Posted by bad_luck on 1/20/2015 9:35:00 PM (view original):
I don't have a 529. I do have a middle class income. So yeah, an income tax break for me at the expense of your 529 tax subsidy is fine with me.
Or we could raise taxes in the rich.
Assuming you have children that would mean 1) you are fiscally uneducated or 2) a poor planner.
Maybe both. If you were a good planner you'd be stocking money away early on for college tuition the day your kid gets a social security number and if you were financially literate you'd stock that money in a tax free vehicle for the next 18 years rather than a taxable savings account growing at an interest rate of .01%. Not to mention states like Illinois give a tax deduction to residents who invest in their state plans.... Another benefit.
That said.... I'm not opposed to Obama reducing taxes on the middle class and actually think its wise.... He is however going too far by sacrificing 529s to help pay for it. Education is just too important, why discourage saving for college? Proposing 2 years of college does nothing but bump the needle from a bachelors to a masters to get higher paying entry level jobs at good companies. Its a win for colleges... Not the middle class.
As for taxing the rich more.... I'll leave that to Marco Rubio who correctly states “Raising taxes on people that are successful is not going to make people that are struggling more successful”.