"For anyone reading these forums for information about how the game works, please be aware that not everything you read here is accurate. Sometimes information is spread that is incomplete, misleading, or completely false. Usually, it is inaccurate guesswork that is presented as fact.

But just be aware that you can't take everything in these
forums as fact.

While most users are trying to be helpful, some either do not truly know the answers to questions regarding the sim or are unfortunately intentionally misleading other users. Information posted on these forums by members of sitestaff should be considered fact and presents the best, first-hand representation of the simulation engine. As we are not always able to respond to every post in every thread on these boards, please take what you read in the forums from other users as opinion."

There's so much humor in this post that I won't even bother pointing it all out.  Just sit back and enjoy rereading the hilarity.
8/12/2010 8:49 AM
wasnt this posted in response to an old banned user posting what was clearly a satirical list of dos and donts of the sim

suggestions like:

"dont worry about fg%, just make sure you have lots of attempts - the sim favors quantity over quality"


"a certain number of turnovers actually helps your team - try drafting a cumulative level of over 2000 TOs in 19500 minutes played"
8/12/2010 2:40 PM (edited)
Yes indeed. A certain banned simian perhaps?
8/12/2010 10:55 AM
before my time
8/12/2010 10:56 AM
Oh right....
8/12/2010 11:58 AM
Wait a minute... did that say that members of the sitestaff actually post to these forums?

And I remember that awesome do's and don'ts post... hahaha, that guy was genius... wherever he is...
8/12/2010 1:52 PM
I think after rereading the original post here, everyone should reread sly's ticket and WIS's response.  Thus even more grand humor.

Status: - In Progress
It's Just Business B1tches (NBA33859)

8/1/2010 8:24 PM

Please review the box score and tell me why John Stockton was subbed in at SG. He is not listed anywhere in my depth chart. I have 96-97 Jason Kidd who is 100% at SG as my backup SG, yet for some reason Stockton was subbed in.

8/2/2010 2:46 PM
Customer Support
Hi Nick,

Stockton played because 89-90 Michael Jordan on your team was in foul trouble and fouled out in the 3rd quarter.

8/2/2010 4:23 PM
Please actually read my post this time, then try to comprehend and give a valid response.

At 6:43 left in the 1st quarter John Stockton was subbed in at SG. So your response above makes zero sense.

The issue: John Stockton is not on my depth chart anywhere. 96-97 Jason Kidd is #2 on the depth chart at SG yet for some reason Stockton was subbed in.

8/3/2010 12:09 PM
Customer Support

You have Kidd set as the only backup for both positions. So there will be times where he needs to back up PG and there is no one left to come in at SG. To avoid that you need to set another guy in the depth chart at one of the two positions.

8/3/2010 1:03 PM
Again, you need to do a little more research into what I'm saying. I have TWO different Jason Kidd player seasons on my squad.

The 96-97 Kidd is ONLY set at #2 on my depth chart at SG. The 08-09 Kidd is set at #2 at PG.

So, I will pose the question for the third time. Why would John Stockton be subbed in at SG when:
1. He is not listed on my depth chart anywhere
2. 96-97 Jason Kidd is set at #2 SG
3. 96-97 Jason Kidd is not set on my depth chart at any other position.

8/3/2010 1:35 PM
Customer Support
Jordan was in foul trouble and 96-97 Kidd was likely over target minute pace, so it had to find someone else to play there. Any time there is foul trouble it's going to cause odd sub patterns.

8/3/2010 2:54 PM
The logic of your statement does not make sense. Kidd was over target minute pace so it had to find a replacement. The replacement it found was someone who was set at zero target minutes.

Kidd was over target minute pace? He played 1:25 in the 1st quarter before being replaced by someone who is not on my depth chart and not 100% at SG. Then he played another 2:50 to close out the 1st.

Stockton (zero target minutes) ended up playing 19 minutes while Kidd only got 13.

8/3/2010 4:23 PM
Customer Support
Kidd had played about 1.5 minutes when he came out, and since there had been only 3 total minutes played in the game he would be on pace to play nearly 24 minutes, which is clearly well above his target of 3.

A player not set in the depth chart is basically Mopup, so their target minutes aren't handled the same way.

8/3/2010 5:32 PM
19 minutes for a player not listed on my depth chart is outlandish.

Target minutes relate to players listed on my depth chart. If a player is not listed on my depth chart, why would the sim just assume that it should throw in a player for 19 minutes despite the fact that I purposely did not list him on my depth chart? It just doesn't make sense.

8/3/2010 5:47 PM
Customer Support
Most coaches would be more upset if a guy they had set to low minutes used up a ton of minutes in a game like this and that affected his use for the rest of the season.

8/3/2010 7:55 PM
Most coaches would be ****** if Michael Jordan fouled out in 6 minutes, but I wasn't even going to bring that up.

This isn't about me or "most coaches." This is about sim logic. He should not have been subbed in. Who is the coach, me or the sim? If I had wanted Stockton to play, I would have put him in the depth chart, yes?

8/3/2010 8:01 PM
Customer Support
Thanks for the feedback. We'll take it into consideration for future changes.

8/4/2010 10:43 AM
Future changes? That must be a joke right? You haven't even released the 09-10 players!
8/13/2010 1:56 AM

"customer support"

that's a funny phrase....
8/13/2010 11:09 AM
I shake my head every time I read that. Then I stop and think, "No I'm not surprised." Imbeciles.
8/13/2010 11:16 AM
try imagining it as read by Bud Abbot and Lou Costello - you'd be straight man Abbot and they'd be Costello - or maybe you could be Dino and they could uber-imbecile and nutty professor (Laiidiiies!!) Jerry Lewis
8/13/2010 11:25 AM
But just be aware that you can't take everything in these forums as fact.

This apparently includes the following declaration from seble on 5/12/10, regarding the 09-10 player release:

It should be within the next 2-3 weeks. Either way it won't affect leagues in progress if that's what you're worried about.

8/13/2010 12:02 PM
well, it certainly hasnt impacted leagues in progress
8/13/2010 12:10 PM
Posted by felonius on 8/13/2010 12:10:00 PM (view original):
well, it certainly hasnt impacted leagues in progress
love this sarcasm right here.

Unless you were being serious... and if so... well, killing a prog league that had 24 owners ready to go in may (a league that had been running 20+ seasons) is certainly effecting it!
8/13/2010 1:53 PM

Are you the manager?


You gonna be the coach too?


And you don't know the fellows' names?

Well I should.

Well then who's on first?


I mean the fellow's name.


The guy on first.


The first baseman.


The guy playing...

Who is on first!

I'm asking YOU who's on first.

That's the man's name.

That's who's name?


Well go ahead and tell me.

That's it.

That's who?


8/13/2010 2:09 PM (edited)
Thanks for the feedback. We'll take it into consideration for future changes.
There's no set timetable now.
We're working on it.
It should be done sometime in the near future.
We'll look into it. / We're looking into it.
It's next on the list of things to get done.
It's one of our our top priorities now.
We're aware of the issue. Thanks.
We've encountered some issues while working on it.
We've got our best people working on it.
It happened because you did this or did that (it's your fault).
You didn't remember to .... (it's your fault).
But don't you want...? Most people would want that.

Liable to get any one of these or more.
8/14/2010 1:05 AM
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