Posted by burnsy483 on 12/5/2014 2:29:00 PM (view original):
Bill ******* O'Reilly believes the NYPD overreacted. This is actually very well said.
O'REILLY: Yes, both deceased men should have cooperated with the police officers who confronted them. But as we all know people do stupid things. In the Ferguson case Mr. Brown did engage in violence so I have no trouble, no trouble with the grand jury's decision not to indict Darren Wilson, the police officer.
But in the New York City case Mr. Garner clearly a low level offender was not a threat. American police are held to a very high standard because they have power. They have guns. They must control inflammatory situations not make them worse.
As we proved on Monday, generally speaking, American police do a great job across the board. The charlatans who say police are targeting young black men are completely shut down by the statistics which we have posted on But in the Garner case excessive force may have been used.
JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO, FOX NEWS JUDICIAL ANALYST: This ought to have been an indictment and it ought to have been an indictment for some form of manslaughter. It's not first degree murder. It's not second degree murder. But it's certainly reckless manslaughter.
O'REILLY: Unlike Judge Napolitano, I'm unwilling to say that Officer Daniel Pantaleo committed reckless manslaughter. What I will say is there was a police overreaction to Mr. Garner. And that should have been adjudicated in a court of law.
Even right wing blogs like Redstate are calling the grand jury decision "pathetic."