just redirecting soybean sales from China to EU.
7/26/2018 7:16 AM
Lol.... From the (liberal) Hill:

President Trump's approval rating among Americans stands at 48 percent, a new poll shows.

The poll from American Barometer, a new joint project by Hill.TV and HarrisX, showed that among those who approve of Trump's job performance, 23 percent did so "strongly" while 25 percent did so "somewhat."

7/26/2018 7:24 AM
And from gallop:

President Trump hit his highest average approval rating in his sixth quarter in office, reaching a personal best of 41.9 percent between April and July, according to Gallup polling.
7/26/2018 7:26 AM
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