Posted by chisox378 on 6/26/2012 1:18:00 PM (view original):
how do you know what TOC cap you play in? do you have to do the calculations manually?
Yes, if you have AAA on your active roster.
For example, your team in the Jimmy Carter prog has an active salary of 53,265,633. From what I can tell 4 players on your active roster are AAA. So subtract 800,000 from the previous total (4 x 200,000), then ADD the real value of those 4 AAA.
If the total salary is under 60M, the team would be placed in a 60M TOC; if it's even 1 dollar over 60M, you're in a 70M TOC. (No chance that you'd make an 80M TOC, since those 4 AAA are below average).