Posted by bad_luck on 8/30/2014 10:38:00 AM (view original):
I think the police should be held to a higher standard than gangs in Compton.
I hold NFL players to a high standard.... Doesn't mean I'm going to call a lineman the n word or pick a fight with a linebacker.
I hold cops to a high standard as well ... But I'm not dumb enough to think all cops will use restraint if I provoke them. They have a gun. I don't. Sadly Michael Brown figured this out the hard way.... As did your MN bench guy.
You know why I don't text when walking across the street legally at a crosswalk? Cause I weigh 200 lbs and a car weighs 2000 lbs. Yes I have the rightaway but I'm not stupid enough to think all drivers are paying attention to the road like they 'should' be. If I got hit I'd be in the hospital if not dead... At this point I really wouldn't care how badly the driver is prosecuted or how much $ I can sue for since Im the one in pain, or permanently crippled. The text would not have been worth it and could have waited til I got to the other side.
Do you need more examples? Its not rocket science.