Posted by kneeneighbor on 8/19/2010 2:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by biglenr on 8/18/2010 4:16:00 PM (view original):
Years ago, I posted a story here about how I was working as a bouncer in a nightclub in Pittsburgh in the late 80's and had to bounce an obmoxious baseball player who wouldn't leave my then-girlfriend and now-wife alone. He didn't have a bodyguard in those days, I think it was like '87 or '88.
I still joke with her about how she could have been the other woman for the all-time MLB HR champion.
You bounced Hank Arron from a bar in '87?
Barry, of course... Pre-steroids... A skinny kid with a bad attitude
I had him by 5-6 inches and 100 lbs at the time... He might not have been drunk, but he was aggressive, and wouldn't take "no" for an answer with several of the women in the bar... Of course, a dozen women were all over him, but he was only interested in the ones that turned him down....
I only worked as a bouncer for about 4 months... I was encouraged by my manager at my day job to give it up, and a few shots fired at someone near me at the door (which all missed everyone) convinved me that he was right. It was fun while it lasted though.
8/27/2010 12:17 PM (edited)