Posted by bronxcheer on 12/5/2015 4:42:00 AM (view original):
Fox News host Bret Baier claimed that 94 million Americans were "not in the labor force" in an attempt to dismiss the latest unemployment rate figure from the Bureau of Labor Statistics November 2015 Jobs Report. But Baier failed to note that most of the 94 million includes retired people and students.
In the December 4 edition of his Fox News show, host Bret Baier reported that the U.S. economy gained 211 thousand jobs, but claimed that "it's important to note that the number of people without a job, not participating in the workforce is still over the 94 million mark for the fourth month in a row."
Where in that report does it show MOST of the 94 million includes retired people and students?
And for the record... I think college students SHOULD be working. I worked 2 jobs in high school. I worked while I got my undergrad degree. I worked full time and got a masters degree. It's no wonder so many college students come out of school with debt, then can't get a job when they graduate, if they think they don't need to work because they are in school.... Boo hoo.
12/5/2015 11:42 PM (edited)