Posted by iamthird on 11/6/2013 10:14:00 AM (view original):
What exactly is it that makes Obama the "worst president ever"? The fact that he got us out of Iraq? Killed Bin Laden? Turned around a crashing economy? Got health care for millions of people who didn't have it? Which of these atrocities bothers you guys the most? Oh wait a min, was it that he lied us into two wars that cost billions of dollars and thousands of American lives? Oh,sorry--that was George W. Bush. Um, was it that he tripled the deficit and sold weapons to our enemies? Oops, no, that was Reagan. Was it that he inherited a budget surplus and turned it into a massive deficit? Er, my mistake, that was Bush again.
Please explain.
Got us out of Iraq? He lost Iraq. The man-child isn't paying attention. He's living off the hard work Bush did. He's already lost Afghanistan. More Americans killed under Obama in 5 years than Bush.
Turned around a crashing economy? The one that was destroyed by Frank-Dodd and liberal democrat policy? Freddie and Fanny?
Bush lied us into TWO wars? He LIED us into Afghanistan and the towers? He lied us into Iraq along with Britain and France and Russia? He lied us into a war against a country that used chemical weapons against Iran and the Kurds? What stuff is Syria destroying now?
Bush tripled the debt from 4 to 8 Trillion while fighting TWO wars? Oh...that was Reagan? What was the debt under Ronnie?
Reagan sold weapons to our enemies? Who? Sure your aren't talking Obama to Syria? Why couldn't Reagan just sell to the Contras? Oh yeah. Democrats. Democrats supporting the communists.
Bush inherited an economy that had been stagnant for two years? After Clinton blew all the peace dividend money from Reagan away?
Either your memory sucks or your text books and teachers do.
Please explain.