How old is everyone- all please reply here Topic

I am 14 years old, and I am trying to see if people my age are paying for FS leagues or not, so everyone just post your ages, if you want also, even though it is in the profiles, tell how many FS leagues you have played in.
2/27/2002 9:07 PM
I'm "Native" American too. I was born in California...
5/10/2002 5:27 PM
5/10/2002 5:46 PM
god these are so pathetic... yeah, im 48, i live at home, have no wife, or life, and watch sports all day
5/10/2002 6:31 PM
How old are you, RSC?
I'd be more inclined to believe the 14 answer than the 48 answer.
5/11/2002 12:06 AM
hah, I'd rather be 14 than most of the 48 year olds on this sit
if you have to ask, 19, and again, if you got problems with it, get in that rivalry league
5/11/2002 12:55 AM
old enough to know whats right but young enough not to chose it
5/11/2002 7:38 AM
He's a New World Man.
5/11/2002 8:53 AM
While RSC and I have had our disagreements in the past, it is good to see that he is back, while he may continue to diss the fact that I dont pay, I don't care at least rsc was on this site a while so i think its good that hes back
5/11/2002 11:20 AM
He never . Did you think that WIFSIsntLife guy just fell from the sky
But, RSC, what rules did y'all decide on for the Rivalry League?
5/11/2002 6:57 PM
hi gas bag,jumping jack flash its a gas,gas,gas
5/11/2002 7:55 PM
8/28/2002 4:29 PM
Wise enough to win this game, but fool enough to lose it...

I'm 34, married, 2 kids (4 1/2 boy Evan and 2 1/2 girl Amanda) working on 3.
8/28/2002 4:56 PM
27.....and boy are we all a sad lot of people.
8/28/2002 5:57 PM
I'm 38, and my wife misses me since I got stuck here.
8/28/2002 6:23 PM
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How old is everyone- all please reply here Topic

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