Player Performance at Different Caps Topic

I know that individual players' performances tend to go down, compared to their real life statistics, as the league salary caps increase.

My question: Are there any players in WIS who actually perform better at higher caps than at lower caps?

I have actually had some players perform better a very few times at $100M and $120M leagues than at $80M, but should I attribute this to random results? Because the player performance history only has the open league results, I can not use this method to answer my question.

Thank you for your answers.
4/6/2009 8:59 PM
I don't have any data to back it up but I think that high-AVG hitters and high-walk hitters do a bit better at higher caps, because the pitchers are throwing more strikes. Ichiro might be 50 points off his average in a league where most hitters are 40, and then in a higher cap league he'll be 60 off when most hitters are off 65.
4/6/2009 9:31 PM
High avg and high walks? So essentially better hitters do better?
4/7/2009 5:15 PM
I could believe that the relative value of certain types of hitters changes as you get to higher and higher caps, but as to the specific wording of the question - which I think implies are there any hitters whose raw numbers IMPROVE at higher caps - I would be skeptical. I assume there is a direct inverse relationship between cap and performance, for both hitters and pitchers.
4/7/2009 5:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by tianyi7886 on 4/07/2009High avg and high walks? So essentially better hitters do better?

High average/low walks, like Ichiro

and high walks/high power like Bonds04 - they might actually hit more HRs at a higher cap.
4/7/2009 5:42 PM
The balance between pitching and hitting performance changes. The pitchers used at 255mil are pretty much the same ones being used at 100mil, but there are some freak seasons of Bonds,Ruth, and Williams and they dont suffer much of a drop off between the 100-255mil caps.

I agree with everything contrarian said too. Can't imagine why a player would perform better against better pitching other than relative to other players.
4/7/2009 5:45 PM
I used to use '52 Busby alot, from 60 million to a 100 in real life he's a terrible hitter...but in the sim he hit virtually the same at all 3 caps, 60, 80 and 100...One possible explanation is at 100, because he was surrounded by .320 hitters, he went along for the ride, but at 60, he was surrounded by hitters of pretty much equal value, so he hit to their level...I used him constantly, maybe in 10 leagues or so and he always seemed to hit at the level of his competition...
4/7/2009 6:44 PM
Here is an example of why I am asking my question.

I have a team in a theme league with a $80M cap but 6/2 "u-pick-em" WAA AAA. This has the effect of making this league have the equivalent of around a $140M+ cap. (The 6 AAA position players that I drafted all were between $6.8M and $7.6M each, and the 2 AAA pitchers were over $6.5M.) Two of the players in the lineup are also on open league teams that I have. The AVG/OBP/SLG comparison:

Hank Aaron '63 OL = .278/.337/.431 TL = .307/.342/.419

Billy Williams '72 OL = .276/.364/.438 TL = .325/.364/.463

So far, the OL team has played 84 games, and the TL team has played 93 games. The home fields are the Polo Grounds (1B -1) for the OL team and Wrigley Field (1B +2) for the TL team, which could account for the higher AVG for Aaron and Williams, but the team AVG are .263 and .266. So the ballpark effects difference did not change the team AVG, and the higher level pitching should reduce some of the + effects of Wrigley anyway.

4/10/2009 12:52 AM

All Forums > MLB SimLeagues
Topic: Pitching - IP - Pitch Counts

Quote: Originally Posted By rmarshall on 11/09/2009

Ladies & Gentlemen'

I'm still trying to get a grip on this game. 23 teams .. No playoffs .. only one team played .500. I like $255 mill leagues.

My topic is about pitch counts & IP ...

With $255 mill you can get quality players and I usually get 10, and lately 11 pitchers. I've been slowly lowering the pitch counts and IP .. in hopes of getting strong performances with 3-5 pitchers per game. I've switched my thinking so much I think I'm confusing the issue. ( Nothing is really working ) I am finally getting some 15-20 game winning starters. But my relief situation is a mess.

Also, I put my Starters @ ANY, on Inn Avail. Long Releivers also @ ANY. Setup at 7,8, with my closer @ 9. Always set Closer @ closing situations only.

Help !

11/10/2009 1:39 PM
Try putting all your setup guys at 6.
11/17/2009 1:48 PM
What overall affect should that have ?
11/17/2009 2:29 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By believeit on 4/10/2009
So far, the OL team has played 84 games, and the TL team has played 93 games. The home fields are the Polo Grounds (1B -1) for the OL team and Wrigley Field (1B +2) for the TL team, which could account for the higher AVG for Aaron and Williams, but the team AVG are .263 and .266. So the ballpark effects difference did not change the team AVG, and the higher level pitching should reduce some of the + effects of Wrigley anyway.

Comparing the team averages isn't saying what you think it's saying - they are similar team averages, but the other hitters on the OL team are likely of significantly lesser quality compared to those on the theme team. If you put that theme league offense in an OL in Wrigley they would likely hit for a much higher average than .266. I think most of the difference you are observing in the performances of your players is in fact a result of the park difference combined with the vagaries of chance...
11/17/2009 2:37 PM
beleiveit ... Here is some greatplayers in my $255 mill league. League stats vs Real Life.

$255 mill league, Cubs Park, 122 games played.

$255 mill RL Stats


'21 Cobb .349 .364 .472 5 64 93 3 .420 .467 .621 8 127 147 44

'27 Hornsby .331 .379 .641 41 122 112 36 .401 .459 ..772 42 152 141 65

'27 Gehrig .312 .363 .695 46 118 81 35 .373 .474 .765 47 175 149 109

'21 Ruth .278 .375 .626 41 109 117 74 .378 .512 .846 59 171 177 144
11/17/2009 3:05 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By rmarshall on 11/17/2009What overall affect should that have

It gives the sim more options when using relievers. If you lock specific pitchers into specific innings, the risk is the sim will wear those pitchers out. Maybe the game is more sophisticated now, but I know I used to set up my bullpen by inning and often ran into fatigue problems. So, I started giving the more lattitude to run games, and it has worked out better.
11/17/2009 3:53 PM
in addition to the cap, i think it behooves us to examine the competition, because sometimes, you can get into an entire league, or nearly, of guys who don't draft the "cookie" pitchers, which gives performance numbers that might not hold up against more savvy SIM managers. Or, if you have several managers who don't show up, which also happens, hitters fatten up on their pitching.
11/17/2009 6:36 PM
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Player Performance at Different Caps Topic

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