The real problem with welfare isn't welfare itself, it is that by the time the people on welfare go get a job and then they take taxes out of the paychecks, pay for a babysitter, pay for gas to get to work, etc, etc... there is nothing left. Which would you do? Put in 40 hours a week and give your check to the government, the babysitter, the petroleum company etc, etc, or stay at home and collect your welfare check, watch TV, smoke cigarettes, drink booze, and make more babies so you get a bigger welfare check, etc, etc....????
Want to get people off of welfare? Make it more attractive to them to get a job. This could be done a couple of ways just for starters.
1.Raise the minimum wage to at least $12 and hour. Work a full year and you'd make $25,000. Still nothing to brag about but if both mom and dad both do this it's $50,000 and a step in the right direction. This would apply only to corporate companies, like WalMart, McD's, etc... Small Mom & Pop businesses would not have to pay the $12 an hour as that could put a financial burden on their businesses and cause them to go out of business. Excuse me, but the Millionaires and Billionaires like Walmart can afford it.
2.Stop taking taxes out of paychecks unless you earn more than the minimum wage. Gives the lower working class more money to spend throughout the year and the incentive to keep working. Hey, keep 'em off welfare and it's a win win! Which would cost more, the welfare check or the loss of taxes coming in? I'd bet welfare.