

Overall: 320-243 (.568)
Home: 154-105 (.595)
Away: 139-112 (.554)
Players Drafted: 0


Record: 178-126 (.586)
Championships: 2
Tournament Championships: 1


Bids: 7
Record: 10-7 (.588)


Bids: 3
Wins: 7
Season 151
Div (I) - MVC
Overall Record: 3-5
Conference Record: 0-0
RPI: 97
Season 150
Div (I) - MVC
Overall Record: 23-7
Conference Record: 13-3
RPI: 70
PI Tourny
2nd Round
Season 149
Div (I) - MVC
Overall Record: 21-7
Conference Record: 12-4
RPI: 57
Nat. Tourny
At-large Bid
Nat. Tourny
1st Round
Coach of the Year
Season 148
Div (I) - MVC
Overall Record: 8-19
Conference Record: 5-11
RPI: 166
Season 147
Div (I) - MVC
Overall Record: 12-16
Conference Record: 5-11
RPI: 133
Season 146
Div (I) - MVC
Overall Record: 10-17
Conference Record: 6-10
RPI: 183
Season 145
Div (I) - MVC
Overall Record: 13-14
Conference Record: 7-9
RPI: 111
Season 144
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 27-7
Conference Record: 15-1
RPI: 6
Conference Reg.
Season Champs
Conf. Tourny
Nat. Tourny
Final Four
Coach of the Year
Season 143
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 26-6
Conference Record: 14-2
RPI: 9
Nat. Tourny
At-large Bid
Nat. Tourny
Sweet 16
Season 142
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 23-10
Conference Record: 13-3
RPI: 51
PI Tourny
Runner Up
Season 141
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 22-7
Conference Record: 14-2
RPI: 42
Nat. Tourny
At-large Bid
Nat. Tourny
1st Round
Season 140
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 23-7
Conference Record: 12-4
RPI: 23
Nat. Tourny
At-large Bid
Nat. Tourny
2nd Round
Season 139
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 26-6
Conference Record: 14-2
RPI: 21
Conference Reg.
Season Champs
Nat. Tourny
At-large Bid
Nat. Tourny
Sweet 16
Season 138
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 22-8
Conference Record: 13-3
RPI: 26
Nat. Tourny
At-large Bid
Nat. Tourny
2nd Round
Season 137
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 19-12
Conference Record: 12-4
RPI: 67
PI Tourny
3rd Round
Season 136
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 12-16
Conference Record: 8-8
RPI: 120
Season 135
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 12-15
Conference Record: 6-10
RPI: 189
Season 134
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 2-25
Conference Record: 2-14
RPI: 376
Season 133
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 8-19
Conference Record: 5-11
RPI: 323
Season 132
Div (III) - N. Coast
Overall Record: 8-20
Conference Record: 2-14
RPI: 277