

Overall: 425-302 (.585)
Home: 199-112 (.640)
Away: 192-158 (.549)
Players Drafted: 0


Record: 260-140 (.650)
Championships: 9
Tournament Championships: 3


Bids: 9
Record: 4-9 (.308)


Bids: 5
Wins: 7
Season 77
Div (III) - ASC
Overall Record: 0-27
Conference Record: 0-16
RPI: 381
Season 76
Div (III) - ASC
Overall Record: 14-14
Conference Record: 8-8
RPI: 245
Season 75
Div (III) - ASC
Overall Record: 10-17
Conference Record: 4-12
RPI: 280
Season 74
Div (III) - ASC
Overall Record: 7-20
Conference Record: 6-10
RPI: 235
Season 73
Div (III) - ASC
Overall Record: 24-8
Conference Record: 12-4
RPI: 68
Conference Reg.
Season Champs
PI Tourny
3rd Round
Season 72
Div (III) - ASC
Overall Record: 28-4
Conference Record: 15-1
RPI: 38
Conference Reg.
Season Champs
Nat. Tourny
At-large Bid
Nat. Tourny
Elite 8
Coach of the Year
Season 71
Div (III) - ASC
Overall Record: 24-7
Conference Record: 13-3
RPI: 59
Conference Reg.
Season Champs
PI Tourny
3rd Round
Season 70
Div (III) - ASC
Overall Record: 21-9
Conference Record: 15-1
RPI: 73
Conference Reg.
Season Champs
Conf. Tourny
Nat. Tourny
1st Round
Season 69
Div (III) - ASC
Overall Record: 20-10
Conference Record: 15-1
RPI: 84
Conference Reg.
Season Champs
PI Tourny
1st Round
Season 68
Div (II) - Sunshine
Overall Record: 26-5
Conference Record: 15-1
RPI: 30
Conference Reg.
Season Champs
Conf. Tourny
Nat. Tourny
2nd Round
Season 67
Div (II) - Sunshine
Overall Record: 29-1
Conference Record: 16-0
RPI: 30
Conference Reg.
Season Champs
Conf. Tourny
Nat. Tourny
1st Round
Coach of the Year
Season 66
Div (II) - Sunshine
Overall Record: 17-12
Conference Record: 10-6
RPI: 84
PI Tourny
1st Round
Season 65
Div (II) - Sunshine
Overall Record: 21-8
Conference Record: 13-3
RPI: 46
Conference Reg.
Season Champs
Nat. Tourny
At-large Bid
Nat. Tourny
1st Round
Season 64
Div (III) - Heartland
Overall Record: 9-19
Conference Record: 5-11
RPI: 180
Season 63
Div (III) - Heartland
Overall Record: 13-15
Conference Record: 11-5
RPI: 104
Season 62
Div (III) - Heartland
Overall Record: 16-13
Conference Record: 14-2
RPI: 54
Nat. Tourny
At-large Bid
Nat. Tourny
1st Round
Season 61
Div (III) - Heartland
Overall Record: 17-13
Conference Record: 13-3
RPI: 42
Nat. Tourny
At-large Bid
Nat. Tourny
1st Round
Season 60
Div (III) - Heartland
Overall Record: 21-11
Conference Record: 13-3
RPI: 54
Conference Reg.
Season Champs
PI Tourny
Final Four
Season 59
Div (III) - Heartland
Overall Record: 14-14
Conference Record: 10-6
RPI: 114
Season 58
Div (III) - Heartland
Overall Record: 19-11
Conference Record: 12-4
RPI: 62
Nat. Tourny
At-large Bid
Nat. Tourny
1st Round
Season 57
Div (III) - Heartland
Overall Record: 19-10
Conference Record: 11-5
RPI: 41
Nat. Tourny
At-large Bid
Nat. Tourny
1st Round
Season 56
Div (III) - Heartland
Overall Record: 16-11
Conference Record: 9-7
RPI: 155
Season 55
Div (III) - Heartland
Overall Record: 15-12
Conference Record: 8-8
RPI: 119
Season 54
Div (III) - Heartland
Overall Record: 17-11
Conference Record: 7-9
RPI: 138
Season 53
Div (III) - Heartland
Overall Record: 8-20
Conference Record: 5-11
RPI: 239