October 15 HBD Release - Feedback Thread Topic

After a season and a half I have to say I am really digging the new fuzzy ratings for IFA's. It keeps the game interesting and keeps prospects as prospects. There are a few IFA's that everyone knows is going to be good but there a lot of guys that range from the $6 million to $12 million range that no one is really sure about.

In one of my leagues I just nabbed an SP4 or 5 for about a million and a half but also spent $5 million on what I thought was going to be an offensive LF but now looks to be just another scrub.
12/18/2015 7:51 AM
Yeah, I got a couple of potential 1-arb types for less than a million.    And, by "1-arb types" I mean guys who can be 4-5 year big league players before cost outweighs talent.
12/18/2015 12:04 PM
Not sure if this one has been logged. in the PLAYOFFS only... The view boxscore doesn't launch the play by play boxscore. Every other team is working fine except my one team in the playoffs. Windows, mac and iphone.
12/19/2015 12:03 PM
Posted by WiredTiger on 12/19/2015 12:03:00 PM (view original):
Not sure if this one has been logged. in the PLAYOFFS only... The view boxscore doesn't launch the play by play boxscore. Every other team is working fine except my one team in the playoffs. Windows, mac and iphone.
I've experienced the same thing.  Firefox on Windows 7 and Windows 8, and Chrome on Android phone.
12/19/2015 12:47 PM
Posted by hockey1984 on 12/18/2015 7:51:00 AM (view original):
After a season and a half I have to say I am really digging the new fuzzy ratings for IFA's. It keeps the game interesting and keeps prospects as prospects. There are a few IFA's that everyone knows is going to be good but there a lot of guys that range from the $6 million to $12 million range that no one is really sure about.

In one of my leagues I just nabbed an SP4 or 5 for about a million and a half but also spent $5 million on what I thought was going to be an offensive LF but now looks to be just another scrub.
I'm running into the same things. On one team I picked up a guy that I view as a potential backup ML CF for 270k. But I also paid 2.6mil for a RP that after signing looks like he has AAA as a ceiling.

Its made looking at each IFA as critical and not just being able to look at the players initial demands as to whether you pursue the player or not.

12/19/2015 1:24 PM
It adds some critical thinking and a bit of luck, which I like.


This was a nice grab at $1.8 million. Not going to be an all star, obviously, but a guy who can eat innings as a SP5 or LRA for less then $2 million is a nice treat.


Looks like an Imediate bust. When I got the IFA scouting he looked like a 1B but a 1B with offence in spades. What a mess now. Yuck. Cost me almost $3 million to figure out.

I'll probably be changing my mind with the Amature draft in a week. First year with this team, 14 mill in HS and Coll. 5th overall pick, 45th, 53rd and 75th. I just can't punt the pick. It's like getting a bike for Christmas and not being able to use it for 6 months. So, I'll roll the dice. See If I end up running the table or making some really really stupid decisions.
12/19/2015 1:51 PM (edited)
Something strange with the draft board. When you look at the board, it says one poision for the player, but if you click on the player profile, it says another position. The one when you click on the profile seems to be where they are most likely to play if they were to reach your fielding projections.
12/19/2015 4:58 PM
Player Profile: Bartolo Quinones - Hardball Dynasty Baseball | WhatIfSports

This is the guy I paid 2.7 mil for. Came in with awful control and his 2-5 pitches are poor to mediocre. Like I say I'm thinking AAA ceiling but I will hold out hope that he may end up capable of taking up a backend of blo pen for 2-3 seasons.

This team has 20mil in IFA and 6mil in advanced.
12/19/2015 4:59 PM
He's only 18. I like those starting numbers. He can make up for the lack of control, as MikeT had talked about yesterday.
12/19/2015 10:59 PM
https://www.whatifsports.com/HBD/Pages/Popups/PlayerRatings.aspx?pid=7599865 for 160k.     If he can add 10 points across the board, he'll be one of those 1-arb guys.
12/20/2015 8:05 AM
Nice grab!

Before the update, after the draft in one of my worlds, I saw a guy like that start his asking at $2 million and get up to around $12 million. Seems like some owners get 'gun shy' when the sim doesn't tell them a guy is good. I like that.
12/20/2015 10:17 AM
Posted by hockey1984 on 12/20/2015 10:17:00 AM (view original):
Nice grab!

Before the update, after the draft in one of my worlds, I saw a guy like that start his asking at $2 million and get up to around $12 million. Seems like some owners get 'gun shy' when the sim doesn't tell them a guy is good. I like that.
Exactly the point.  In this system, unless you have 16+ in scouting, the sim isn't going to tell you, truthfully - if a guy is good.  You got to play a little harder, and take your chances.

12/20/2015 10:51 AM
tzent-- OCD (world 21) went into a form of suspended animation Sunday at the conclusion of the regular season.  The playoff games were not scheduled and have not been simmed today as they should have been.  Also, I'm being told I have 4 incomplete lineups even though they are all complete, which may or may not be related.
12/21/2015 1:29 PM
We pushed a small release this morning to fix a few of the bugs mentioned recently:  read more

12/23/2015 9:19 AM
And there's still a delay when loading the homepage and seeing the hidden box score.
12/23/2015 8:20 PM
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October 15 HBD Release - Feedback Thread Topic

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