I am going to go porn star with my next pick. As tempted as I am to snatch up one of the countless lovely ladies of the 80s, which shaped my taste in porn to this day, and which likely makes more sense in a POH theme, I'm not going that route. My current porn obsession has me completely under her spell, and I would probably not even notice if the rest of the industry disappeared. She is on the interenet side, not studio films. As a side note, she fills my redhead requirement.
I can't really do her justice by trying to hype her. All you really need to know is that she has her own website called

I will post one picture to make things official, but really if you don't know her and want to know why I'm completely obsessed with her, I will also post an explicitly not safe for work tube link to a sampling of her work.
Camille Crimson
link will be added after I find my favorite.