The choice is clear. Left or right. Up or down. Obama is left, Romney is right. Obama, US deficit goes up, Romney, Massachusetts deficit goes down. Obama has never run a business and downgrades everyone who has, saying that you didn't build that business, someone else did that for you. Romney has run a business to the point that it has made him wealthy. Do we want someone (Obama) who is against the American way or someone (Romney) who has succeeded the American way. Obama wants to tax the wealthy more. Why? Because Romney is wealthy and Obama wants to portray him as evil. What Obama doesn't understand is that no one needs to pay more taxes. The GOVERMNENT needs to stop spending! Fix GOVERNMENT and the private sector will rebound on it's own. Want to create millions of jobs? Deport all the illegals. Presidents Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower all did it to create jobs for AMERICANS.