Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic



1/30/2016 7:25 AM
dahs is checking his mail.

Random dude walks up and punches him in the face.

dahs, surprised, starts looking around.

Dude says "Don't look around, it was me, *****."

dahs, for a moment, contemplates striking back.   But, after careful deliberations, decides against it.  He doesn't feel he can knock the dude out with one punch.  The dude knows where he lives.  The dude might be lying, there might be more.   Even if it is just him this time, there might be more next time.  And, even if dahs knocks him out, the dude might have a stronger brother/friend who might come back next time. 

dahs silently walks back into his house, mail in hand.

Because, after all, there's really not much you can do if someone randomly punches you in the face.  And, if you retaliate, it might be worse next time.   Best just to wait and see what happens.
1/30/2016 8:19 AM
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Posted by dahsdebater on 1/29/2016 8:52:00 PM (view original):
Well, if we hadn't decided a military response was the correct action following 9/11, and had done nothing instead, ISIS wouldn't exist.  Al Q'aida is bigger now than it was then, but that might have happened anyway.  So I guess we can just blame ISIS on our military activities in the Middle East.

So yeah, doing nothing would have been better.  Unambiguously so.

After further review . . .

This might be as stupid, if not MORE stupid, than anything BL has ever said in these forums.

And BL has set the bar pretty ******* high.


1/30/2016 10:36 AM
Yeah, but when you do something, something else MIGHT happen.   Too risky, right dahs?
1/30/2016 12:40 PM
You guys have given me a lot of **** for about a forum page.

Nobody has even tried to pretend they can refute the point.

Military response made things worse.  Period.  You can make all the bullshit tangential responses you want.  The point is irrefutable.  Military action led to more, bigger, and better-funded terror organizations than ever existed before.  Again, this is an unambiguous fact, which is why nobody is addressing the actual point.

1/30/2016 12:53 PM
What is your actual point?

Terrorists kill 3,000 people on a beautiful Tuesday morning.  We should shrug it off a a bummer?

Great point!  Tell us more!

1/30/2016 1:03 PM
Yes.  Because action might create a bigger reaction.   Can't risk that, right dahs?     Sit on your hands and pray nothing else happens is the obvious solution.
1/30/2016 1:21 PM
Dahs point is really quite clear. A military response to 9/11 was the wrong thing to do, in his opinion. And that is all it is, his opinion. Until he can actually prove his opinion to be fact it doesn't mean sh!t. You can argue all F***ing day long and no one really knows for sure what would have happened had we NOT responded the way we did. Get over it. The problem NOW is we have a JV team that has become the leading terrorist organization in the world simply because Obama let them become that way by NOT taking them seriously in the first place. His foreign policy has been a joke since day 1 of his administration from withdrawing troops from Iraq TOO SOON to Bengazi to Putin to ISIS to Iran to snubbing our ally Israel to every F****ing thing he's done overseas. It's been 1 dismal failure after another.
1/30/2016 1:26 PM
Posted by bheid408 on 1/30/2016 1:27:00 PM (view original):
Dahs point is really quite clear. A military response to 9/11 was the wrong thing to do, in his opinion. And that is all it is, his opinion. Until he can actually prove his opinion to be fact it doesn't mean sh!t. You can argue all F***ing day long and no one really knows for sure what would have happened had we NOT responded the way we did. Get over it. The problem NOW is we have a JV team that has become the leading terrorist organization in the world simply because Obama let them become that way by NOT taking them seriously in the first place. His foreign policy has been a joke since day 1 of his administration from withdrawing troops from Iraq TOO SOON to Bengazi to Putin to ISIS to Iran to snubbing our ally Israel to every F****ing thing he's done overseas. It's been 1 dismal failure after another.
A strong offensive military attack after 9/11 put terrorists on their heals.... As did the surge. It was when Obozo decided to withdraw troops (I.e. do nothing) that the rise of terrorism, as we know it today, began to spike.
1/30/2016 1:50 PM
I've said it before.... When Bush took the fight to Afghanistan and Iraq the terrorists took the fight there too. Whether intended or not this war on terror was centralized and the west was winning. Now with the withdrawal from Iraq, and the momentum of ISIS the last few years, its motivated many more recruits to join ISIS across the world. ISIS is seen as a potential winner in their eyes so they will join the cause..... When we were pummeling them under Bush terrorist recruits were less likely to join the losing team/cause, even if they wanted to.
1/30/2016 2:11 PM (edited)
Posted by tecwrg on 1/30/2016 1:03:00 PM (view original):
What is your actual point?

Terrorists kill 3,000 people on a beautiful Tuesday morning.  We should shrug it off a a bummer?

Great point!  Tell us more!

Those terrorists weren't Iraq. We weren't going in for payback.
1/30/2016 3:30 PM
Obama screwed up the whole world forever

1/30/2016 3:42 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 1/30/2016 3:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 1/30/2016 1:03:00 PM (view original):
What is your actual point?

Terrorists kill 3,000 people on a beautiful Tuesday morning.  We should shrug it off a a bummer?

Great point!  Tell us more!

Those terrorists weren't Iraq. We weren't going in for payback.
You need to learn more bozo......

It was suspected that al-Qaeda was connected to Saddam. Right or wrong that was what our intelligence was reporting.
1/30/2016 5:15 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 1/30/2016 3:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 1/30/2016 1:03:00 PM (view original):
What is your actual point?

Terrorists kill 3,000 people on a beautiful Tuesday morning.  We should shrug it off a a bummer?

Great point!  Tell us more!

Those terrorists weren't Iraq. We weren't going in for payback.
Iraq was not a justifiable war.  I never said it was.

Afghanistan absolutely was a justifiable war.

1/30/2016 5:15 PM
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Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic

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