Trayvon Martin Topic

Posted by The Taint on 7/17/2013 10:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 7/17/2013 10:32:00 AM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 7/17/2013 10:29:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 7/17/2013 10:25:00 AM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 7/17/2013 10:24:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 7/17/2013 10:12:00 AM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 7/17/2013 9:50:00 AM (view original):
He may not have been holding it, he may have pulled it out and put it back in his waist band.  I just think it's odd that you won't for one second think that it was Trayvon standing his ground, when it was Zimmerman who initiated this entire chain of events.  Standing your ground doesn't mean you need to shoot a person either, it could mean you kick the **** out of them.

I assume you didn't follow the trial.

Star prosecution witness detailed what happened up until a punch was thrown.   She was on the phone with him when the first punch was thrown.   TM said "crazy-*** cracker is following me" and "Why you following me?"    Then a punch was thrown.   No mention of a gun.   Don't you think he would have mentioned a gun?

I have no idea.  No one does.
So he's essentially giving her a play by play yet leaves out the crazy-*** cracker is holding a gun?


She testified that Martin told her that a “creepy-*** cracker” was following him but that he thought he had evaded him. But she said a short time later, Martin let out a profanity.

Martin said the man was behind him, and Jeantel heard Martin ask: “What are you following me for?”

She then heard what sounded like Martin’s phone drop into the grass and she heard him say, “Get off! Get off!”

The phone then went dead, she said.

I can't tell anything from that, you tell me Encyclopedia Brown.

Common sense says "Dude has a gun".

If you want to suspend reality, feel free to continue to do so.
Reality says that a guy getting his head repeatedly smashed into the concrete, has a hard time coming up with a concealed gun. 

It's funny how the only person who gets to use conjecture is you.  You have no idea what happened that night, yet you are 100 percent willing to give Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt and exonerate him from any wrong doing.  The only people who know what happened is the guy who was acquitted and the dead kid.
This. Mike's perfectly ok with guessing what happened when his guess backs up his side of the argument.
7/17/2013 10:41 AM
You could be right, I really don't know.  I have taken a few shots to the back of the head, including a baseball bat on a practice swing and a 1/6 bbl of beer falling off a stack.  Never did those occur with the adrenaline that was assuredly there in that situation, but I do know I didn't even know what year it was for a minute or two.  We will never know what really happened that night, and all of our conjecture is just that.  There's really no use in arguing about it.
7/17/2013 10:42 AM
I would agree that there is not much use to arguing the details - in a vacuum.  The problem is that the lack of clear thinking is leading to irrational behavior that is fanning racism.  This is a huge problem in my eyes. 

I don't doubt that there are still incidents that happen due to "institutional racism", but in order to actually address those problems effectively, it has to dealt with factually and truthfully.  Using this incident the way the race baiters have only divides us more because I see racism being infused into it from the outside.  Mostly by people who stand to gain from it.  And I see people who rely on their emotions rather reason being played by those people baiting the issue.

That's not to say there isn't a reasonable stance to take about what might have happened.  But to take that stance in the absence of proof and then demand conviction is not rational....
7/17/2013 11:00 AM
Posted by The Taint on 7/17/2013 9:55:00 AM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 7/17/2013 9:54:00 AM (view original):
 Trayvon wanted a confrontation bc thats prolly how he was raised when in doubt get violent with ppl and if they are not black also then pull the race card and rally all the black ppl to support you even if you were in the wrong. Black ppl the most racist ppl there are no doubt.
I'm sure that's exactly how it went down.  You are a ******* moron.
Black ppl pull this stunt all the time where they do something stupid and violent and then if anyone challenges them they pull the race card and say the other person is racist and rally support from other black ppl, so yeah it could have been going down that way. **** you for calling me a moron maybe your the moron.

7/17/2013 11:11 AM
FWIW, I think what we had was a confrontation between an overzealous neighborhood watch cop-wannabe and a punkass teenager man-wannabe.  Both had ample opportunity to walk away but neither did.   It escalated when the punk threw a punch, something the cop wanna-be didn't expect or bargain for, and he defended himself in the best method he could find.   Stupidity reigned supreme.

I doubt race led to the shooting as I think the cop wanna-be would have shot a white boy that was smacking him around too.   The RACIST!!! criers and the media made it a story.   Had it been white/white or black/black, it would have been a blip on the radar that quickly went away.
7/17/2013 11:13 AM
Posted by tecwrg on 7/17/2013 9:56:00 AM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 7/17/2013 9:54:00 AM (view original):
 Trayvon wanted a confrontation bc thats prolly how he was raised when in doubt get violent with ppl and if they are not black also then pull the race card and rally all the black ppl to support you even if you were in the wrong. Black ppl the most racist ppl there are no doubt.
If black people are the most racist, then what's your excuse?
Excuse for what? I treat ppl the way I do based on how they act not on skin color, but black ppl only do things based on skin color. When have you EVER seen black ppl rally and riot based on what happens to someone who is not black? Give me one example. Im so sick of ppl playing the race card bc they know if they are black the all the black ppl in america will side with them no matter how wrong they are.
7/17/2013 11:14 AM
Posted by silentpadna on 7/17/2013 10:01:00 AM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 7/17/2013 9:54:00 AM (view original):
 Trayvon wanted a confrontation bc thats prolly how he was raised when in doubt get violent with ppl and if they are not black also then pull the race card and rally all the black ppl to support you even if you were in the wrong. Black ppl the most racist ppl there are no doubt.

If you can't see what's idiotic about that statement, you better ask somebody...or better yet, just don't because I doubt you would understand.

Another example of irrational thinking...........
Well then I ask you what is idiotic about my statement. Oh wait your thinking is so much higher than mine I prolly can't follow and would not understand bc you are so much smarter and better than me, yeah right well **** you and the high horse you rode in on if you think you are better than me you don't know **** about me so shut the **** up.
7/17/2013 11:17 AM
Posted by shawnfucious on 7/17/2013 11:14:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 7/17/2013 9:56:00 AM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 7/17/2013 9:54:00 AM (view original):
 Trayvon wanted a confrontation bc thats prolly how he was raised when in doubt get violent with ppl and if they are not black also then pull the race card and rally all the black ppl to support you even if you were in the wrong. Black ppl the most racist ppl there are no doubt.
If black people are the most racist, then what's your excuse?
Excuse for what? I treat ppl the way I do based on how they act not on skin color, but black ppl only do things based on skin color. When have you EVER seen black ppl rally and riot based on what happens to someone who is not black? Give me one example. Im so sick of ppl playing the race card bc they know if they are black the all the black ppl in america will side with them no matter how wrong they are.
Are you so stupid that you can't see how your comments are racist in and of themselves?

7/17/2013 11:21 AM
If only there were a way to settle this argument, say, a long standing process of common law precident, and, say, a jury of 12 peers, lawyers, and a judge to make sure the law is properly applied.

Unless people reading news articles on the internet has more insight on this than this process. I could be wrong.
7/17/2013 11:22 AM
That isn't to say that there are not long standing social injustices that has lead to this insanity on both sides of the fence, but it is rather irrelevant to the legal proceding in question.
7/17/2013 11:24 AM
Posted by tecwrg on 7/17/2013 11:21:00 AM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 7/17/2013 11:14:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 7/17/2013 9:56:00 AM (view original):
Posted by shawnfucious on 7/17/2013 9:54:00 AM (view original):
 Trayvon wanted a confrontation bc thats prolly how he was raised when in doubt get violent with ppl and if they are not black also then pull the race card and rally all the black ppl to support you even if you were in the wrong. Black ppl the most racist ppl there are no doubt.
If black people are the most racist, then what's your excuse?
Excuse for what? I treat ppl the way I do based on how they act not on skin color, but black ppl only do things based on skin color. When have you EVER seen black ppl rally and riot based on what happens to someone who is not black? Give me one example. Im so sick of ppl playing the race card bc they know if they are black the all the black ppl in america will side with them no matter how wrong they are.
Are you so stupid that you can't see how your comments are racist in and of themselves?

Oh right I forgot you can't say anything bad about black ppl or its automatically racist in the minds of idiots everywhere. Say what you want about white ppl or anyone else and its not racist but say same thing about black ppl and it sure as **** is racist. No double standard there, never. Pull your head out of your *** and stop acting like its ok for black ppl to be racist but not for anyone else.
7/17/2013 11:25 AM
Posted by deathinahole on 7/17/2013 11:22:00 AM (view original):
If only there were a way to settle this argument, say, a long standing process of common law precident, and, say, a jury of 12 peers, lawyers, and a judge to make sure the law is properly applied.

Unless people reading news articles on the internet has more insight on this than this process. I could be wrong.
In this case it was six jurors. But they were from Florida, so everyone is assuming they got it wrong. Since, you know, Florida.
7/17/2013 11:27 AM
Posted by deathinahole on 7/17/2013 11:22:00 AM (view original):
If only there were a way to settle this argument, say, a long standing process of common law precident, and, say, a jury of 12 peers, lawyers, and a judge to make sure the law is properly applied.

Unless people reading news articles on the internet has more insight on this than this process. I could be wrong.
The case has been settled in a court of law.   Some disagree with the verdict.  

Pay attention, canuck.
7/17/2013 11:40 AM
Rush Limbaugh feels it is okay to use the N word now, in light of Rachel Jenteal and Trayvon Martin's "Cracker" comments. As usual, Rush is wrong.
7/17/2013 11:40 AM
Rush plays for ratings.   He thanks you for bringing it up.
7/17/2013 11:44 AM
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Trayvon Martin Topic

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