TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by bagchucker3 on 10/21/2023 4:01:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 10/20/2023 1:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bagchucker3 on 10/20/2023 7:43:00 AM (view original):
righties say biden leaving afghanistan signalled to putin Attack ukraine now, USA is weak

i say the knucklead caucus paralyzing congress signalled to hamas Attack israel now, USA is weak
Your last sentence has no meaning. Maybe re word it
i will not

but i will translate it for those easterners who don speak english

the maga's who refuse to elect an adult to speaker of the house

those cats famous republican hugh hewitt has taken to calling The Knucklehead Caucus

i approve that appellation and so do you

now get with the program you silly easterner
A lot you know. I live in Vancouver. If you don't know where that is, just leave Seattle and drive North on I-5 for 1 hr 30 mins plus border time

Easterners: My pet Peeve
10/24/2023 2:22 AM
i get you and lenny cornfused sometimes
10/24/2023 4:42 AM
The ying and the yang.
The yip and the Yap.

10/24/2023 8:50 AM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 10/20/2023 8:39:00 PM (view original):
Is he referring to me? If so I am the only one showing him some respect and no hate.
I am not constitutionally set to hate people around here except 2 people that I do think are creeps but he isn’t one of them. Even though he thinks I will go to hell I also have no problem with Matt. He believes it and it isn’t really personal. It is his honest belief and I’m ok with it.

The LNF should not misunderstand where I come from.

He doesn’t post his stuff to intentionally hurt people imo.
I disagree. Just above your post he called mwett a misfit and a bit of an *******. Was that supposed to make mwett feel better? He has called me many names, said I was immature, came from a messed up home. Were those remarks not intended to hurt? (They didn't, as I don't take anything he posts seriously)
10/24/2023 1:32 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 10/24/2023 1:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 10/20/2023 8:39:00 PM (view original):
Is he referring to me? If so I am the only one showing him some respect and no hate.
I am not constitutionally set to hate people around here except 2 people that I do think are creeps but he isn’t one of them. Even though he thinks I will go to hell I also have no problem with Matt. He believes it and it isn’t really personal. It is his honest belief and I’m ok with it.

The LNF should not misunderstand where I come from.

He doesn’t post his stuff to intentionally hurt people imo.
I disagree. Just above your post he called mwett a misfit and a bit of an *******. Was that supposed to make mwett feel better? He has called me many names, said I was immature, came from a messed up home. Were those remarks not intended to hurt? (They didn't, as I don't take anything he posts seriously)
I think he is ingrained in his ways and is a harmless imbecile savant.
I find him to be highly entertaining and not to be taken seriously.
He symbolizes the difference between dumb vs stupid. Dumb is a condition and stupid is a choice.
But he is loads of fun.

He is less a flame thrower and more of what I call a Ranter and Raver. He does rant and rave.

There are others who actually are malicious and creeps (2).

10/24/2023 1:56 PM (edited)
I didn't say he was not harmless. He is too much of an bozo to be harmful. That does not mean he does not intend to harm. Not sure he is loads of fun, but most of his posts are unintentionally funny. Not the same thing.
10/24/2023 5:27 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 10/24/2023 5:27:00 PM (view original):
I didn't say he was not harmless. He is too much of an bozo to be harmful. That does not mean he does not intend to harm. Not sure he is loads of fun, but most of his posts are unintentionally funny. Not the same thing.
To me he is a 2023 Archie Bunker. I just chuckle at everything he posts. He is so earnest and dedicated to his nutty causes. He amuses me ….like a clown…the way he tells a story….
Roll with it.
10/24/2023 5:38 PM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 10/24/2023 1:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 10/24/2023 1:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 10/20/2023 8:39:00 PM (view original):
Is he referring to me? If so I am the only one showing him some respect and no hate.
I am not constitutionally set to hate people around here except 2 people that I do think are creeps but he isn’t one of them. Even though he thinks I will go to hell I also have no problem with Matt. He believes it and it isn’t really personal. It is his honest belief and I’m ok with it.

The LNF should not misunderstand where I come from.

He doesn’t post his stuff to intentionally hurt people imo.
I disagree. Just above your post he called mwett a misfit and a bit of an *******. Was that supposed to make mwett feel better? He has called me many names, said I was immature, came from a messed up home. Were those remarks not intended to hurt? (They didn't, as I don't take anything he posts seriously)
I think he is ingrained in his ways and is a harmless imbecile savant.
I find him to be highly entertaining and not to be taken seriously.
He symbolizes the difference between dumb vs stupid. Dumb is a condition and stupid is a choice.
But he is loads of fun.

He is less a flame thrower and more of what I call a Ranter and Raver. He does rant and rave.

There are others who actually are malicious and creeps (2).

WHAT?? ME? Ranting and raving. ?? I also spoke the truth about Mwett. He is mean spirited, and rather nasty.

CLIMATE CHANGE.. am too lazy to start a new topic, but will just shift to this:
I live in Vancouver. It is Nov 4th. It is supposed to be around 55-55 on a lightly overcast day.

At 4 p.m. PDST, it is 73 deg Fah in the shade..on my front porch. 2 weeks ago is hit 72 f and that set a record for October 20, or thereabouts. At this rate, we will see Daffoidils in late January. Today, you can play 18 holes and will only need a sweater (plus the rest of the stuff)

This warming thing is FUN.

I still assert that man and carbon admissions has nothing to do with this.. and in fact, there are less emissions than 20 years ago. I also believe that the global elite have made Global warming into a weapon to spread Fear, thus aiding in controlling the sheeple. They have made it into a religion. Before you write that off as crazy.. THINK of it for a bit.

As for Hell Lenny B.,It is a very real place, and I do NOT want to see you go there. However, I cannot convert you, or anyone else, for that matter. That is the work of the Holy Spirit.. and it is impossible to predict where that wind goes next

Happy Saturday everyone

Next topic. Quinn Hughes had a 5 point night against the Sharks and should be NHL player of the week. Hammering the Sharks 10-1 was a sweet change from a year ago, when this team sucked and stunk to high heaven. Rick Tocchet instills confidence and the players respect him.
11/4/2023 7:18 PM (edited)
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 10/24/2023 5:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 10/24/2023 5:27:00 PM (view original):
I didn't say he was not harmless. He is too much of an bozo to be harmful. That does not mean he does not intend to harm. Not sure he is loads of fun, but most of his posts are unintentionally funny. Not the same thing.
To me he is a 2023 Archie Bunker. I just chuckle at everything he posts. He is so earnest and dedicated to his nutty causes. He amuses me ….like a clown…the way he tells a story….
Roll with it.
F.T.record; I hated that show

Bozo, dummy has an I.Q of 145. Means nothing, though. You will see this in the next post

Some (not all) of the dumbest folks I have ever met have letters after their name.

Some of the smartest were blue collar guys with a maybe first year science, and then trade school

You can win a debate with an smart person, but it is impossible to convince an idiot that he is wrong
11/4/2023 7:56 PM (edited)
I once knew a guy nicknamed 'Lucky.' He was a native Indian, and had finished grade six and then went to work.. This was in a place near the Yukon border, i.e. the mining town of Cassiar; pop about 1900. I worked in the Diesel Generating plant/powerhouse.Lucky, for fun, drew out the schematic for the synchronizing station. Took him less than half an hour. Also drew in the alarm system, showing relays and all.

Grade six? ! ?

I thought I was a decent Chess player, because I had just beaten this guy from Vancouver and he was one of the top Chess guys on the Vancouver College chess team.

Lucky had taught himself Math to the grade 12 level, and he also read a fair bit. He was an electrician. We played 5 games of chess and he beat me every time. Nobody ever owned me so easily.

Last time I played him he said to me, after about 14 moves apiece: 'Look, you are 6 moves from checkmating me. Let me show you 'and he called/demonstrated all 6 moves , as though he were just ordering lunch in a restaurant. I just sat there kinda stunned. I didn't win that last game because I couldn't see the 'track' He'd have done me in

Good guy, too. Except in a chess game. That was over 50 years ago, and I still marvel when I think about that
11/4/2023 8:09 PM (edited)
Another brain story:

This guy had a photographic memory. At a Bingo game, he took two cards, Looked at them for 10 seconds, then turned them upside down on the table.
I saw this. The numbers were called out and he said BINGO. and then .. to the amazement of about 60 people in that room, turned the cards over, and proved he had them all. What is actually a bit scary, is he won the next game, too, and in the same fashion.

He was a 2nd year Dental student

He could look at your dental chart and draw it from memory 3 days later.
11/4/2023 8:08 PM (edited)
I also spoke the truth about Mwett. He is mean spirited, and rather nasty.
You spoke the truth as YOU see it. I find you much more mean spirited and nasty than Mwett

I still assert that man and carbon admissions has nothing to do with this.. and in fact, there are less emissions than 20 years ago.
Well, we all know that you are an expert on the subject, so what you say must be true.
11/4/2023 9:40 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/4/2023 7:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 10/24/2023 5:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 10/24/2023 5:27:00 PM (view original):
I didn't say he was not harmless. He is too much of an bozo to be harmful. That does not mean he does not intend to harm. Not sure he is loads of fun, but most of his posts are unintentionally funny. Not the same thing.
To me he is a 2023 Archie Bunker. I just chuckle at everything he posts. He is so earnest and dedicated to his nutty causes. He amuses me ….like a clown…the way he tells a story….
Roll with it.
F.T.record; I hated that show

Bozo, dummy has an I.Q of 145. Means nothing, though. You will see this in the next post

Some (not all) of the dumbest folks I have ever met have letters after their name.

Some of the smartest were blue collar guys with a maybe first year science, and then trade school

You can win a debate with an smart person, but it is impossible to convince an idiot that he is wrong
Good one, you claim an IQ of 145 then go on to say that IQ means nothing. My calling you a bozo has nothing to do with your intelligence or lack thereof. It has more to do with you closed mind and narrow view of the world.
11/4/2023 9:45 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 11/4/2023 9:41:00 PM (view original):
I also spoke the truth about Mwett. He is mean spirited, and rather nasty.
You spoke the truth as YOU see it. I find you much more mean spirited and nasty than Mwett

I still assert that man and carbon admissions has nothing to do with this.. and in fact, there are less emissions than 20 years ago.
Well, we all know that you are an expert on the subject, so what you say must be true.
Well thank you for your kind words, and acute assessment of my character. Dunno how I would make it without your input

Look carbon emissions up.. Lots of sources.
11/5/2023 3:20 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 11/4/2023 9:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/4/2023 7:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 10/24/2023 5:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 10/24/2023 5:27:00 PM (view original):
I didn't say he was not harmless. He is too much of an bozo to be harmful. That does not mean he does not intend to harm. Not sure he is loads of fun, but most of his posts are unintentionally funny. Not the same thing.
To me he is a 2023 Archie Bunker. I just chuckle at everything he posts. He is so earnest and dedicated to his nutty causes. He amuses me ….like a clown…the way he tells a story….
Roll with it.
F.T.record; I hated that show

Bozo, dummy has an I.Q of 145. Means nothing, though. You will see this in the next post

Some (not all) of the dumbest folks I have ever met have letters after their name.

Some of the smartest were blue collar guys with a maybe first year science, and then trade school

You can win a debate with an smart person, but it is impossible to convince an idiot that he is wrong
Good one, you claim an IQ of 145 then go on to say that IQ means nothing. My calling you a bozo has nothing to do with your intelligence or lack thereof. It has more to do with you closed mind and narrow view of the world.
*then go on to say that IQ means nothing. *

I did say that, and it is so true.

You say BOZO when you mean 'Sir' 'sonny'

11/5/2023 3:23 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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