Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

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7/23/2018 5:51 PM

7/24/2018 9:15 PM
Posted by bagchucker on 7/23/2018 5:51:00 PM (view original):
This post just improved immensely.

rsp777 likes it too! do you like it? I think there will be plenty more...................
7/24/2018 9:18 PM
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7/24/2018 10:55 AM

7/24/2018 9:19 PM
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who cares where DougOut is? besides maybe his mom.
3/30/2018 2:21 PM

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Probably the attendant at the "home" pretends to care..... at least..........
3/30/2018 2:53 PM

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Posted by wylie715 on 3/30/2018 2:21:00 PM (view original):
who cares where DougOut is? besides maybe his mom.
Can a mobile home get repossessed? Or maybe he ate some bad raccoon and it made him sick?
3/30/2018 3:21 PM

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CAN WE AGREE that DougOut is ignored by everyone?
3/31/2018 8:45 PM

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Taken out by the Clintons???
4/3/2018 10:50 AM

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I'm amazed he hasn't been recalled to Mother Russia for ineffectiveness........
He's an obvious paid operative........ ask him how to spell able................
or if he has any morals to spell that word.......... he can't!
4/14/2018 8:10 PM

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He's funny.
4/15/2018 3:10 PM

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Is Doug stalking childrens sites for graphics and GOD knows what else...

4/16/2018 1:03 PM (edited)

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5/9/2018 2:19 PM

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You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.

5/9/2018 6:52 PM

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5/11/2018 10:46 AM

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Doug is avoiding tgis thread because he knows I'll **** on him.
5/11/2018 12:14 PM

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5/28/2018 10:05 AM

7/24/2018 9:22 PM
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7/2/2018 5:08 PM

I found this one on one of my threads.
7/24/2018 9:30 PM
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7/2/2018 4:22 PM

7/24/2018 9:33 PM
7/24/2018 9:43 PM

I just closed down 2 threads. I'm a nice guy.

I was gonna keep one but we all know you libs will never allow that.

What do you think will happen NOW?


NEVERMIND! I'm over it. Let's cut the bullshit.

This is the new RUSH LIMBAUGH thread by default.

I guess RUSH LIMBAUGH lives here now. THANKS GUYS! It never could have happened without you.

7/24/2018 9:51 PM

Welcome to the new RUSH LIMBAUGH thread.

We never could have done it without you.
7/24/2018 9:55 PM

Washington Examiner: FISA Warrant Application Supports Nunes Memo – Byron York
National Review: FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier – Andrew McCarthy
Federalist: Confirmed: DOJ Used Materially False Information To Secure Wiretaps On Trump Associate – Mollie Hemingway
The Federalist: IG Report Shows James Comey Lied About Why He Publicized New Clinton Emails
AP: White House Blames Iran for War of Words with Trump
CNBC: Trump warns Iran’s President Rouhani: ‘NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN’
FOXNews: Trump Warns Iran’s Rouhani to Stop the Threats or Suffer Historic Consequences
Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Inches Higher, Buoyed by Republican Support
Breitbart: WSJ/NBC Poll: Trump’s Approval Climbs Despite Russia Hype
Washington Post: Trump Calls for End of Mueller Probe, Saying It’s ‘Discredited’ by Carter Page Surveillance
Washington Examiner: Why is Mueller Handing Off Key Cases? – Byron York
National Review: James Comey Urges Americans to Vote Democrat This Fall: ‘Policy Differences Don’t Matter Right Now’
FOXNews: James Comey Warns Democrats Against Socialism: ‘Please, Please Don’t Lose Your Minds’
FOX & Friends: McCarthy: FISA Warrant Judges Need To Be Questioned
New York Times: Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too – Scott Shane
Washington Post: Americans Give Trump Negative Marks for Helsinki Performance, Poll Finds
HotAir: Trey Gowdy: If There Was Any Evidence That Trump Colluded, Adam Schiff Would Have Leaked It Already
Washington Examiner: Trey Gowdy: Whoever advised Trump on Russia should consider resigning
New York Times: Donald Trump Won’t Say if He’ll Accept Result of Election – 10.19.16
Daily Wire: Hillary’s ‘Muumuu’ Ignites The Internet
Washington Examiner: Marco Rubio: FBI Did Nothing Wrong by Spying on Carter Page


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show:

7/24/2018 10:02 PM


RUSH: Many things have become self-evident since we were last together, ladies and gentlemen. I am here to point them out to you. Although many of you are very smart and have probably figured this stuff out on your own, you no doubt enjoy hearing me say it because it validates what you already think. Greetings and welcome. Another exciting excursion into broadcast excellence is up and at ’em. Telephone number, if you want to join us, is 800-282-2882. The email address, [email protected].

Okay. So on a not-much-going-on Saturday — normally document dumps occur on Friday, but this one happened on Saturday. Somebody at the FBI released a heavily redacted 412-page document that shows the various stages of the FISA warrant application sought by the FBI, the DOJ in the investigation of Donald Trump.

And it is as we have suspected from the get-go. That dossier was the primary piece of so-called evidence, the dossier was what really kicked off the investigation into Donald Trump colluding with Russia. The dossier is why we have a special counsel. We know that the FISA judges were likely misled, if not lied to directly about that dossier, its history, its veracity, and its reliability. This is the most amazing thing.

So I mentioned to Mr. Snerdley today, when he came in to say hello and bow down, which he does each and every morning, I said, “So what do you think the big news of the day is?”

He says, “I don’t know man, Iran and stumping with war and stuff is pretty big.”

“What about the FISA warrant stuff,” I said?

Snerdley said, “You know what? It’s not news. We’ve all known about it. Frankly, Rush, I’m starting to get worn out on all this.”

I said, “Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh. I wonder how many other people are starting to get worn out on it.” I’ll tell you why you’re starting to get worn out on it is because you’ve known what it is for all these months and you’re so frustrated that there’s a mind block with everybody are who doesn’t get it. And now that the evidence is out there, isn’t any big deal to you because you’ve known that this dossier was the bogus piece of P-O-S that started all of this in the first place. You’ve known it for months. You’ve known it for over a year.

Okay, so now here comes official documentation. Yeah, been there, done that. I understand that. But it is big, folks. It is big. James Comey lied. James Comey lied to Bret Baier. Do you remember in his interview with Bret Baier, he said the dossier, why, there was very little relevance there, the dossier to the FISA application. Much, much, much, much, much, much more in the FISA application than the dossier.

The dossier is it! The dossier is the primary reason for all of this. And everybody involved knew that it was bogus! See, I’m starting to raise my voice already because I’ve known from the get-go what this really is. The things this country have been put through because of this phony dossier and because a bunch of people feeling entitled to power were denied it in an election and have been trying to overturn and invalidate that election, we’ve gone through hell.

They are taking us through hell each and every day with the assistance of the Drive-By Media. They’re doing their best to destroy the national mood. They’re doing their best to destroy the confidence that our people have in our electoral system. They’re doing their best to just depress people with all this on something that is totally made up, unverified, uncorroborated, and everybody involved in it using it for its express purpose, to damage Donald Trump, knows it.

As do all of you in this audience ’cause I can’t count the number of times we have walked you through it. How it came to be, who worked on it, who paid for it, who sourced it. It’s the Democrat Party and the Clinton campaign with Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, and the law firm Perkins Coie with direct contact to Russian intelligence agents who fed all of this BS in that dossier to Christopher Steele who then assembled it.

And it was presented to the FISA court as legitimate intelligence gathered by some of the best in the world, when in fact it was nothing more than a political opposition research document prepared by the Clinton campaign. And for this lives have been ruined, homes have been lost, people have been jailed. And there doesn’t seem to be any reciprocity. There doesn’t seem to be any way of turning this around on the actual perps who are responsible for this. It’s a mind-boggling thing, but, as always, it’s highly instructive.

Do you want to hear one of the most absurd aspects of this? If you read the FISA warrant application — by the way, I would love to have the Sharpie concession at the DOJ as much redacting as they do. How many Sharpies do you think they go through wiping out line after line after line? My God, can you imagine? Probably just magic markers. They probably have to buy them in bulk. They probably have redaction parties.

And I’ll tell you something about these redactions. I don’t think these redactions have anything to do with national security. These redactions are like the redactions we’ve discovered heretofore in other things. They are to protect from embarrassment and shame a bunch of people in the FBI and the Department of Justice.

But one of the most humorous, incredible aspects in the FISA warrant application actually cites as evidence — remember what this was. This was to spy on Carter Page. The FISA warrant sought to spy on Carter Page, who worked for Trump for a couple of days, supposedly had been to Moscow and was tight with Russian agents and oligarchs and all that. And of all the people that have been sought, of all the people that have been pursued, of all the people that have been surveilled, Carter Page has not been charged with anything.

I was watching Jerry Nadler from New York. He was on CNN this morning being asked about this very fact. “Well, what do you mean?” I mean the guy they took out the FISA warrant hasn’t been charged with, they don’t even have anything on it, haven’t been pursuing. And Nadler (imitating Nadler), “Not yet, but he could be charged this afternoon. He could be charged tomorrow. We don’t know.”

We do know. We do know. They don’t have anything. This FISA warrant cites as evidence — they told the judge they had evidence sufficient to spy on Carter Page. And among the evidence was a letter that Dingy Harry Reid wrote in 2016 to James Comey citing information he got from John Brennan, who got it from the dossier.

So let me see if I can construct this chart or diagram for you. Over here is the dossier that the Hillary Clinton campaign produced and practically wrote with the help of Christopher Steele. And then they leaked the existence of this dossier to Senator McCain, who sent somebody over to the U.K. to pick up a copy. They had it leaked to the media and then Comey told Trump about it in the Oval Office.

Comey then told Clapper, who then told CNN, who then ran a story on it and got a journalism award at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner for all of this shoe leather work in uncovering the dossier. The whole thing has been made up and manufactured. And part of the evidence, John Brennan sent Harry Reid a letter that contained information in the dossier. Brennan got it from the dossier.

So Brennan’s got the dossier. He takes elements of it, tells Harry Reid about it. Harry Reid then says, “I’m gonna write a letter to Comey.” He writes a letter to Comey citing information from the dossier that Brennan gave him, and they use that as evidence! The Harry Reid letter was used as evidence before the FISA judge that Trump had colluded or something had gone on and there was sufficient reason to spy on Carter Page. When in fact, Harry Reid’s letter was not evidence.

It was simply citing information. It was letter to Comey citing information that Brennan gave him from the dossier. So you had the dossier. Brennan tells Harry Reid about it. Harry Reid says to Comey, “There’s this dossier out there!” Comey already knows it. All of that has ended up as evidence before the FISA judge or judges. I mean, this is… What do you call this, a circular firing whatever? That’s how baseless all of this is. My buddy Andy McCarthy at National Review:

“FISA Applications Confirm the FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele dossier, the Driving Force Behind the Trump-Russia Investigation.” This should be actionable. There should be heads roll over this. But let’s move on now to: What does this mean? You know, last week many people think was the hardest week yet for Trump. I mean, had the summit with Putin and everybody threw everything they had, including the kitchen sink at Trump.

Trump was a puppet of Putin. Trump was not a billionaire. The only money he had is because the Russians are propping him up, and that’s why Trump has to go easy on Putin. Because if Trump goes tough on Putin, Putin will take Trump’s money away and Trump will have nothing. Never mind, by the way, you’re not supposed to notice something. Have you seen Trump’s all-caps tweets threatening Iran? The Iranian president over there, Rouhani, said (summarized), “You better be careful, America. Death to America! Death to America! Better be careful, because war with Iran would be the mother of all wars.”

Trump tweeted back in all caps: “NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN OR YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE.” Who is Iran’s No. 1 client? That’d be Vladimir Putin, folks. That would be Russia. (interruption) Oh, yeah. Absolutely. So if Trump is so beholden to Putin, if Trump depends on Putin for his bread, for his butter, for his Boeing 757, for Trump Tower, for the wardrobe that his kids wear, for the wardrobe that Melania wears…

I mean, if Trump literally depends on Putin for everything he’s got, then why the hell is Trump so threatening with Russia’s Middle East client, Iran? And why is Trump being so hard on Russia with member nations and allies in NATO? None of the left’s allegations add up. None of them make any sense whatsoever.


RUSH: From the Washington Post: “President Trump on Monday made a fresh call to end the investigation of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, citing the release over the weekend of a previously classified application to wiretap former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.”

So now that we know the Steele dossier was the primary reason for kicking all of this off and now that we know that it’s uncorroborated, unverified, and basically fake, Trump says, “There’s no need for this investigation.” And when you get right down to it, there isn’t! And nothing that Robert Mueller has found is even relevant to this campaign. The crimes he’s finding have nothing to do with what his original charge was, and that is finding collusion or evidence of it.

I don’t know, folks. It’s amazing how something so bogus has led to something being so damaging, injurious, and yet it continues even though everybody involved knows that there was never any “there” there. You know, Mueller keeps passing all of these cases on to other courts. Michael Cohen he’s passed off to the Southern District of New York.

The Russians that he indicted a couple Fridays ago, that case has been sent to the special counterintel division of the Justice Department, where they don’t try cases. And Byron York has a piece today: why is Mueller handing off all these cases instead of handling them himself? Why is he delegating all this?

And Byron York went out and talked to a bunch of prosecutors. In his story he calls them prosecutor 1, prosecutor 2. It’s a neat turn on the way the FBI redacted document reads. But the general consensus is if Mueller is passing this stuff off, that it doesn’t really ever fit with what his original charge was, that he’s essentially got nothing.

The Steele dossier is the reason all this began. When you stop and think of what this country’s been put through for the last year and a half, two years, and why now, and we now officially know it, even though we suspected it for a long time, it’s really mind-boggling.

Anyway, York’s piece says that the fact that Mueller is not gonna handle these cases himself is an indication that there isn’t gonna be anything bombshell, big, forthcoming. The closest to it is these Russians supposedly hacking the Democrat computer system and so forth. And that case has been passed off to the counterintel division because Mueller knows those defendants will never appear in court, they’ll never be serviced, and they’ll never enter pleas.

It’s a political document. That indictment is a political indictment. That indictment of those 12 Russians is simply Mueller’s way of trying to show, “We got something. We got some Russians doing something here. We didn’t waste our time.” But none of it is related to the presidential campaign. None of it has anything to do with why people think Mueller began his investigation.


RUSH: I wanted you to hear a couple from Andy McCarthy. His latest column is nine pages. It’s way too much to even cherry-pick, but he was on Fox & Friends today. Steve Doocy says, “What’s your headline? We’ve got this 412-page FISA warrant application that’s been released. A lot of it’s redacted. Tell us about it.”

MCCARTHY: A FISA warrant was issued on the basis of unverified uncorroborated information. We should be blunt about this. They used it to say the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia. It’s probably important to point out to people that under our American FISA law, to get a warrant on an American citizen, you have to show not only that he’s willfully engaged in clandestine activities, but they probably violate federal criminal law. They were up on Carter Page for about a year. He’s never been charged with anything which, again, I think underscores that they did this based on the dossier without corroboration.

RUSH: And remember why. They knew it was uncorroborated. They knew it was unverified. They knew the judges would pass on it and stamp approval on it. People are trying to say, “Well, it’s four Republican judges.” The party affiliation of judges doesn’t matter. The judges pretty much rubber stamp these things. And the judges were not told that this was unverified. Quite the contrary.

The judges were led to believe that a lot of things in this dossier were true. And if they were true, then it looks like there’s sufficient criminal activity to begin surveillance of Carter Page. The whole trick was to be able to surveil the campaign. Carter Page was the person that made that possible. So after laying the groundwork for it, here’s the boom from Andy.

MCCARTHY: I got this wrong. I told people that the FBI would never, ever do this, that they’d ever never bring unverified information to a court, especially when their procedures say they can’t. The judges obviously relied overly, it appears, on the FBI. They trusted that they were following their procedures and they weren’t exacting enough. I wasn’t saying that the judges should be kicked off the bench, but I think they ought to be asked hard questions. I mean, to me, I look at this application, and it’s appalling. And I don’t understand how a judge — I think if I gave this warrant, when I was a prosecutor, to a judge down the street in Manhattan, I’d have got my head cut off.

RUSH: Yeah. He was a prosecutor back in the nineties, but had he brought this to a FISA judge asking for a warrant to spy, they would have thrown him out of the courtroom here. Got nothing here. If he’d been honest about it. A lot of people are learning a lot of things.

You know, Andy’s a good friend of mine. He would not believe, he would not believe that the FBI would take something unverified to the FISA court, just wouldn’t believe it, the DOJ wouldn’t do that. He worked there! And yet now he knows not only would they, they did. They took something unverified, literally made up, opposition research from a competing candidate and got a FISA warrant? That’s it.


RUSH: Here’s Comey with Bret Baier April 26, 2018, Fox News Channel. Question: “You called the dossier ‘unverified.’ You called the dossier ‘salacious.’ So why did you use that at the FISA court to ask for surveillance of Carter Page? Not only used it, but you led with it. A bulk of that FISA application deals with this dossier. Why?”

COMEY: That’s not my recollection, Bret, and I don’t know that the FISA application has been released. My recollection was it was part of a broader mosaic of facts that were laid before the FISA judge to obtain a FISA warrant.

BAIER: There was a lot more than the dossier in the FISA application?

COMEY: My recollection was there was a significant amount of additional material about Page and why there was probable cause to believe he was the agent of a foreign power, and the dossier was part of that but was not all of it or a critical part of it.

RUSH: Ha-ha-ha-ha! Fat chance. The dossier was the big… Even despite what was redacted, the dossier was it, folks.


RUSH: Now, one more thing before we get back to the phones. That’s Carter Page. It cannot be overstated here how important it is that the only reason we even know the name Carter Page is because he’s all over the Trump dossier. How many of you remember when Carter Page was hired by the Trump campaign? How many of you remember, and what was he hired to do or to be or what for? You don’t know! A big deal wasn’t made of it. Carter Page is a household name because of the Steele dossier.

If you believe the Steele dossier, what it says in the dossier that was used to get the FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, is that Carter Page was the go-between between Trump and Putin. And that is what the FBI told the FISA judge, even though they knew it was a lie created by the Hillary campaign because the dossier was created by the Hillary campaign. None of the dossier has been verified or corroborated. It’s the dossier that says Carter Page was the intermediary!

Well, why the hell has he not been charged with anything, then, if there was all of this meddling?

I mean, if meddling is the big deal and it’s so innocent for Trump to say, why didn’t they get Page for meddling with the Russians? He was supposedly the go-between between Trump and the Russians. Now, even though Carter Page had actually helped the FBI catch real life Russian spies in 2015… Carter Page had actually helped the FBI catch Russians! He was not a Russian tool. It was just a year before these ludicrous allegations were made up about him, probably by the KGB! Carter Page never once met Donald Trump.

He never once spoke to Donald Trump. Do you know that? No, seriously. Do you know that Carter Page never once met Trump, never spoke to him. Yet according to the dossier, he’s the intermediary. Now you got all those people out there defending the dossier and defending the spying like Schiff because Carter Page was this or that? Carter Page was just the next convenient human being to permit spying on the Trump campaign, not spying on Page! In the midst of all this, we’re all supposed to admit, “Oh, yeah, the Russians meddled! It didn’t affect the election, but yeah, the Russians…” Very dangerous to go there.

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7/24/2018 10:06 PM
7/24/2018 10:10 PM

RUSH: This last week that Trump had — and, you know, it’s hard to categorize one week as worse than any other.

But last week we would have to say… Because the left melted down. The media melted down. There was hysteria. There was lunacy and insanity. So what happened? Folks, the Drive-By Media today is apoplectic. The Drive-By Media is beside itself and confused. I mean, royally confused. Because you know what happened? Trump’s popularity and his approval numbers went up! All during the week, Trump’s popularity numbers in the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll went up! That’s not supposed to happen!

This was gonna be the week where they were gonna finally separate stupid Trump supporters from Trump. They were gonna engineer Trump supporters abandoning and turning on Trump, and they had their reporters all ready to be sent out to these areas of the country to be interviewed. Man-on-the-street Trump supporters were not gonna be hard to find. They were gonna supposedly be everywhere, eager to get to the camera and say, “That’s it! I can’t deal with a president who’s sidling up to Russia. I’m renouncing my support of Trump.”

They thought that’d be the easiest find in the world. They can’t find anybody like that. They’re literally going insane over at MSNBC and CNN. They literally are. The news from The Wall Street Journal/NBC poll: “Trump’s Approval Climbs Despite Russia Hype — President Donald Trump yielded a 45% approval rating in the latest joint Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll carried out between July 15th and 18th.

“His approval is up one-percentage point from June and is at its highest point relative to previous polls of presidential approval jointly conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News.” In other words, it’s the highest it’s been in this poll. “Trump enjoys support from 88% of surveyed Republicans.” The Republicans in Washington don’t understand this. The elected Republicans in Washington were counting on Trump’s last week being the beginning of the end.

Because the objective from the get-go has been to drive Trump’s numbers down lower and lower and lower, to the point that he had no public support to count on. It isn’t happening. Yes, even elected Republicans in Washington were shocked and saddened to see 88% of Republicans enjoy and promote and support Donald Trump. Wall Street Journal, quote: “Of the four previous White House occupants, only George W. Bush, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, had a higher approval rating within his own party at the same point in his presidency,” and we know that didn’t last.

See what they were able to do? Bush was at 88% approval in his party after 9/11. Look what they were able to do inside the next six years. They were able to drive Bush down to the high twenties and lower thirties. Wall Street Journal concludes this: “President Donald Trump’s approval rating edged higher during a week in which he faced withering criticism following a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, signaling that he is positioned to weather the latest controversy sparked by his unusual brand of politics.”

The numbers keep ticking up.

Trump’s support keeps solidifying.


One of the reasons is because all of this insanity is driving people to Trump.


RUSH: It’s not just the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that shows Trump is ticking up. Folks, I’m convinced — and I have been for the longest time. Hillary, the Clinton campaign, the news media and the rest of the Democrats were convinced that charging Trump with colluding with the Russians would be all it would take. I mean, that was the first thing they got going out of this. That’s why the Steele dossier… The reason I think that they didn’t worry about it being what it was ’cause they didn’t think it would drag out nearly this long.

They didn’t think these texts between Strzok Smirk and Lisa Page would be discovered. Trump was gonna be dispatched in six months. Do not doubt me on this. I’ve heard this. I’ve had this explained to me by people in the know. But it’s common sense to me. They expected… Look, when have they not been able to get rid of any Republican they targeted? They have perfected it they can get rid of any Republican we wish.

In the case of George W. Bush, they didn’t actually get rid of him, but they paralyzed him. They froze his agenda; they destroyed his reputation. They are accustomed to success. They are used to being able to do this. I don’t think they ever respected Trump even after he won. I think they continue to think of Trump as the rube, the boob, the ogre that they’ve always thought, and therefore thought it would be easy just accuse Trump of colluding, accuse Trump of cheating, alleging the election was not fair.

They thought Trump supporters would abandon him within six months. The reason is they have never understood the bond Trump supporters have with Trump. You know, I have mentioned this I don’t know how many times. They have yet to try to understand it. If you’re in the business of getting votes while there are still elections, wouldn’t you think it would matter? But they seem not interested in this at all. I think with every one of these faux scandals, they thought they would have gotten rid of Trump by now.


RUSH: And there’s one more little bit of polling data here. Two-thirds of Republicans — that’d be 66% — gave President Trump high marks for how he handled Putin in Helsinki last week. Now, this is an ABC News/Washington Post poll. It says here, “although 50% of Americans overall disagree with Trump’s handling of Putin, 33% approve. Eighteen have no opinion at all. Sixty-seven percent of Republicans approve of Trump’s handling of Putin.”

They can’t believe this, folks. I know that I have mentioned this a few times, but it bears repeating. If you want to understand their behavior, which I think is crucial in defeating them, they thought they would have Trump gone long ago. They thought they would be back in power, which is what they are livid about, that they have lost power, they can’t get it back.

Despite being in the deep state, despite this, Trump still holds the power that they seek, that they consider theirs almost as an entitlement. And they are beside themselves. When they see numbers like this, like Trump’s approval numbers ticking up after all that they fired at him last week — and, believe me, the reason they’re upset is not because Trump’s numbers went up in connection with how he performed last week. They’re upset that Trump’s numbers went up despite all that they threw at him. That’s what they can’t believe.

They are close to being at their wits’ end. And now with 66% of Republicans, that is not separating Trump from his base. And this one has really thrown them for loops in a lot of places. Now, here’s what you need to remember to keep all of this in perspective. For the last at least 30 years — and it may even be longer if you want to throw Richard Nixon in the mix here — the left, the Democrats, the media, that group of people have been able to get rid of or shut up any conservative Republican they were afraid of.

There have been — I can’t think of very many exceptions. Reagan was one. But they have been pretty much at will been able to do great damage in terms of reputation, effectiveness on any conservative Republican they are threatened by. And, believe me, that’s why they do it. They will always tell us who they’re afraid of. It’s the people they hate the most.

You know, and all it took was a few well-timed and well-coordinated stories about a past indiscretion or an ill-worded interview or some titillating rumor of past behavior and the Republican would then resign and fade meekly into the sunset, asking to be forgiven, asking to be forgiven for making such a transgression against the state. And seeking to be readmitted after the passage of enough time. The point is they just went away. They didn’t try to fight it. It was hopeless. Nobody rallied to their defense. This is key too. Whenever these Republicans or conservatives were targeted, the rest of the conservative movement breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn’t them.

There was nobody circling the wagons except in many cases this program. But for the most part there was no defense. And so the left — can’t blame ’em — concluded that it was easy, easy to get rid of a conservative or a Republican that you didn’t like or that you were threatened by. The Republicans, slash, conservatives collectively would cower in the corner and say, “Yeah, we’re sorry, we’re sorry,” or they would mount some feeble defense but not actually fight what was going on.

That was all it took, something along those lines was all it took to destroy the effectiveness of anybody in the conservative movement or the Republican Party the left felt threatened by, until Donald Trump. Until Donald Trump and his never ending tweeting. Donald Trump pushes back. Donald Trump refuses to leave.

Donald Trump refuses to be defined by these people. He refuses to let them characterize him. He simply refuses to. He fights back with aggression. He almost has an aggressive defense as his posture. And they are not used to pushback. The media, the left, they don’t get any pushback from Republicans. They get meek acquiescence and a fading into the sunset.

What does Trump do? He points out their failures. He points out their lies. He points out their hypocrisy. He has educated his supporters on how the media works. He’s educated his supporters in how the deep state works. And so the left just got louder. They started screaming even more. And then they ramped up the allegations. And then they accused Trump of being a traitor last week.

And Trump still didn’t leave. Trump still didn’t even act intimidated. Trump didn’t even act afraid of them. We can’t have that. At least he’s gotta be afraid of us because everybody’s afraid of us. Trump is not afraid of them. They marched. They wore vagina hats. They made up stuff. They used high school students to try to take out the Second Amendment.

They called Trump and his supporters every horrible name they could think of! And what has dropped are the ratings of leftist media. The readership of leftist publications, newspapers and magazines, the ratings of leftist cable news outlets plummeting. CNN is even lower than HGTV and the Food Network. While their ratings drop, while fewer and fewer people tune in and watch, they see Trump’s polling numbers holding steady or growing! And I’m telling you, they can’t rationalize that. They can’t reconcile it.

Remember, it’s important to remember these people are used to being able to destroy whoever they seek to destroy. They’re asking themselves, “What’s going on? Republicans always give up before this point. This point Republicans always cave. Conservatives always fade away. Conservatives always get out of the way. Why isn’t Trump?” And as Trump hangs in and aggressively defends himself and attacks them, they get even more hysterical by the day.

Now they’re threatening violence. Now they’re refusing to serve Republicans in restaurants. Now they are advocating and urging others to harass Trump supporters, Trump employees, conservatives and Republicans in public. And they think this is representative of the national mood? This is why they are panicked. They see themselves urging people to civil disobedience, urging people to violence, urging people to harass people in restaurants.

And then they see the American people’s support for Trump expanding and tightening up. They see fewer and fewer people blaming Trump for the things — and they are worried that the action they have advocated is gonna come back and hurt them, and it will because it already is. Urging this kind of behavior against the popular president.

No matter what you want to say, Trump is popular. His approval numbers are high enough to say he’s popular. There’s urging this kind of activity, threatening violence, intimidating people, running ’em out of restaurants. They think that is how they are going to rally the nation to their cause?

And to this day they still haven’t taken the first step to try to understand who Trump’s supporters are and why they support Trump. They don’t even understand that it isn’t Trump, that Trump is simply the vessel for what it is these people have cared about for a long time. Don’t misunderstand. They love Trump. They like Trump. But Trump tapped into it. This is not a criticism of Trump. Don’t tell anybody.

Folks, again, you’re not supposed to say this stuff. Don’t call other shows with this, ’cause it’s best that they don’t figure this out. I don’t think we have to worry about that. They don’t even seem curious to figure it out. So the economy keeps booming, and people get hired, and they’re earning more. And the level of contentment in America’s at an all-time high. The level of people that think the country’s going in the right direction’s an all-time high.

They never saw these numbers when Barack Hussein O was president. It’s driving them nuts. You can see it. You can see it codified in that unhinged behavior of Whoopi Goldberg to Jeanine Pirro, Judge Jeanine. It happened on The View set last week.

I have to take a break here. When we come back, I want to get to the audio sound bites because somebody finally has picked up on my long-range prediction that the left is going to someday figure out the only thing standing in their way really is elections.

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7/24/2018 10:11 PM

RUSH: North Korea has begun dismantling its rocket test site, one of its test sites. The Norks “appear to have started dismantling key facilities at a rocket engine test center, according to a group of experts, which may mark a significant step after last month’s summit between Kim Jong-un and President Trump.” Wait a minute. I thought all the “experts” were agreed that Trump had been hornswoggled by this guy.

I thought all the experts are saying that Kim had made an absolute fool out of Trump, and he wasn’t doing anything, and he’s just, you know, joined the long list of fools that Kim Jong-un has made: Clinton, Obama, and now Trump. Keep in mind here, Trump has not given the North Koreas one thing in exchange except a video telling how Kim could develop his beaches with Trump hotels and Trump casinos. That’s it.

There are now satellite photos of North Korea actually dismantling key nuclear test site.

Satellite photos indicate that it is happening.

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7/24/2018 10:13 PM

RUSH: So here are Democrats stepping in it again. “House Democrats Pass Resolution Denouncing Trump in Wake of Helsinki.” Have we ever seen such a preposterous farce before in the long history of our nation? This is how desperate the Democrats are to try to make this nonscandal into something they can prove Russia collusion with. Everything else has failed. Now they’re trying to prove collusion because of what happened with Trump and the press conference in Helsinki, so they pass now a resolution denouncing Trump.


Let ’em go ahead and service their base. That’s what they’re doing. What they don’t realize… You know, we don’t want to say this too loud. I mean, I really don’t want to say it too much. But I have to let you know that I know so that you can be confident in what you know, because when I tell you what I know and it agrees with what you know, then you end up being confident of what you know. So I have to tell you now and then.

Were you able to follow that? It was a perfectly logical circle. The fact of the matter is, they live with this crazy belief that they can separate you from your support for Trump. At the same time, they have to service this increasingly lunatic fringe that they’ve got, this base. So they do that, and they don’t realize that they are solidifying and I think expanding — and the polling data indicates that it’s happening — support for Trump.

I guarantee you… You know the exit poll data we just had, 18% of voters in 2016 didn’t like either Trump or Hillary but they ended up voting for Trump because of policy. Well, same thing’s gonna happen this time around as long as the Republicans can get on the same page with Trump, policy-wise. There’s no reason for them to lose the House whatsoever, ’cause the Democrats are not mainstreaming anything.

The Democrats are taking themselves and their base way, way, way out on a cliff on the fringe left. They’re not pulling together a whole bunch of undecided Americans and taking them along for the ride. If the American people are doing anything, it’s resisting the fringe left, and then: “The Denver Post published a letter to the editor suggesting President Donald Trump should be executed for treason.

“The letter criticized the president and Sen. Cory Gardner (R., Colo.) following Trump’s summit with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, and said Soviet spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who passed atomic bomb secrets to Moscow, were ” according to the letter-writer, “executed for ‘far less.'” The very same people who are calling Trump a traitor have never accepted that the Rosenbergs were. The same people calling Trump a traitor loved the Rosenbergs and they loved Alger Hiss and they loved all these Soviet spies.

Two-Thirds of Democrats Say ‘Trump Treason’ Charge Is Sincere.” Well, folks, they just continue to step in it, and what this is: “The claims that President Donald Donald [sic] Trump is a traitor are made sincerely, not for political reasons, say almost [80%] of liberals and two-out-of-three Democrats, according to a Rasmussen poll.” They’re not just saying it for effect. They’re not just saying it for show. They believe it. Keep it up, gang! That’s all we can say.

Here’s another one: “Dem[ocrat] Candidate ‘Struck by the Parallels’ Between Trump’s Rise and Hitler’s — The Democrat challenging Rep. Lee Zeldin (R) for his New York House seat said he was motivated to run for office because of “parallels” he saw between President Trump’s political rise and Adolf Hitler’s ascent to power in Germany before World War II. The comments, made in February at a Democratic primary forum in East Marion, N.Y., were captured in a video sent to The Hill from a Republican operative and also posted online on the Facebook page…”

I’ve read five lines and we still don’t have the name of this Democrat. Have you noticed that? You’re wondering, “Well, who is it Rush?” I’m getting there but you gotta read a long way to find the name of this Looney Toon. “In the video, Perry Gershon, who previously worked as a lender in commercial real estate, recalls paying a visit to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington during the 2016 presidential race. ‘I was struck by the parallels between the rise of Donald Trump today and the rise of Hitler back then,’ Gershon says.”

So you have to read a very lengthy paragraph — and even in this, this guy is not identified as the candidate. “Dem Candidate ‘Struck by Parallels…'” Even after you read the paragraph, this guy that they quote, you’re still not sure is the candidate they’re talking about in the headline. I’ve been to the Holocaust Memorial Museum, and I have been to Yad Vashem, and I will tell you there is nothing you will see in either place that makes you think of Donald Trump. There’s not a thing that you will see that will make you think of Donald Trump.

If you walk into Yad Vashem or the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and think of Donald Trump, you are sick. You are a sick puppy. This from The Daily Caller: “Democrats Roll out Their Economic Agenda and It Looks a Lot Like Trump’s.” Oh, and the Norks have begun dismantling their rocket test site! This is a rocket test site that they have used to launch missiles ostensibly at Guam and at us. They’re in the process of tearing it down.

The Democrats just yesterday and late last week said, “Have you noticed that the Norks are not doing anything and that Trump is really a failure there? The Norks…” All of a sudden, out of the blue, here come the satellite photos of the Norks getting rid of one of their nuclear installations. Now, we keep all this at arm’s length. I mean, we’re talking about the Norks and a number of crazy people. But the Norks are releasing the satellite — actually they are, and we are using our own.


RUSH: This is Noah in Rochester, Minnesota. Welcome, sir. You’re next.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. Good to talk to you.

RUSH: Thank you, sir.

CALLER: Yeah, I just thought it was kind of interesting how you have to believe the Russians meddle and you have to believe in climate change or man-made global warming or whatever the issue of the day is, even though we haven’t seen any evidence.

RUSH: Yeah, you know, that’s a brilliant point. That is an absolutely, brilliant, brilliant point. Mr. Snerdley’s asking himself where he’s heard that, but, no, no, it might have been two weeks ago. But Noah, thanks. It is a great analogy. The Russians meddled. You can’t disagree. The Russians meddled. Trump has to say it. The Russians meddled. Trump has to say it. And it doesn’t mean that they colluded, and it doesn’t mean that his election is invalid. But he’s got to say it. The Russians meddled. And climate change just is.

By the way, Rasmussen, there’s been a bunch of surveys lately on what’s on the minds of the American people. And this is another — like Larry Sabato, he’s a political scientist, University of Virginia, and he’s an accredited member of the swamp. He would be establishment extraordinaire, and he’s out now saying that Democrats, it’s in the cards, Democrats are gonna win the House. It’s there. It’s indisputable for the most part that Democrats are gonna win the House.

If you look at the polling data that they trust, you look at polling data they cite, there isn’t a single issue the Democrats are making top of the line issues that anybody cares about. Even on immigration. The number one issue in this Rasmussen survey of what’s on the minds of the American people, there’s a couple. There’s a Pew survey, and number one in both is immigration, but not families being separated. It’s border related.

People are saying we wouldn’t have this problem of families being separated if they weren’t getting in in the first place. And you can’t argue with that. I mean, when you get right down to it, the reason families are separated is because people are showing up here expecting to get in illegally.

Now, let’s take a look at human side of this for a moment. Because some of this you have to acknowledge. There are people living in El Salvador and Guatemala and other parts of Central America who live on dollars a day. And up north is the United States of America. And if you can just get there, you have a chance and your kids have a chance to earn or get much more than what you at present live on.

Now, human beings are remarkably alike in a number of ways. With exceptions, of course — and they’re rare — most parents want a better life for their kids than they had. No matter how bad or good their lives were, they want their kids to have a great future. And most everybody alive is seeking an improved standard of living, however they get it. Some people are looking for better work, better job, higher wage. Some are looking for ways to game welfare systems or what have you.

But the objective is people want more. It’s a natural human condition, to want more, to be better, to acquire more, to possess more, to have a greater, more comfortable standard of living. And we can’t criticize people for that, because that’s built into who we are. I think it’s the essence of nature. Where the problem comes in is where those chances, opportunities around the world are not nearly as plentiful as they should be. Why is that our fault?

We have done so much to try to help the rest of the world become independently prosperous. We have tried to export our way of thinking. Export our way of freedom and governance. We run into tyranny, we run into dictators, we run into people that want to enslave people that do not want their people to have upward mobility at all. That would be a challenge to their power. That’s not our fault. We’ve done our best to get rid of a lot of those kinds of dictatorial leaders and so forth.

But somehow, when all of this is considered, the left in this country finds a way to blame America, A, for our prosperity, B, for not sharing it, and C, for acquiring it by virtue of stealing it from these other people. And so you add all these three up and it means that it’s incumbent upon us to let these people in. We owe it to them because they don’t have what they don’t have because of us.

American foreign policy used to be about helping other nations, what the foreign aid budget was all about originally, American foreign policy was oriented toward building up the economies of allied nations.

But the left got hold of everything after a certain passage of time after World War II and the whole mission changed. And the mission became dictated by America’s guilt and the unfairness that is America’s prosperity, and incumbent upon that or with that was the lack of understanding of how it happened.

So America’s prosperity was just accidental. It was like winning the lottery. It wasn’t the result of our system of human liberty and freedom. It wasn’t at all related to the fact that in the United States, if you could dream it, you could be it. No, no. None of that. None of that. That’s not true. That’s always a myth. For the left. But, no, it’s always been the case.

And that’s why so many people want to come. But we simply can’t maintain who we are, we can’t maintain what we are without borders and without maintaining our own distinct, unique culture, which has provided and contributed to thus our being the lone economic and military superpower in the world.

Now, you would think that something as great and as prosperous as the United States would be something a lot of people would want to copy, would want to emulate. And this is what the foreign policy of United States used to be oriented toward, helping those who wanted to emulate the United States.

But then it wasn’t long after World War II and the left took over that all of that became, “Who are we to impose our way of life on people?” Well, what were we imposing? Freedom. I never knew freedom was an imposition. But to the American left, anything American that was transferred or attempted to be installed in another country was considered an imposition, and it was our imperialist nature and our hubris and our great ego to think that we had all the answers and everybody should just be like us.

The left loved to point out our failures, our deficiencies, our pockmarks, our racism, our sexism, our bigotry, our homophobia, our slavery and all this, in order to denigrate the greatness of America. This is what we’re still up against today, this is what we fight each and every day is the left’s view of this country and their effort to take us in a direction where their view of the country would become reality.

Well, that is eventually Venezuela. That is eventually Cuba. That is eventually a wall built to keep people in. This is how communist and socialist nations survive. When you stop and think of it, it’s asinine. So we have all these poor people trying to get into the country. And I’m gonna grant ’em the benefit of the doubt. I think a lot of them are coming here simply for the basest of human desires and needs.

But then the American political system gets hold of ’em and they are seen as pawns. For the Democrats, they’re future voters. For the Republicans, they’re cheap labor and maybe there’s some overlap ’cause I’m sure some Democrats like cheap labor, too, mowing the lawn and this kind of thing. And all of us are told that they’re doing all of this for altruistic reasons, that we want these people to experience a better life.

That’s not the case. The Democrats want these people to be able to vote. Republicans want hopefully to register Republican and work cheap and so forth. It’s hideous. So these people become pawns. I mean, they’re so desperate, they send their kids alone.

I have no doubt they’re being counseled to do it because once the kids get here, the ticket for the parents to eventually be allowed in is not far away. Lost in our immigration is assimilation. People arriving are not assimilating, not becoming Americans. They’re not, in many cases, learning English, and they are not take advantage offing of the great opportunity. Some do, but those are the legal-arriving immigrants and some who have arrived illegally over the years. But when you get down to brass tacks, we’re not separating families.

They’re doing that. So the Democrats make up this phony story that the Republicans and Trump like separating families at the border because they’re anti-immigration, when in fact it’s not the case. The American people, in all of these surveys and polls, when asked what’s most important to you, immigration is at the top. But it is not the separation of families aspect. It is the border aspect. This is not a winning issue for the Democrats, but they are convinced that it is.

You know, separating families is the same thing as the Russians meddled. It’s the same thing as climate change. You have to believe it. You have to accuse Trump of doing it. You have to say it. Nobody’s doing anything to stop it other than Trump. Trump tried to overcome existing federal law with a presidential executive action. The court said, “You can’t do it.” Trump said, “I know but they made me so I’m gonna try to do it.” You know what’s way down the list? Things that people concerned about, electing issues?

Climate change! It doesn’t even show up in the Rasmussen survey. In some other survives it gets an asterisk. It’s a 1%. You know what else doesn’t show up? Trump and foreign policy and Putin and Helsinki. People aren’t concerned about that. Not in a majority. The media is not reflective of the thinking of this country, but yet their whole purpose is to make their viewers think that that’s all the media is.

“If you see it on CNN, that’s what all of America thinks, that’s what all of America believes, that’s what all of America is thinking about.” Not true. You see it on CBS, ABC, NBC, same thing. That’s their great objective, to make you think that what you see on their network is what every other citizen thinks. They’re so far off track that they don’t even know it — and if they do know it, they’re stubbornly refusing it and still trying to force what you don’t care about and what you’re not interested in down your throat.

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7/24/2018 10:16 PM
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