Posted by the0nlyis on 10/6/2015 1:21:00 AM (view original):
could someone explain their views +/- of trump/carson/fiorina/bush
I mean I guess Trump was semi bearable until his tax plan came out.
Honestly Bush is the next best imo, carson and fiorina seem completely lost and absolutely delusional.
I am def more democrat than republican, but Hillary is just garbage honestly. Sanders is interesting but would never win and some of his ideas I don't like a lot.
It sucks we have ~4/5 big candidates available to choose from to be president for a population of 300+ million. I mean these are the 6 best we can come up with? Shame
Trump has appeal because he has backbone, is not politically correct, and is not a puppet for special interest donors. He might be far right on ILLEGAL Immigration (and this is an important topic that affects our schools, healthcare, jobs, and welfare programs) but he is softer on issues like continuing planned parenthood funding, not touching social security and/or medicare. I think Trump greatest strength is understanding how trade agreements are affecting jobs. Just today... ... When we import more than we export we are sending jobs abroad. The Donalds biggest con imo.... How will he get congress to support him as President? He will need them and he doesn't have a lot of friends on either side of the aisle.
Carson is the most intellectual candidate out there. Super smart, well composed. Speaks softly but SEEMS to have some backbone (no track record to prove it). He's not a politician which many people like... Grew up poor with only a mother. Unlike Obama who dwells on black history, Carson believes in Black Opportunity. He is a proponent of strong education and job growth = success. I really like Carson for his intellect - he gathers all the facts before making decisions. His biggest con - Has he ever managed much of anything substantial? I don't think he has.
Fiorina - not a fan. Trump was right that she ran 2 companies into the ground. She lost to Barbara Boxer which says it all. Dems can just bring back the Boxer playbook... Fired 30,000 people, drove 2 companies into the ground, etc. She will lose a general election.
Bush - Just say NO to a third Bush term.
I think you should look more at Rubio. He is the best orater of the bunch, a Cuban American. Reasonable on Immigration. First Republican I know that comfortably said he will attend a gay wedding for a family member (loved one) because its the right thing to do, even though he opposes gay marriage. Seems to have his **** together on foreign policy. The con - not much experience only being a senator for 4 years.