Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

7/25/2018 11:03 AM (edited)
Hey Moy, tell us again how the trade war with China, isn't going to effect the American farmer relying on soy beans.

7/25/2018 9:53 AM
Posted by moy23 on 7/25/2018 12:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 7/24/2018 7:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bronxcheer on 7/24/2018 3:30:00 PM (view original):

"JUST IN: Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced $12 Billion in assistance to farmers today."

Will the 12 Billion be going to the Family Farmer or the Hugh Corporate Farms ?

Drug test these Welfare Queens? Socialism!

Spanky won't admit he ****** up, so we are paying for what other countries would've bought. Brilliant

Spot on sir.
All part of the trade war negotiation process.

OBummer never would have had the balls to do this.
I love the “everyone knows it’s just a negotiating tactic” defense.

If that’s true, China knows it too. And, Chinese politicians don’t have to worry about reelection.
7/25/2018 9:57 AM
Posted by moy23 on 7/25/2018 6:57:00 AM (view original):
The European Union is coming to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a deal on Trade. I have an idea for them. Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and Subsidies! That would finally be called Free Market and Fair Trade! Hope they do it, we are ready - but they won’t!

-Trump on Twitter

^^^you libs must agree with Trump then, since you are so opposed to tariffs, no?

The barriers to U.S.-EU trade are largely technical. As in, how do you test whether a car meets safety standards, or how do you vet the safety of new prescription drugs, chemicals, etc.

Those differences can be/often are addressed in trade deals. But you don’t just “drop” them.

7/25/2018 9:59 AM
Trump tweets: "What kind of lawyer tapes his clients?"

Ummm, the kind you employed for 20 years, the kind who knows you are a pathological liar?

Nice vetting job by the way, Donny
7/25/2018 10:35 AM
So much winning
7/25/2018 1:22 PM
Wonder what moy thinks now that there is concrete proof that Trump knew of the pay-offs to benefit the campaign?
7/25/2018 2:50 PM
7/25/2018 3:17 PM
Another great day for TRUMP!

Bad day for fake news and Dems.

7/25/2018 5:13 PM
Posted by The Taint on 7/25/2018 9:53:00 AM (view original):
Hey Moy, tell us again how the trade war with China, isn't going to effect the American farmer relying on soy beans.

BREAKING: Trump secures concessions from EU to avoid trade war; EU agrees to import more soybeans, lower industrial tariffs, work more on LNG exports - Dow Jones

Dow spikes to session high after the DJ report.

^^^^lol.... Time to remove your foot from your mouth
7/25/2018 7:27 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 7/25/2018 9:59:00 AM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 7/25/2018 6:57:00 AM (view original):
The European Union is coming to Washington tomorrow to negotiate a deal on Trade. I have an idea for them. Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and Subsidies! That would finally be called Free Market and Fair Trade! Hope they do it, we are ready - but they won’t!

-Trump on Twitter

^^^you libs must agree with Trump then, since you are so opposed to tariffs, no?

The barriers to U.S.-EU trade are largely technical. As in, how do you test whether a car meets safety standards, or how do you vet the safety of new prescription drugs, chemicals, etc.

Those differences can be/often are addressed in trade deals. But you don’t just “drop” them.

BREAKING: Trump secures concessions from EU to avoid trade war; EU agrees to import more soybeans, lower industrial tariffs, work more on LNG exports - Dow Jones

Dow spikes to session high after the DJ report.

^^^^^lol.... Feel free to remove your foot from your mouth
7/25/2018 7:28 PM

Must Read: Gregg Jarrett’s Brilliant Book

Jul 25, 2018

I’ve been waiting to tell you about this new book. It’s been embargoed until yesterday. Gregg Jarrett over at Fox News has a new book called The Russia Hoax. I’m holding here in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers. It is a hardcover. It has 131 pages of footnotes, folks. There are over 700 footnotes in this book. The importance and relevance there is that these footnotes are evidence. The footnotes are documentation of assertions and facts that are presented in the book. Now, aside from transcripts from this program, if you want in one hand the entire compendium of the effort to overturn the election results of 2016 from the Steele dossier to the corruption of the deep state to the exoneration of Hillary Clinton to the Mueller investigation, if you want to have in your hand every detail, every explanation, get this book.

It’s just out. It might have hit yesterday or the day before, but it’s out now wherever you buy books. It’s called The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump. Now, this book has an interesting take. You might think, “Rush, there’s nothing new about this. We know. We listen to you. We know everything.” Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, folks, this is everything. This is it in one place, from the front cover to the back of the book it is chock-full with evidence, explanations, the history of what happened, the timeline. And it’s written in a very enjoyable-to-read way.

But Gregg Jarrett’s premise here is that what drove all of this was a mad desire, a crucial demand to exonerate Hillary Clinton from all of the criminal and near-criminal activity that she had engaged in from the time she was secretary of state and including the time she was a candidate for president. The theory being that what really had to happen, Hillary Clinton gets the Democrat nomination, she’s ordained to get it.

They rig the Democrat primary. She is going to be the Democrat nominee. The Democrat hierarchy has decreed it. The primary is nothing but an exercise in faux democracy. It’s a setup. Bernie Sanders voters don’t know it. Bernie may have known it, but the whole thing was rigged. But because it was rigged and because Hillary was going to be the nominee, there are people who had to make sure that she wasn’t charged and criminally convicted before the campaign got going, because she clearly had broken so many laws that it was impossible to keep track of all of them.

7/25/2018 7:42 PM

The laws involving her illegal server, the trafficking in classified data, the fact that the president of the United States at the time was also knowingly tracking in classified data on an unsecured server with his secretary of state. The number of people who are culpable, the number of people who were aware this was going on were also vulnerable and at risk. She had to be cleared. She had to be exonerated. This stuff had to be swept away. Mr. Jarrett says that’s the origin of this.

And in the process of sweeping away all of the evidence and all of the innuendo and all of the dangers faced by Hillary Clinton, the other side of the story is framing Donald Trump. While they exonerate Hillary, they frame Donald Trump for a twofer, all to guarantee she wins. And then when none of it went as planned, panic set in, and that’s where this book kicks in with the explanation of the framing of Donald Trump.

We’ve talked about all of it here over the course of many days. With this book in your hand, you have a constant reference manual that’s fun to read, easy to read, and I guarantee you, you go through this, you turn the pages, there are gonna be things in this book, even though you think you know it all, that you don’t know. Your eyes are gonna pop out. And you’re gonna say, “Whoa. I didn’t know that.” Or “wow. I didn’t think of it that way.”

It’s an extremely valuable piece of information to have, particularly in the way it’s been assembled and put together. Look, there have been a lot of people that have written about this and a lot of people who have been brilliant in their analysis of it. But it’s happened column by column, radio show by radio show, newscast by newscast at a time. This puts it all in one place in a timeline. And Gregg Jarrett’s a lawyer, understands what’s gone on here.

But it cannot be overstated what the real objective here to start was. And that was clearing Hillary Clinton of all of the crimes these people knew she had committed. This is doubly a whammy because it wasn’t just framing Donald Trump. He had not committed any crimes. Donald Trump did not criminal any crimes. They had to make it look like he had, in the process exonerating Hillary from crimes she had committed.

And, by the way, we’re not just talking about hiring Christopher Steele and Perkins Coie and the law firm and Fusion GPS and the assembly of the Steele dossier. That’s just a part of it. That was used in order to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page and the Trump campaign. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of the near-criminal activity Hillary Clinton had committed.

And the crimes that she committed by using an unsecure server and trafficking in classified data, Gregg Jarrett has a chapter here in which he details people and their cases, people who have been sent to prison, people who’ve been found guilty, people who have had to pay fines, people whose lives have been ruined for doing far less than Hillary Clinton has done. And it was all done to clear the decks for her.

7/25/2018 7:44 PM

The Washington establishment wanted Hillary Clinton. The Washington establishment engineered the Democrat side of things that it was gonna be Hillary Clinton. When the Republicans nominated Donald Trump, the Washington establishment thought the election was over, they thought it was gonna be Hillary, so they needed to clear the decks. They needed to make sure nothing could come back to bite her at any time in her imaginary presidency. They had to make sure that nothing could happen during the campaign.

So here comes Comey on June the 5th exonerating her when it’s not even his job. The FBI director doesn’t decide who gets charged and who doesn’t. That’s the attorney general. But Loretta Lynch had been compromised because she met with Hillary’s husband on the tarmac in Phoenix and had discussed the case! That alone would have resulted in people being disbarred and fired and perhaps charged with something.

But nobody on the Hillary side has been charged with anything. All of the charges have been handed out against Trump people. They didn’t commit any crimes. Those crimes are all made up and manufactured. Spies were embedded in the Trump campaign not to find spying, not to find evidence of Russian tampering, but to plant it.

It is an outrageous — when you stop and think of it — and I do this every day. It hits me every day. What a waste of time the last year and a half has been, what a phony, egregious, outrageous crime has been committed on this country and the people of this country by the deep state in Washington, D.C., to exonerate known perps, known criminals, to clear the decks for her to become the president of the United States. And then the Mueller investigation comes along as a cover-up of what they did to exonerate Hillary and part of the frame job against Donald Trump.

As I say, you’ve heard this discussed for a year and a half, and every day we’ve added new things to it, but Jarrett’s book here is classic, and I dare say that there’s not a single photo in it. I say that positively. It’s not that kind of a book. The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton, which is really what this was all about to begin with and frame Donald Trump.

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7/25/2018 7:45 PM

The Truth About the Trump Tariffs

Jul 25, 2018

RUSH: The tariffs subject is something I haven’t spent enough time on. And I need to, because as I figured was gonna happen, there’s a lot of misunderstanding about Trump and his tariffs and what the endgame is. And the reason this needs to be brought up is that Trump just tweeted there’s an EU leader coming to Washington tomorrow.

Trump tweeted that he’s gonna propose a new economic arrangement with the European Union. It is to get rid of all tariffs, get rid of all taxes, get rid of all fees. Let’s have a really fair and let’s have a really free and let’s have a really open market — and then he tweets that of course the EU won’t go along with it because they want punitive tariffs on American goods. But they do not want any tariffs on goods from the European Union brought into the United States.

Same situation here with the ChiComs, and I think the great misunderstanding people have is who’s responsible for the tariffs. In the larger scheme of things, it’s the ChiComs. The ChiComs are the ones who literally have tariffs on their own goods first, before we do anything. The Chinese and other trading partners who have these punitive policies on American goods? They started this. This is not a United States problem in which we are culprit. This is Donald Trump trying to level the playing field. This is Trump giving them a dose of their own medicine.

This is Trump trying to bring pressure on them to drop their tariffs and their unfair trade practices which are harming American agriculture, exports, farmers, you name it, other manufacturers and retailers are being harmed by Chinese tariffs, European Union tariffs, not us. Trump is simply trying to level the playing field by tightening the screws on them. Now, once that starts, once you impose a tariff policy — which, of course, conservatives are on paper are supposed to be universal opposed to because a tariff is nothing but a tax.

And, of course, we oppose taxes simply on the movement of goods and services. But we didn’t start it. Trump campaigned on this. When he talked during the campaign about American leaders being stupid and dumb and lazy, it was this specific issue he was talking about with tariffs. The Chinese have been allowed to manipulate their currency to effect international trade. They’ve been allowed to use tariffs.

The amount of American goods going into China is paltry compared to how much China manufacturers come into the United States. Trump is trying to fix that, and he’s doing that by imposing tariffs. But we’re not the bad guy! This is part of fixing a great imbalance. The Chinese are the bad guys. The European Union is the bad guys. But I don’t think there are enough — even on the conservative side of the aisle here — who understand how to properly talk about this, because there’s so much eagerness to criticize Trump.

There is such a desire to make it look like Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing that the instinctive thing to do is to criticize Trump. “He’s imposing tariffs! This is bad. This is horrible. This is a trade war.” The trade war has been going on for the longest time, and we have been essentially bending over, grabbing the ankles. Those days are over. But once you commit to it, you have to stay with it, or the whole thing is gonna be a big bomb. We’ve gotta stay with this until the other side — in this case the ChiComs, European Union — buckle.

That’s what’s going on.


RUSH: Trump could have done nothing on these tariffs and he could have sat back and let the stock market soar. But Trump promised he was gonna do this. He’s trying to level out international trade for the benefit of American manufacturers and employees at whatever harm it brings to him. He’s gonna see this through.

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7/25/2018 7:48 PM
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Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

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