Posted by The Taint on 10/30/2014 7:44:00 AM (view original):
Whole lotta white folk tearing up San Francisco last night. Dare I say, they were rioting? Starting fires. Interfering with police. Trashing the town, and here I thought they were above such things.
Nice try.
Sure they are in the wrong. ALL of them should be arrested and held accountable.
Has NOTHING to do with the trouble makers and race baiters who will be destroying the town of Ferguson for the next few days and/or weeks.
They've been clear all along. "We don't care what the FACTS are. A white cop shot a black person let's use this incident to further divide and let us 'retaliate' against the innocent business owners of this town"
I really wish someone could uncover who is bankrolling all of these out-of-towners coming to Ferguson for the sole purpose of division and violence.