Posted by Midge on 3/26/2011 1:47:00 PM (view original):
How good are the rookies? Should you draft three useless guys and call up the rookies instead?
Should a beginner start in an open league? How fast do open leagues fill up?
How many minutes should you draft? Do you need 3936 minutes for each position or can guys play a little bit more?
How much do slow down or up tempo offenses effect minutes played?
Do guys get injured?
Say a guy played 2870 minutes. (35 minutes per game) Should he play 35 minutes a game, or could he play 40 in some games and 30 in other games without getting tired?
(1) The rookies are better and can play more minutes than the $239,000 300+min players. Yes.
(2) Yes, probably less than a week.
(3) Because of the rookies, you only need to draft a total of about 17,500 minutes.
(4) It doesn't, you just need to draft enough usage% to run up tempo.
(5) If their fatigue is low enough, yes. You probably shouldn't be concerned as long as it's above 90%.
(6) If a guy played 2870 minutes, he can play at a pace of 2870*1.02/82 (35.7 minutes) per game without getting fatigued.