October 15 HBD Release - Feedback Thread Topic

Posted by tzentmeyer on 12/10/2015 10:06:00 AM (view original):
carpetbagger - we just verified the beta lineups page is working properly on latest FireFox on XP.  We are using version 42.0. Are you able to update your Firefox to the latest version? If you already have that version, can you layout specific steps we can take with your team to reproduce?

reggiedeal - we will look into inbox message issue you are having. This issue is unique to those relying on screen readers.

keeid12x - reached out to you via sitemail for more details.

cladouceur - headshots on lineups/pitching will be handled by upcoming user setting; will try to repro device specific issue you mentioned

frymaster99 - we will look into your note 5 device issue
i already had 42.0.   i figured out what  my "problem" was, so that is OK now, thank you.  

however,  i have an issue with both versions of lineup "order" button function.  my problem is that when i platoon  bodies, i will sometimes change positions in the field from the optimal settings.   after i "order" the lineup, & i then hit save lineup, SPARKY reorders the fielding positions to his "optimal" positions instead of using my choices.  i then hafta fix up the positions again.  this makes extra steps that could be avoided. 
12/15/2015 11:48 PM (edited)
Has the 'pitch count IQ' been tweaked?

Before the update I had San Diego in the NL and found 100 pitches on most games would get me between 7 and 8 innings. Now I'm finding with St Louis in the NL it gets me between 5 and 6 most games.
12/12/2015 11:57 AM
Posted by hockey1984 on 12/12/2015 11:57:00 AM (view original):
Has the 'pitch count IQ' been tweaked?

Before the update I had San Diego in the NL and found 100 pitches on most games would get me between 7 and 8 innings. Now I'm finding with St Louis in the NL it gets me between 5 and 6 most games.
More walks, hits, errors given up?
12/13/2015 11:24 AM
That's the main thing I think, this squad is walking between 3-6 guys a game. That adds up quick.
12/13/2015 11:56 AM
PC, FF, pitching staff selection won't scroll all the way up to reveal SP1 or SP2.
12/13/2015 3:19 PM
When making offers to Internationals or Arbitration-eligible players, I used to be able to type in the offer, hit Enter, and the offer would be made.  Over the last week, this stopped working.  If I do this now, I am taken completely off of my world into the "choose a world" screen.  This is very odd but I guess not surprising after the past 2 months.
12/14/2015 12:57 PM
I'm having trouble switching teams. As soon as I drag my cursor down all of the teams disappear. Put the cursor back to the top and I can see them all but as soon as I bring it down they are gone again. So I have to go back to my locker on the WIS homepage to switch. Very annoying to say the least. This needs fixing. I'm deciding on whether I cut down to 2 or 3 teams when the present seasons end and if this is the way it is my decision will be an easy one.
Windows10/mozzilla firefox

12/14/2015 8:29 PM
Posted by jibe on 12/14/2015 8:29:00 PM (view original):
I'm having trouble switching teams. As soon as I drag my cursor down all of the teams disappear. Put the cursor back to the top and I can see them all but as soon as I bring it down they are gone again. So I have to go back to my locker on the WIS homepage to switch. Very annoying to say the least. This needs fixing. I'm deciding on whether I cut down to 2 or 3 teams when the present seasons end and if this is the way it is my decision will be an easy one.
Windows10/mozzilla firefox

12/15/2015 10:27 PM
Posted by sportsboy010 on 12/15/2015 10:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jibe on 12/14/2015 8:29:00 PM (view original):
I'm having trouble switching teams. As soon as I drag my cursor down all of the teams disappear. Put the cursor back to the top and I can see them all but as soon as I bring it down they are gone again. So I have to go back to my locker on the WIS homepage to switch. Very annoying to say the least. This needs fixing. I'm deciding on whether I cut down to 2 or 3 teams when the present seasons end and if this is the way it is my decision will be an easy one.
Windows10/mozzilla firefox

This didn't work for me either but today its fine.
12/16/2015 6:22 AM
Posted by keithjs on 12/14/2015 12:57:00 PM (view original):
When making offers to Internationals or Arbitration-eligible players, I used to be able to type in the offer, hit Enter, and the offer would be made.  Over the last week, this stopped working.  If I do this now, I am taken completely off of my world into the "choose a world" screen.  This is very odd but I guess not surprising after the past 2 months.
Same for budget notes.

So if I hit enter after typing in the budget note, it doe not advance to the next field. It takes me to the WorldSelect page.
12/16/2015 6:28 AM
Posted by sjpoker on 12/16/2015 6:22:00 AM (view original):
Posted by sportsboy010 on 12/15/2015 10:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jibe on 12/14/2015 8:29:00 PM (view original):
I'm having trouble switching teams. As soon as I drag my cursor down all of the teams disappear. Put the cursor back to the top and I can see them all but as soon as I bring it down they are gone again. So I have to go back to my locker on the WIS homepage to switch. Very annoying to say the least. This needs fixing. I'm deciding on whether I cut down to 2 or 3 teams when the present seasons end and if this is the way it is my decision will be an easy one.
Windows10/mozzilla firefox

This didn't work for me either but today its fine.
It is working well now for me.
12/16/2015 10:30 AM
User Settings have arrived!

Be sure to check out the latest update thread.
12/17/2015 10:24 AM
User setting are nice. This is a good change. Big thumbs up here.
12/17/2015 11:41 AM
Posted by tzentmeyer on 12/17/2015 10:24:00 AM (view original):
User Settings have arrived!

Be sure to check out the latest update thread.
Yeah this is really nice!
12/17/2015 12:06 PM
The link in the email and sitemail telling you you need to extend the privacy deadline for your unfilled world takes you to the World Center page.  This is not where you extend privacy.  You do that from the Franchise Center page.
12/17/2015 3:39 PM
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October 15 HBD Release - Feedback Thread Topic

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