Posted by bheid408 on 1/26/2016 7:32:00 PM (view original):
BL using insurance as a means to make rioting tolerable is a laugh. There's a good chance those businesses won't be covered by insurance since the damage was not a natural catastrophe, fire, wind, storms, ..... And even if they are covered who the h3ll does he think really pays for the damage? The insurance company? Yeah, right! The people buying the insurance end up paying for the damage in higher premium rates.
Not to mention, if a business is damaged or burned to the ground, the fact they "they have insurance" doesn't get the business magically rebuilt and back in operation the next day. It may take many months for them to go through the red tape of dealing with the insurance company to get their claims processed, get some money in hand, and then do the work to get the building repaired or rebuilt and eventually reopened.
That's many months of lost (taxable) revenue for the business owner, plus many months of lost wages by the employees of the company.
I thought BL advocated for the working class folks. I guess the truth is that he really doesn't if they're inconvenient to his larger agenda.