Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic

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Posted by raucous on 4/10/2012 10:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 4/10/2012 6:00:00 AM (view original):
Ended Don't ask, don't tell.
Withdrawal of troops from Iraq, a war started with no exit plan
Appointed the first Latina female to the supreme court
Extended payroll tax break for the middle class
First president to get the beginnings of a universal health care plan actually signed into law

All(except for health care reform) done in the face of a GOP house who's only goal is to make him a one term president and to say no to anything and everything. Shuttles here.
Withdrawal of troops from Iraq was GWB's plan.
Latina female (who gives a sh*t what race or gender... oh yeah, you are a liberal) was selected in 2009, back when the Democrats had a super majority everywhere.
Extended payroll tax break.... who instituted it?  (GWB)
Created the largest tax on the poor working class in the history of the US with Obamacare.  They might as well stay home and get everything for free!

Obama is the most polarizing president in the last 100 years.  He absolutely refuses to compromise.  All he does is whines and blames everyone else for his problems.  (Yes, like Reagan was in 81-82, but at least he stopped)

... and I hate this post because I ended up defending the defending the idiot from Texas.  Of course it does prove that Obama loves GWB's policies and has continued most of them and has expanded them even further.  But I guess that is ok now for liberals, because the guy has a (D) next to his name now.
Obama hates to compromise? Ummm, sure.
4/12/2012 2:34 AM
Well, he'd compromise his family if it would get him re-elected. 
4/12/2012 8:10 AM

4/12/2012 8:15 AM
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He ain't so bad. Hard for him to do anything when everything he does, according to his detractors, is wrong.

Those that do not have Health care, like the Obamacare. Remember all of you that could be you someday, you could get fired tomorrow and no health care. Scary thought isn't it ? What would you do if your child got sick ? Go stand in line with all 'those people" to get a doctor ?

He did save the banks. Yes it was their fault but if they default and Americans lost there savings/401K (which could of happened) they would be screaming at Obama about why he let it happen . Can't win for losing.
4/13/2012 10:15 AM
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I'm a Libertarian - I don't get the hatred for our president. I'm talking hatred, not dislike. presidents don't control as much as most people think they do.  I was an officer in the army and my captain had a plaque in front of his desk that I remember today, 25 years later

     An Excellent Plan is better then a Good Plan
     A Good Plan is better then a Bad Plan
     A Bad Plan is better than no plan
     HAVE A PLAN Lieutentant

Obama may have a bad plan, but he had a plan. Healthcare is broken as acknowledged by all. At least he did something instead of sitting on his *** and blaming someone else for not trying to fix the problem.
4/14/2012 12:19 PM
I remember my captain had another plaque over his desk

     "Don't bring me a problem that you have not already thought out a solution"
4/14/2012 12:20 PM
Question - if you were in another country and somebody from that country started bad mouthing our President, calling him stupid and how could america vote for a black man like him, and somebody should do a 'kennedy' on him - how would you feel ? would you agree with the person or defend Obama ?

I would vigoresly defend my president eventhough I might not agree with him most of the time.
4/14/2012 12:25 PM
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Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic

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