Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

Posted by rsp777 on 7/19/2018 8:25:00 AM (view original):
Posted by RCBracco on 7/18/2018 10:17:00 PM (view original):
You have a problem with this version of life. Give it up dick breath
I think I'm in love with Bracco...
7/21/2018 4:04 PM
Both Doug and Bracco are extremely predictable. I can't tell if Bracco is playing Doug or if Doug is playing Bracco. Either way, both of you are insane. Good luck!
7/21/2018 4:57 PM
Posted by tangplay on 7/21/2018 4:57:00 PM (view original):
Both Doug and Bracco are extremely predictable. I can't tell if Bracco is playing Doug or if Doug is playing Bracco. Either way, both of you are insane. Good luck!
Well, I'm not playing anybody.

Bracco and a few others are nut jobs.

I do not attack you like they attack me and others. I am not aware of a conservative here that attacks you. Or anybody else for that matter.

At some point, and we reached it long ago, we have to stand up for ourselves against the attacks and lies. Turnabout is fair play to a bully.

I don't post cartoons written and produced by others in a post/copy mindless response to reply to arguments, legit or otherwise. I prefer to speak for myself and use my own words and visual devises. I would like to think it has some level of creativity and originality.

And as nobody attacks you here in the leftist oasis we call the PIT, I suspect even you should grant me the opportunity to defend myself against attacks you have never been and never will be suffered by conservatives.

Come on man. Give me a level playing field.

If you can't do that.....then you are right there with Bracco and his lover.
7/21/2018 5:27 PM
eI forget. Who is it that is always cutting and pasting Rush Limpdick quotes here in the pit?
7/21/2018 7:02 PM (edited)
Facing condemnation from allies and foes alike on Capitol Hill, President Donald Trump was outnumbered even in the Oval Office. Top aides gathered to convince the president to issue a rare walk-back of the comments he'd made raising doubts about U.S. intelligence conclusions of Russian election interference as he stood alongside Vladimir Putin. Vice President Mike Pence, national security adviser John Bolton and chief of staff John Kelly stood united in the West Wing on Tuesday in their contention that the commander in chief had some cleanup to do. They brought with them words of alarm from Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, as well as from a host of congressional members
7/21/2018 7:13 PM
Posted by RCBracco on 7/21/2018 7:02:00 PM (view original):
eI forget. Who is it that is always cutting and pasting Rush Limpdick quotes here in the pit?
Well.........apparently......and not unquestionably...misspelling forgiven...THAT WOULD BE ME!~ are wrong again my misguided gay friend.

I created threads beyond and separate from here to post the RUSH LIMBAUGH.

It's not important to me that you remember or respect my reverence for the PIT.

YOU cross the line and incite. I have the rest of the weekend to slam the truth down your dirty liberal mouth.

Perhaps lover rsp777 can help you swallow.

You 2 are beyond idiocy. I'd tell you to suck but you already do.
7/21/2018 7:16 PM
CHINA sure did back off. What's going on there?
7/21/2018 8:21 PM
I wonder if it has anything to do with the latest polls or the latest self promoted shitstorm fired up by the Fake News turds.

Whatever it was, the public didn't buy. The Dems and their fake news allies are in trouble.

Do they expect they can just do a 180 and pretend nothing happened?

I suspect they do.

I expect them to get their collective (pun intended) ***** kicked in November.
7/21/2018 8:34 PM
from CBS News. the bolding is mine

the special master in Cohen's case, Barbara Jones, determined the tape fell under attorney-client privilege, but Mr. Trump waived that privilege. The source with knowledge also said Cohen's recording of the tape was not illegal, as New York is a one-party consent state for recordings.

"First, a lawyer taping a client is not illegal," said the source, adding that New York law only requires one party to consent for a recording.

"Taping a conversation is the functional equivalent of retaining notes," the source added. "Second, the tape, as well as a lawyer's notes, are privileged and non-public. It is the client who owns the privilege and not the lawyer. In this specific instance, it was Trump who waived the privilege after Special Master Jones ruled the tape was privileged. Team Trump actually contacted the Judge and waived the privilege, thus, permitting Rudy (Giuliani) the ability to release his version of the tape's content. It is ironic that Trump would complain about a privileged tape that would not have been released and then chooses to make it public himself. Very foolish strategy by team Trump."

7/22/2018 3:00 AM (edited)
i love special masters

i think most trials the jury should be special masters

if i could only be convinced they were loyal to the law and true
7/22/2018 2:52 AM (edited)
I think I'll just dump the Rush Limbaugh threads and post it all here.

lsd777 and BRACCO demandt it.
7/22/2018 2:38 PM

IT'S BEEN A WHOLE DAY...and nobody wants to talk about the polls?

The polls I was talking about. The one the low information low IQ people don't wanna talk about.

JEEZ! You libs sure do shutup fast when your leaders and spokespeople bracco and lsd777 fade like an old Polaroid.

NO MATTER. RUSH LIMBAUGH IS BACK and he's here DAILY because liberal turds are never satisfied with the gifts given.

Like an infection, they eat away at all former protocol and then reset the bar one level lower to attain equal misery.

SO LET'S LOOK AT RUSH LIMBAUGH and the information he provides in a still free America.
7/22/2018 3:48 PM

7/22/2018 3:53 PM

“Treason” Not Working for Dems, Poll Shows Nobody Cares About Russia

Jul 19, 2018

RUSH: “After Helsinki, Dems Struggle Over Trump, the Term ‘Treason’ — Democrats are happy to say President Donald Trump undermined American democracy. That he patted Vladimir Putin on the back for interfering in U.S. elections.” What? This is an AP story. Democrats are happy Trump patted Putin on the back for interfering in elections. Really? Did Trump do that? Did Trump thank Putin for interfering in our elections? Did Trump pat Putin on the back for doing this?

And let me remind you again, Christopher Wray is at the Aspen Institute for skiing today and yesterday, and he said the Russians do not tamper with our election infrastructure. They don’t tamper with the voting part of elections. They try to destabilize public opinion all along the way by causing other people to question the legitimacy. But they don’t go in and try to tamper with vote counts because it can’t be done.

And then if you come out as a Republican and object to it, you become the oddball. You’re in the minority. You’re the weirdo. “What do you mean, you don’t want to get rid of ICE. Everybody wants to get rid of ICE.” Well, they polled that.

RUSH: Okay. One more thing here, ladies and gentlemen. This is from The Daily Wire: “Gallup Poll Shows Americans Couldn’t Care Less (Literally) About ‘Situation With Russia’“.

7/22/2018 3:53 PM

i love special masters

i think most trials the jury should be special masters

if i could only be convinced they were loyal to the law and true
7/22/2018 3:56 PM
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Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

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