Here's my spiel on climate change and whatever "man" might be doing to the planet:
The earth has been around for billions of years. It has thrived, and survived through multiple "extinction events", and has always bounced back to thrive again.
Mankind has only been around for an extremely small fraction of the earth's existence. Yet, we somehow have the arrogance to believe that we have some sort of inherent "ownership" of the earth, that it "belongs" to us, and that change (which has been the one constant in 4.5 billion years of the history of the planet) should not occur. People get all up in arms over rising sea levels, while sea levels and land masses have been constantly changing for billions of years.
The earth's population has been growing at an unsustainable level. We are soon to be, or already are in many aspects, at the point where we do not have the resources to sustain the population and it's demand on resources. Wars, disease, famine, etc, are inevitable. Yet many people refuse to acknowledge this, or are in denial, of what is destined to be. There will be another extinction event on this planet. Maybe sooner, maybe later. It may be caused by man, or it may be caused by an external force (i.e. a meteor strike). Life as we know it today will perish. Maybe a few will find a way to survive from the ashes, or maybe it will be a 100% loss of mankind.
But in the end . . . the planet will survive, like it always has. It will thrive, like it always has. The climate will change after all the people are gone, like it always has. Sea levels will rise and fall, like they always have. Land that is thriving with life today will become deserted and barren. Land that is deserted and barren today will thrive with some sort of life.
And the cycle will continue until our sun finally dies, and the earth dies with it.
In other words . . . nothing to be concerned about.
Carry on, and enjoy the rest of your day.