Posted by smokey57 on 5/26/2013 3:20:00 PM (view original):
Making statements to the effect that I'm unaware of what's printed in the "Knowledge Base", is a joke, much like your interpetation of the game.
I answered your previous post in a straightforward, easy to read, understandable and truthful manner and t his is how you respond.
Please smokey, what is my "interpretation of the game"? First, please do not be so vague. Second, I'm not sure how my "interpretation of the game" was brought into this. Third, I haven't posted any opinions and I don't even really know what an "interpretation of the game" would even look like. So what's the joke?
And yes- you must certainly be trolling with your statements because nobody with any understanding of how this statistics simulation works would post the nonsense you do.