Posted by bad_luck on 4/12/2015 7:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 4/12/2015 11:11:00 AM (view original):
Donte Hamilton - grabs a cops billy club - gets killed
Michael Brown - punches a cop through the cops window - gets killed
Eric Garner - resists arrest while shouting you're not taking me in - gets killed
Walter Scott - runs from a cop during a traffic stop - gets killed
None of these nice guys cooperated with the police. Its not a question of do they deserve to be shot. No one deserves that. Its more the issue that these guys undoubtedly provoked the incident which resulted in their deaths. If people are too blind to see that then shame on them.
I am curious why Walter Scott ran in the first place but I've stopped following the case since the white cop shoots black criminal is a tired, played out narrative, with no leg to stand on.
Nope. The burden falls on the cops to enforce the law without unnecessarily killing people.
Does it? Three of the four cops were not even indicted, never mind stood trial.
That's the problem with you... You are all theory. Theoretically it would be real nice if cops could enforce the law without 'unnecessarily' killing people... But in reality they are dealing with people that have multiple convictions, who will punch them in their car, grab for their billy clubs, and/or fight back in a scuffle when the officer catches up to them and tries to bring them down. I mean - Theoretically it would be nice if cops didn't get shot in the face for doing their job but reality (like 2 weeks ago in Boston) suggests that getting shot in the face is a real possibility for them when making a routine traffic stop.