Mitt Romney is the Republican John Kerry. He's willing to waffle on any issue to appeal to the most voters he can, and the primary plank in his platform is "I'm not the guy who's been there for the last 4 years. He sucks."
You'd think the Republicans would have learned a little better from 2004 - no matter how unpopular a sitting president might be, and they usually are by the time they've been in office for 4 years - it's not so easy to unseat them without some clear, strong directions. Romney has been vague about all of his plans, and most of his advertising seems to be anti-Obama. Everyone will always run attack ads in a presidential election, but you need some balance.
Seriously, the Romney campaign is like a perfect mirror image of the Kerry campaign. The big difference is that Ryan is an unassuming kind of guy with bad ideas, whereas Edwards was a pompous douchebag.